Перевод: со всех языков на все языки

со всех языков на все языки

known to one and all

  • 1 Guhyasamaja-tantra (Treatise on the Sum Total of Mysteries, the earliest known written tantra and one of the most important of all Buddhist Tantras)

    Религия: "Гухьясамаджа - тантра"

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Guhyasamaja-tantra (Treatise on the Sum Total of Mysteries, the earliest known written tantra and one of the most important of all Buddhist Tantras)

  • 2 all

    adj. al; alle
    adv. alles
    n. allemaal, allen; alles
    pron. alles; allemaal, allen, iedereen
    [ o:l] 〈zelfstandig naamwoord; geen meervoud〉
    1   her jewels are her all haar juwelen zijn haar gehele bezit
    alle(n)allemaal, iedereen
    allesal, allemaal
    1   tennisthirty all dertig gelijk
         one and all, all and sundry alles en iedereen, jan en alleman
         they all have left, they have all left, all of them have left ze zijn allemaal weg
         all of the soldiers al de/alle soldaten
    2   when all is (said and) done uiteindelijk
         what's it all about? waar gaat het nou eigenlijk over?
         it's all one/the same to me het kan me (allemaal) niet schelen
         all that I could see het enige wat ik kon zien
         above all bovenal, voor alles
    it was all I could do to convince him ik had er de grootste moeite mee hem te overtuigen
         if you can't, I'll have to do it, that's all als jij het niet kunt, dan zal ik het moeten doen, zo simpel is/ligt dat
         once and for all voorgoed
         after all per slot van rekening, toch, tenslotte
         he can't walk at all hij kan helemaal niet lopen
         if I could do it at all als ik het maar enigszins kon doen
         did you do it at all? heb je het überhaupt/eigenlijk wel gedaan?
         she spoke very little if (she spoke) at all ze zei heel weinig, als ze dan al wat zei
         na bedankingnot at all niets te danken, graag gedaan
         for all I care he can get stuffed wat mij betreft kan hij de pot op
         for all I know voor zover ik weet
         for all I know, he might nog come at all misschien komt hij helemaal niet, weet ik veel
         in all in 't geheel, in totaal
         all in all al met al
         it costs all of \\td100 het kost niet minder dan 100 dollar
         and all enzovoort
         informeelhow could you do it, with your handicap and all? hoe heb je het kunnen doen, en dan nog wel met jouw handicap?
    → well well/
    helemaalgeheel, volledig; informeel heel, erg
    1   he went all mad hij werd knettergek
         all right in orde, okay
         all worn out helemaal versleten
         if it's all the same to you als het jou niets uitmaakt
         I've known it all along ik heb het altijd al geweten
         all at once plotseling
         all over again, Amerikaans-Engelsall over van voren af aan
         voornamelijk Amerikaans-Engelsbooks lay scattered all over er lagen overal boeken
         paint it blue all over schilder het helemaal blauw
         all round overal; figuurlijk in alle opzichten
         there was satisfaction all round iedereen was tevreden
         all too soon (maar) al te gauw
         I'm all for it ik ben er helemaal voor
    all the same toch, desondanks
         informeelit's not all that difficult zo (vreselijk) moeilijk is het nu ook weer niet
         all out uit alle macht; op volle snelheid; informeel bekaf
         go all out alles geven, alles op alles zetten
         that's Jack all over informeel dat is nou typisch Jack; hij lijkt precies op Jack
         informeelhe's all there hij is niet op zijn achterhoofd gevallen
         the dog was all over me de hond sprong van alle kanten tegen me op
         the family were all over me de familie verwelkomde me uitbundig
         all the better/sooner des te beter/sneller
    → all right all right/
    één en alAmerikaans-Engels puur, zuiver
    1   with all speed zo snel mogelijk
         informeelof all … nota bene drukt verontwaardiging of verbazing uit
         today of all days uitgerekend vandaag
         of all the nerve/ Brits-Engels cheek! wat een brutaliteit!
         they called on uncle Jim, of all people! ze gingen nota bene bij oom Jim op bezoek!
    2   beyond all doubt zonder enige twijfel
    3   he was all ears hij was één en al oor
         Amerikaans-Engelsit's all wool het is zuivere/100% wol
    al(le)geheel, gans
    al(le)ieder, elk
    1   all (the) angles (taken together) are 180° alle hoeken van een driehoek (samen) zijn 180°
         with all my heart van ganser harte
         voornamelijk Brits-Engelsall the morning, voornamelijk Amerikaans-Engelsall morning de hele morgen
    2   all (the) angles are 60° elke hoek is/alle hoeken zijn 60°
    → that that/

    English-Dutch dictionary > all

  • 3 all and sundry

    все вместе и каждый в отдельности;
    все без исключения I made tea for all and sundry at the office. ≈ Я приготовил всем (без исключения) чай. He was well known to all and sundry. ≈ Он был хорошо известен всем. Syn: one and all

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > all and sundry

  • 4 acronyms (new and funny)

    •• Широкое употребление сокращений – неотъемлемая черта любого живого современного языка. Многих это раздражает, но сокращения – реальность, с которой обязательно должен считаться переводчик. И в русском, и в английском языке, особенно в течение ХХ столетия, «накопились» тысячи, а возможно десятки тысяч сокращений. Но не случайно я поставил это слово в кавычки, ибо сокращения не столько накапливаются, сколько появляются и либо «прячутся», либо исчезают. Иными словами, у них часто весьма узкая сфера распространения и недолгий век. Но какие-то из них – довольно многие – закрепляются в языке практически на всем его «пространстве». Так, почти любому американцу известны такие сокращения, как UN – именно так, а не UNO (United Nations), DC (District of Columbia), NFL (National Football League), PTA (Parent Teacher Association), CD (в зависимости от контекста compact disc или certificate of deposit – срочный сберегательный вклад), MBA (Master of Business Administration), CNN (Cable News Network). В двух последних случаях сокращение живет, можно сказать, своей собственной жизнью, так как многие не знают или забыли его расшифровку. У нас в стране все или почти все знают, что такое ООН, ИТАР-ТАСС (тоже, пожалуй, в отрыве от расшифровки), ЧП, НТВ, ВВС (Военно-воздушные силы), фактически превратившиеся в слова вуз и кпд (коэффициент полезного действия) и многие другие сокращения.

    •• Для переводчика английского языка проблематика сокращений особенно актуальна, так как в последние два десятилетия американцы стали употреблять их значительно чаще, чем раньше. Наверное, они очень спешат, и даже электроника, вроде бы экономящая уйму времени, кажется, лишь подстегивает их бег.
    •• Начнем поэтому с сокращений, многие из которых получили распространение в переписке по электронной почте (ежедневно по электронной почте отправляется 9,8 миллиарда сообщений, из них, согласно оценкам, около половины – в Америке), но постепенно проникают и в другие сферы:
    •• ASAP (произносится по буквам) – as soon as possible;
    •• BTW – by the way;
    •• FCOL – for crying out loud! Это забавное выражение, приблизительный русский эквивалент которого – Ну неужели не ясно? – популярно особенно среди молодежи, но мне приходилось слышать его и от людей достаточно солидных, например, бывшего госсекретаря США Джеймса Бейкера;
    •• FYI – for your information;
    •• IMO – in my opinion (вариант, популярный в молодежной среде – IMHO – in my humble opinion);
    •• IOW – in other words;
    •• OTOH – on the other hand;
    •• TTYL – talk to you later;
    •• WYSIWYG – what you see is what you get. Это выражение, которое впервые встретилось мне в 1972 году во время показа по телевидению знаменитой хоккейной серии СССР-Канада (плакат с этим лозунгом развернули на трибунах канадские болельщики), каждый понимает, наверное, немного по-своему. В данном случае оно значило что-то вроде Мы играем в открытую, а может быть Мы вам покажем. Иногда возможен и почти буквальный перевод: Что видишь, то имеешь. He’s not changed. I’ll argue that till death. What you see is what you get (губернатор штата Коннектикут Дж. Роуланд о президенте Дж.Буше, цитирую по «Нью-Йорк таймс») –...Он весь на виду. В последнее время сокращение WYSIWYG используется также для обозначения программ, позволяющих создавать страницы (сайты) в Интернете, не прибегая к кодированию. Кстати, это выражение не следует путать с as is – так говорят о товарах (часто с явными или скрытыми дефектами), которые продаются с большой скидкой, но без права покупателя предъявлять претензии ( complaintsсм. статью претензия в русско-английской части словаря).
    •• Интересный класс сокращений – имена президентов США. Мне известно по крайней мере три таких сокращения:
    •• FDR – Franklin Delano Roosevelt и, соответственно, FDR Drive – шоссе имени Рузвельта (в Нью-Йорке);
    •• JFK – John Fitzgerald Kennedy и JFK Airport (в Нью-Йорке);
    •• LBJ – Lyndon Baines Johnson.
    •• При президенте Клинтоне некоторое распространение получили сокращения POTUS, VPOTUS и FLOTUS, соответственно President/Vice President/First Lady of the United States.
    •• Нынешнего президента Джорджа Буша (у нас принято называть его «младшим») в США именуют George W. Bush (его отец – просто George Bush, хотя официальное его имя – George H. W. Bush – George Herbert Walker Bush). В журналистике встречается упоминание его имени как W или фамильярное Dubya, например, в заголовке статьи в журнале Men’s Health: Dubya’s Sobering Up Strategy: Will It Work for You? – Подходит ли вам стратегия протрезвления «младшего»?
    •• Эпоха компьютеров и Интернета породила огромное количество сокращений, большинство из которых знакомы лишь «продвинутой» публике, однако некоторые надо знать:
    •• FAQ – frequently asked questions (специальная страница на многих сайтах, содержащая ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы);
    •• HTML – hypertext markup language (система кодирования для создания страниц в Интернете);
    •• ICQ – I seek you (специальный адрес для группового общения в Интернете);
    •• URL – uniform resource locator (унифицированная форма обозначения адресов).
    •• Сокращение ICQ особенно интересно, так как здесь мы имеем дело с так называемым meta-acronym – сокращением по фонетическому подобию. Раньше было известно, пожалуй, лишь одно такое сокращение: IOU ( I owe you) – долговая расписка, вексель. (Интересно, что похожее MOU – вполне обычное сокращение, которое расшифровывается memorandum of understanding – меморандум о договоренности/взаимопонимании.) В переписке по электронной почте встречается сокращение OIC – Oh I see.
    •• В виде одного из компонентов «фонетических псевдосокращений» может выступать цифра 2:
    •• B2B – business to business (деловые отношения «бизнес-бизнес»);
    •• B2C – business to consumer/customer («бизнес-клиент»).
    •• Сокращения с использованием цифр приобретают все большее распространение. Некоторые из них, строго говоря, сокращениями не являются, но условно их можно отнести к этой категории, например 20/20 (произносится twenty-twenty) – то же самое, что у нас окулисты называют единицей, т.е. идеальное зрение. Когда о человеке говорят He has the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, то имеют в виду, что он крепок задним умом.
    •• Похожее цифровое сокращение – 24/7 (произносится twenty-four seven). Смысл его ясен из рекламного лозунга телефонной компании: Sprint will be there for you 24/7 – «Спринт» всегда с вами – семь дней в неделю, двадцать четыре часа в сутки.
    •• Любому образованному американцу известно, что такое 101: например, History 101 – это начальный курс истории, читаемый первокурсникам (freshmen; второкурсники – sophomores; третьекурсники – juniors; четверокурсники – seniors) в американских университетах. В переносном смысле – азы.
    •• Некоммерческие организации, пожертвования в которые позволяют налогоплательщику уменьшить подлежащую обложению сумму своего дохода, называются в США 501 (c) 3 organizations – по нумерации соответствующей статьи законодательства (в устном переводе можно сказать просто благотворительная организация).
    •• Также от нумерации идет и сокращение 401 (k) – так называются индивидуальные сберегательные пенсионные счета с отложенной уплатой налога, открываемые работодателями для своих работников. Аналогичные счета, открываемые частными лицами, называются IRA – Individual Retirement Account (в совершенно ином контексте те же буквы обозначают Irish Republican Army – террористическую организацию Ирландская республиканская армия).
    •• К условной категории «цифровых сокращений» относится 1-800 number (произносится one eight hundred) – так называются специальные телефонные номера, по которым можно звонить бесплатно (они покупаются компаниями или организациями, заинтересованными в максимальном количестве обращений).
    •• Другое «телефонное сокращение» – 911 (произносится nine one one) – номер службы спасения (в США это, как правило, структурное подразделение полиции).
    •• Трагический день 11 сентября 2001 года в устной и письменной речи часто обозначается как 9/11 или 9-11 (произносится nine eleven).
    •• Номер 411 (произносится four one one) набирается в большинстве штатов при звонке в справочное бюро. В разговорной речи это словосочетание употребляется в смысле информация, сведения: Here’s the 411 on the fishing trip.
    •• Наконец, пресловутая компьютерная «проблема-2000», о которой так много говорили, а сейчас потихоньку забывают, обозначалась сокращением Y2K (буква Y в данном случае означает the year, а К – тысячу).
    •• Вошли в язык фактически на правах лексических единиц, понятных большинству, принятые Американской киноассоциацией категории кинофильмов, обозначающие их приемлемость для показа зрителям разных возрастов:
    •• G – General Audience. All ages admitted;
    •• PG – Parental guidance suggested. Some material may not be suitable for younger children;
    •• PG-13 – Parents Strongly Cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13;
    •• R – Restricted. Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian;
    •• NC-17 – No one 17 and under admitted.
    •• Эта добровольная, принятая в 1968 году классификация не включает фильмов, которые характеризуются как X-rated (синоним – porn). Кто-то хорошо сказал: «Я не знаю определения порнографии, но всегда узнаю́ ее, когда вижу». Производители подобной продукции не представляют ее на рассмотрение классификационной комиссии Американской киноассоциации и ее не показывают в обычных кинотеатрах. Интересно, что буква X не обязательно обозначает нечто неприличное. Так, Generation X (существует также вариант gen-x и gen-xers) – поколение Икс – это обозначение нового, «непонятного» поколения, вышедшего на арену в 1990-е годы (своего рода «племя младое, незнакомое»). The X-files - название известного кинофильма, переведенное у нас как «Секретные материалы». Здесь просматривается смысловой компонент «запретности», «ограниченного доступа», а в слове X-rays – рентгеновские лучи – скорее «новизны», недостаточной изученности.
    •• Значительно проще классификация кинофильмов, принятая в Соединенном Королевстве:
    •• U (в соседней Ирландии – Gen) – General release;
    •• 12 – Restricted to over-12s (в Ирландии 12PG – Under 12s admitted if accompanied by a parent or guardian);
    •• 15 – Restricted to over-15s (в Ирландии 15PG – Under 15s admitted if accompanied by a parent or guardian);
    •• 18 – Restricted to over-18s.
    •• В переводе категории киноклассификации следует давать латиницей с пояснением на русском языке (например, фильм категории PG-13 – «некоторые фрагменты нежелательно смотреть детям до 13 лет»).
    •• Несколько слов о так называемых emoticons – emotional icons. Они были придуманы на заре электронной почты, в 1979 году, Кевином Маккензи (Kevin MacKenzie) для обозначения на письме эмоций, выражения лица и т.п. Наиболее известные из них – :) и :( обозначают, соответственно, улыбку и недовольство. Список этих значков желающие могут найти, например, на сайте www.pb.org/emoticon.html. Иногда их заменяют буквенными сокращениями:
    •• <J> – joking;
    •• <L> – laughing;
    •• <S> – smiling;
    •• <Y> – yawning.
    •• И последнее. Сейчас в нашей печати и устной речи английские сокращения нередко даются латиницей без расшифровки и перевода, например NTSC, PAL – системы цветного телевидения, GSM – система мобильной телефонной связи, B-1, G-4 – виды американских въездных виз, www. – начальные буквы адресов в Интернете и многие другие. Это, однако, не освобождает переводчика от необходимости внимательно следить за возникающими сокращениями. Скорее наоборот. Ведь если вы «не в курсе», то рискуете не только не понять, но даже не услышать сокращение, которое будет восприниматься как своего рода фонетический шум.
    •• * Акронимы, порождаемые во все большем количестве самим темпом нынешней жизни, являются законным предметом лексикографической дискуссии. Например, должны ли отражаться в словарях сокращения, содержащие фонетически читаемые числительные? Есть мнение, что сокращение gr8 ( great) – это просто «выпендреж». Вот что пишет одна из моих корреспонденток: «Есть большая разница между B2B (business-to-business) и gr8. В первом случае создан новый термин, в духе интернетовской лапидарности, а gr8 никакого оправдания, по-моему, не имеет. Просто сор. Упаси Бог от расширения применения таких окказиональных акронимов и их утверждения в языке: в истории письменности была уже революция, связанная с использованием пиктограмм как символов алфавита. Зачем нужна новая (фактически обратная) – непонятно». Уточнение другого корреспондента: «Такой “сор”, как gr8, возник благодаря “услуге обмена короткими сообщениями” (SMS) между мобильными телефонами».
    •• И довольно информативное возражение (благодарю автора, выступающего на сайте www.lingvoda.ru под псевдонимом vtora, за это сообщение и многие другие интересные комментарии и замечания): «Подростки с сотовыми телефонами, так называемое Thumb-Generation, т. е. поколение с гиперразвитыми от постоянного клацанья по сотовому большими пальцами, через десять-пятнадцать лет станут CEOs, журналистами, преподавателями, лексикографами и т.д. Часть из них не откажется от SMS-языка, поэтому я не советую игнорировать это явление. Вот сочинение на тему «Как я провел лето» с переводом на BBC English:
    •• My smmr hols wr CWOT. B4, we usd 2 go 2 NY 2C my bro, his GF & thr 3:-\@ kds FTF. ILNY, its gr8.
    •• Bt my Ps wr so:-/BC o 9/11 tht they dcdd 2 stay in SCO & spnd 2wks up N.
    •• Up N, WUCIWUG – 0. I ws vvv brd in MON. 0 bt baas & ^^^^.
    •• AAR8, my Ps wr:-) – they sd ICBW, & tht they wr ha-p 4 the pc&qt...IDTS!! I wntd 2 go hm ASAP, 2C my M8s again.
    •• 2day, I cam bk 2 skool. I feel v O:-) BC I hv dn all my hm wrk. Now its BAU
    •• Here’s the translation:
    •• My summer holidays were a complete waste of time. Before, we used to go to New York to see my brother, his girlfriend and their three screaming kids face to face. I love New York, it’s a great place.
    •• But my parents were so worried because of the terrorism attack on September 11 that they decided we would stay in Scotland and spend two weeks up north.
    •• Up north, what you see is what you get – nothing. I was extremely bored in the middle of nowhere. Nothing but sheep and mountains.
    •• At any rate, my parents were happy. They said that it could be worse, and that they were happy with the peace and quiet. I don’t think so! I wanted to go home as soon as possible, to see my friends again.
    •• Today I came back to school. I feel very saintly because I have done all my homework. Now it’s business as usual.
    •• Должен сказать, что мне удалось правильно расшифровать почти все, за исключением IDTS!, который я принял за Idiots!
    •• По сообщению Daily Telegraph, в новом издании Collins English Dictionary есть следующие сокращения:
    •• A3 means anytime, anywhere, any place; ATB, all the best; BBL, be back later; HAND, have a nice day; KISS, keep it simple, stupid; and IYKWIMAITYD, if you know what I mean and I think you do. GAL, incidentally, translates as get a life.
    •• Недавно по экранам прошло два фильма с подобными акронимами – 2 Fast 2 Furious (с нехитрым «дубль-антандром» – в фильме два главных героя) и известный у нас фильм Л. Мудисона Lilya 4-Ever. Налицо тенденция, набирающая силу.
    •• Конечно, SMS – не единственный источник новых сокращений. Их генераторами продолжают являться такие сферы, как политика, война, бюрократия и т.д. Многие из них входят в язык и должны отражаться в словарях.
    •• Вот, например, цитата из более чем респектабельного New York Review of Books:
    •• The Coalition Media Center, at the Saliyah military base in Doha, Qatar, seems designed to be as annoying and inconvenient as possible for reporters. To get there from the center of town, you have to take a half-hour ride through a baking, barren expanse of desert. At the gate, you have to submit your electronic equipment to a K-9 search, your bags to inspection, and your body to an X-ray scan.
    •• K-9 search – обыск с собаками ( canine search). Сразу можно и не догадаться. (Мне сообщили, что K-9 обязан своей популяризацией одноименному фильму с Дж. Белуши и немецкой овчаркой.)
    •• Интересное сообщение одного из моих корреспондентов: «Видел карикатуру в журнале New Yorker: в легковом автомобиле едет Годзилла, на заднем плане дымящиеся развалины небоскребов. Номерной знак на машине: “I 8 NY”. Еще есть нефтеперерабатывающая компания Q8. Угадайте откуда». Для недогадливых: I ate New York и Kuwait.
    •• Еще одно сокращение стало актуальным в связи с иракской войной. Судя по статье в New York Times, оно пока не всем известно:
    •• A few days ago I talked to a soldier just back from Iraq. He’d been in a relatively calm area; his main complaint was about food. Four months after the fall of Baghdad, his unit was still eating the dreaded M.R.E.’s: meals ready to eat. When Italian troops moved into the area, their food was way more realistic- and American troops were soon trading whatever they could for some of that Italian food.
    •• Забавно здесь и сказанное о еде way more realistic, т.е. гораздо больше похоже на настоящую/реальную еду. Комментарий моего активного корреспондента (псевдоним Red Threat): «Американцы в шутку расшифровывают MRE как Meals Refused by Ethiopians. Насчет того, что они dreaded, – сказки, просто американцы малость закушались. Лично доводилось умять не одну упаковку – вполне съедобно, пусть и не “обеды, как у мамы”».
    •• Официальное американское название «войны с терроризмом» – global war on terrorism, и нередко в текстах это сокращение появляется без предварительной или последующей расшифровки. Так, в одной из статей в журнале Weekly Standard цитируется официальный доклад о Китае:
    •• Although most Chinese observers believe the U.S. force posture post-September 11 is based on a legitimate need to prosecute the GWOT, many remain suspicious and have implied that the ‘real’ U.S. intentions behind the realignment will not be known until the GWOT is more or less over.
    •• Напоминает нашу ВОВ ( Великую Отечественную войну) – сокращение, которое многих коробит. Еще из этого репертуара – GITMO ( Guantanamo) – строго говоря, не сокращение, а условный акроним, как, скажем, LAX ( аэропорт Лос-Анджелес). Наконец, часто встречается AQ ( Al Qaeda).
    •• А вот еще одно сокращение, встречающееся без расшифровки и не всем известное, – FUBAR. Цитата из журнала Atlantic:
    •• I never failed to be impressed by the notion that old-fashioned morality – inflexible and unforgiving – is sufficient unto any FUBAR situation human beings can dream up.
    •• Расшифровку найти было нетрудно: f( ucked) u(p) b( eyond) a(ll) r( ecognition), равно как и определение: utterly botched or confused (оба – из American Heritage Dictionary). Словари дают и другие расшифровки (часто с пометой polite): fouled up beyond all reason/ recognition/ recovery/ reality. Происхождение сокращения (как и аналогичного SNAFU – situation normal all fouled up) – военное: ( WWII military slang) Fucked up beyond all recognition ( or repair). В переводе приведенного примера, как мне кажется, нет особой необходимости искать что-нибудь аналогичное, с военным оттенком. Вариант:
    •• Мне всегда казалась удивительной идея, что старомодной нравственности – никому не уступающей и ничего не прощающей – вполне достаточно, чтобы найти выход из любой, даже самой идиотской/дикой ситуации, в которой может оказаться человек.
    •• Свежий пример акронима, порожденного политической борьбой, – RINO. Расшифровка и определение – в статье из журнала Time:
    •• Republican Senator Arlen Specter, who has angered conservatives by opposing big tax cuts and being pro-choice, now has the RINO hunterson his trail. RINO stands for Republicans in Name Only- meaning moderate Republicans, who are the target of a zealous but increasingly potent group of conservatives called the Club for Growth. <...> “If we’re going to be a major political force,” says club president Stephen Moore, “we have to defeat one of the incumbent RINOs.
    •• То есть республиканцы только на словах.
    •• Помимо отмеченных в «Моем несистематическом словаре» POTUS и FLOTUS встречается (без расшифровки) также SOTU – the State of the Union ( address). Пример из журнала Atlantic:
    •• Within the confines of a SOTU address, something for everyone is the traditional way to go. <...> Each of the President’s SOTU addresses has included a surprise element.
    •• Первое предложение так и хочется перевести:
    •• В посланиях президента « О положении страны» традиционным является принцип «всем сестрам – по серьгам».
    •• Следует добавить в словари и сравнительно новую расшифровку PC – political correctness ( politically correct), часто встречающуюся в публицистике:
    •• From the mouth of a liberal politician, this list of religious symbols might be criticized as PC-style multiculturalism. (Atlantic) - Прозвучи этот перечень религиозных символов из уст политика-либерала, его стали бы ругать за проповедь культурного многообразия в духе политкорректности.
    •• Еще одно дополнение к «Несистематическому»: читая книгу Сузанны Мур In the Cut, я обнаружил, что упущен 900 number. Вот цитата, из которой ясно значение:
    •• Before his death Gacy’s voice could be heard on a 900-number by anyone interested enough to pay three dollars a minute to hear Gacy explain that he didn’t kill those boys. (Чаще пишут без дефиса.)
    •• Эти номера называют pay-per-call numbers (номера, звонок на который оплачивается). Не знаю, есть ли краткий русский эквивалент. Полезная информация о нюансах этой системы на сайте Федеральной комиссии по связи: http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/consumerfacts/900Fact.html.

    English-Russian nonsystematic dictionary > acronyms (new and funny)

  • 5 switchgear and controlgear

    1. НКУ распределения и управления
    2. коммутационная аппаратура и аппаратура управления
    3. аппаратура распределения и управления


    аппаратура распределения и управления
    Общий термин для коммутационных аппаратов и их комбинации с относящимися к ним устройствами управления, измерения, защиты и регулирования, а также для узлов, в которых такие аппараты и устройства соединяются с соответствующими фидерами, комплектующим оборудованием, оболочками и опорными конструкциями.
    МЭК 60050 (441-11-01) [1].
    [ ГОСТ Р 50030. 1-2000 ( МЭК 60947-1-99)]


    switchgear and controlgear
    general term covering switching devices and their combination with associated control, measuring, protective and regulating equipment, also assemblies of such devices and equipment with associated interconnections, accessories, enclosures and supporting structures
    [IEC 62271-1, ed. 1.0 (2007-10)]


    terme général applicable aux appareils de connexion et à leur combinaison avec des appareils de commande, de mesure, de protection et de réglage qui leur sont associés, ainsi qu’aux ensembles de tels appareils avec les connexions, les accessoires, les enveloppes et les charpentes correspondantes
    [IEC 62271-1, ed. 1.0 (2007-10)]


    • аппарат, изделие, устройство...



    • Schaltanlagen und/oder Schaltgeräte



    коммутационная аппаратура и аппаратура управления
    Электрическое оборудование, предназначенное для присоединения к электрической цепи с целью выполнения одной или более следующих функций: защиты, управления, разъединения, коммутации.
    [ ГОСТ Р МЭК 60050-826-2009]


    switchgear and controlgear
    electric equipment intended to be connected to an electric circuit for the purpose of carrying out one or more of the following functions: protection, control, isolation, switching
    NOTE – The French and English terms can be considered as equivalent in most cases. However, the French term has a broader meaning than the English term and includes for example connecting devices, plugs and socket-outlets, etc. In English, these latter devices are known as accessories.
    [IEV number 826-16-03]


    appareillage, m
    matériel électrique destiné à être relié à un circuit électrique en vue d'assurer une ou plusieurs des fonctions suivantes: protection, commande, sectionnement, connexion
    NOTE – Les termes français et anglais peuvent être considérés comme équivalents dans la plupart des cas. Toutefois, le terme français couvre un domaine plus étendu que le terme anglais, et comprend notamment les dispositifs de connexion, les prises de courant, etc. En anglais, ces derniers sont dénommés "accessories".
    [IEV number 826-16-03]




    • Schaltgerät, n
    • Steuergerät, n


    • appareillage, m


    низковольтное устройство распределения и управления (НКУ)
    Низковольтные коммутационные аппараты и устройства управления, измерения, сигнализации, защиты, регулирования, собранные совместно, со всеми внутренними электрическими и механическими соединениями и конструктивными элементами.
    [ ГОСТ Р МЭК 61439-1-2012]

    низковольтное устройство распределения и управления

    Комбинация низковольтных коммутационных аппаратов с устройствами управления, измерения, сигнализации, защиты, регулирования и т. п., полностью смонтированных изготовителем НКУ (под его ответственность на единой конструктивной основе) со всеми внутренними электрическими и механическими соединениями с соответствующими конструктивными элементами
    1. В настоящем стандарте сокращение НКУ используют для обозначения низковольтных комплектных устройств распределения и управления.
    2. Аппараты, входящие в состав НКУ, могут быть электромеханическими или электронными.
    3. По различным причинам, например по условиям транспортирования или изготовления, некоторые операции сборки могут быть выполнены на месте установки, вне предприятия-изготовителя.
    [ ГОСТ Р 51321. 1-2000 ( МЭК 60439-1-92)]


    power switchgear and controlgear assembly (PSC-assembly)
    low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assembly used to distribute and control energy for all types of loads, intended for industrial, commercial and similar applications where operation by ordinary persons is not intended
    [IEC 61439-2, ed. 1.0 (2009-01)]

    low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assembly
    combination of one or more low-voltage switching devices together with associated control, measuring, signalling, protective, regulation equipment, etc., completely assembled under the responsibility of the manufacturer with all the internal electrical and mechanical interconnections and structural parts.
    [IEC 61892-3, ed. 2.0 (2007-11)]

    switchgear and controlgear
    a general term covering switching devices and their combination with associated control, measuring, protective and regulating equipment, also assemblies of such devices and equipment with associated interconnections, accessories, enclosures and supporting structures
    [IEV number 441-11-01]

    switchgear and controlgear

    electric equipment intended to be connected to an electric circuit for the purpose of carrying out one or more of the following functions: protection, control, isolation, switching
    NOTE – The French and English terms can be considered as equivalent in most cases. However, the French term has a broader meaning than the English term and includes for example connecting devices, plugs and socket-outlets, etc. In English, these latter devices are known as accessories.
    [IEV number 826-16-03 ]

    A large single electric control panel, frame, or assembly of panels on which are mounted (either on the back or on the face, or both) switches, overcurrent and other protective devices, buses, and usually instruments; not intended for installation in a cabinet but may be completely enclosed in metal; usually is accessible from both the front and rear.
    [ McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture & Construction]

    One or more panels accommodating control switches, indicators, and other apparatus for operating electric circuits
    [ The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language]


    ensemble d'appareillage de puissance (ensemble PSC)
    ensemble d'appareillage à basse tension utilisé pour répartir et commander l'énergie pour tous les types de charges et prévu pour des applications industrielles, commerciales et analogues dans lesquelles l'exploitation par des personnes ordinaires n'est pas prévue
    [IEC 61439-2, ed. 1.0 (2009-01)]

    appareillage, m
    matériel électrique destiné à être relié à un circuit électrique en vue d'assurer une ou plusieurs des fonctions suivantes: protection, commande, sectionnement, connexion
    NOTE – Les termes français et anglais peuvent être considérés comme équivalents dans la plupart des cas. Toutefois, le terme français couvre un domaine plus étendu que le terme anglais, et comprend notamment les dispositifs de connexion, les prises de courant, etc. En anglais, ces derniers sont dénommés "accessories".
    [IEV number 826-16-03 ]

    terme général applicable aux appareils de connexion et à leur combinaison avec des appareils de commande, de mesure, de protection et de réglage qui leur sont associés, ainsi qu'aux ensembles de tels appareils avec les connexions, les accessoires, les enveloppes et les charpentes correspondantes
    [IEV number 441-11-01]

    A switchboard as defined in the National Electrical Code is a large single panel, frame, or assembly of panels on which are mounted, on the face or back or both switches, overcurrent and other protective devices, buses, and, usually, instruments.
    Switchboards are generally accessible from the rear as well as from the front and are not intended to be installed in cabinets.
    The types of switchboards, classified by basic features of construction, are as follows:
    1. Live-front vertical panels
    2. Dead-front boards
    3. Safety enclosed boards( metal-clad)

    [American electricians’ handbook]

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    The switchboard plays an essential role in the availability of electric power, while meeting the needs of personal and property safety.

    Its definition, design and installation are based on precise rules; there is no place for improvisation.

    The IEC 61439 standard aims to better define " low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies", ensuring that the specified performances are reached.

    It specifies in particular:

    > the responsibilities of each player, distinguishing those of the original equipment manufacturer - the organization that performed the original design and associated verification of an assembly in accordance with the standard, and of the assembly manufacturer - the organization taking responsibility for the finished assembly;

    > the design and verification rules, constituting a benchmark for product certification.

    All the component parts of the electrical switchboard are concerned by the IEC 61439 standard.

    Equipment produced in accordance with the requirements of this switchboard standard ensures the safety and reliability of the installation.

    A switchboard must comply with the requirements of standard IEC 61439-1 and 2 to guarantee the safety and reliability of the installation.

    Managers of installations, fully aware of the professional and legal liabilities weighing on their company and on themselves, demand a high level of safety for the electrical installation.

    What is more, the serious economic consequences of prolonged halts in production mean that the electrical switchboard must provide excellent continuity of service, whatever the operating conditions.

    [Schneider Electric]

    НКУ играет главную роль в обеспечении электроэнергией, удовлетворяя при этом всем требованиям по безопасности людей и сохранности имущества.

    Выбор конструкции, проектирование и монтаж основаны на чётких правилах, не допускающих никакой импровизации.

    Требования к низковольтным комплектным устройствам распределения и управления сформулированы в стандарте МЭК 61439 (ГОСТ Р 51321. 1-2000).

    В частности, он определяет:

    > распределение ответственности между изготовителем НКУ - организацией, разработавшей конструкцию НКУ и проверившей его на соответствие требованиям стандарта, и сборщиком – организацией, выполнившей сборку НКУ;

    > конструкцию, технические характеристики, виды и методы испытаний НКУ.

    В стандарте МЭК 61439 (ГОСТ Р 51321. 1-2000) описываются все компоненты НКУ.

    Оборудование, изготовленное в соответствии с требованиями этого стандарта, обеспечивает безопасность и надежность электроустановки.

    Для того чтобы гарантировать безопасность эксплуатации и надежность работы электроустановки, распределительный щит должен соответствовать требованиям стандарта МЭК 61439-1 и 2.

    Лица, ответственные за электроустановки, должны быть полностью осведомлены о профессиональной и юридической ответственности, возложенной на их компанию и на них лично, за обеспечение высокого уровня безопасности эксплуатации этих электроустановок.

    Кроме того, поскольку длительные перерывы производства приводят к серьезным экономическим последствиям, электрический распределительный щит должен обеспечивать надежную и бесперебойную работу независимо от условий эксплуатации.

    [Перевод Интент]


    LV switchgear assemblies are undoubtedly the components of the electric installation more subject to the direct intervention of personnel (operations, maintenance, etc.) and for this reason users demand from them higher and higher safety requirements.

    The compliance of an assembly with the state of the art and therefore, presumptively, with the relevant technical Standard, cannot be based only on the fact that the components which constitute it comply with the state of the art and therefore, at least presumptively, with the relevant technical standards.

    In other words, the whole assembly must be designed, built and tested in compliance with the state of the art.

    Since the assemblies under consideration are low voltage equipment, their rated voltage shall not exceed 1000 Va.c. or 1500 Vd.c. As regards currents, neither upper nor lower limits are provided in the application field of this Standard.

    The Standard IEC 60439-1 states the construction, safety and maintenance requirements for low voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies, without dealing with the functional aspects which remain a competence of the designer of the plant for which the assembly is intended.


    Низковольтные комплектные устройства (НКУ), вне всякого сомнения, являются частями электроустановок, которые наиболее подвержены непосредственному вмешательству оперативного, обслуживающего и т. п. персонала. Вот почему требования потребителей к безопасности НКУ становятся все выше и выше.

    Соответствие НКУ современному положению дел и вследствие этого, гипотетически, соответствующим техническим стандартам, не может основываться только на том факте, что составляющие НКУ компоненты соответствуют современному состоянию дел и поэтому, по крайней мере, гипотетически, - соответствующим техническим стандартам

    Другими словами, НКУ должно быть разработано, изготовлено и испытано в соответствии с современными требованиями.

    Мы рассматриваем низковольтные комплектные устройства и это означает, что их номинальное напряжение не превышает 1000 В переменного тока или 1500 В постоянного тока. Что касается тока, то ни верхнее, ни нижнее значение стандартами, относящимися к данной области, не оговариваются

    Стандарт МЭК 60439-1 устанавливает требования к конструкции, безопасности и техническому обслуживанию низковольтных комплектных устройств без учета их функций, полагая, что функции НКУ являются компетенцией проектировщиков электроустановки, частью которых эти НКУ являются.

    [Перевод Интент]


    • НКУ (шкафы, пульты,...)





    Сопутствующие термины



    • Schaltanlagen und/oder Schaltgeräte


    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > switchgear and controlgear

  • 6 power switchgear and controlgear assembly

    1. силовое комплектное устройство распределения и управления
    2. НКУ распределения и управления


    низковольтное устройство распределения и управления (НКУ)
    Низковольтные коммутационные аппараты и устройства управления, измерения, сигнализации, защиты, регулирования, собранные совместно, со всеми внутренними электрическими и механическими соединениями и конструктивными элементами.
    [ ГОСТ Р МЭК 61439-1-2012]

    низковольтное устройство распределения и управления

    Комбинация низковольтных коммутационных аппаратов с устройствами управления, измерения, сигнализации, защиты, регулирования и т. п., полностью смонтированных изготовителем НКУ (под его ответственность на единой конструктивной основе) со всеми внутренними электрическими и механическими соединениями с соответствующими конструктивными элементами
    1. В настоящем стандарте сокращение НКУ используют для обозначения низковольтных комплектных устройств распределения и управления.
    2. Аппараты, входящие в состав НКУ, могут быть электромеханическими или электронными.
    3. По различным причинам, например по условиям транспортирования или изготовления, некоторые операции сборки могут быть выполнены на месте установки, вне предприятия-изготовителя.
    [ ГОСТ Р 51321. 1-2000 ( МЭК 60439-1-92)]


    power switchgear and controlgear assembly (PSC-assembly)
    low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assembly used to distribute and control energy for all types of loads, intended for industrial, commercial and similar applications where operation by ordinary persons is not intended
    [IEC 61439-2, ed. 1.0 (2009-01)]

    low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assembly
    combination of one or more low-voltage switching devices together with associated control, measuring, signalling, protective, regulation equipment, etc., completely assembled under the responsibility of the manufacturer with all the internal electrical and mechanical interconnections and structural parts.
    [IEC 61892-3, ed. 2.0 (2007-11)]

    switchgear and controlgear
    a general term covering switching devices and their combination with associated control, measuring, protective and regulating equipment, also assemblies of such devices and equipment with associated interconnections, accessories, enclosures and supporting structures
    [IEV number 441-11-01]

    switchgear and controlgear

    electric equipment intended to be connected to an electric circuit for the purpose of carrying out one or more of the following functions: protection, control, isolation, switching
    NOTE – The French and English terms can be considered as equivalent in most cases. However, the French term has a broader meaning than the English term and includes for example connecting devices, plugs and socket-outlets, etc. In English, these latter devices are known as accessories.
    [IEV number 826-16-03 ]

    A large single electric control panel, frame, or assembly of panels on which are mounted (either on the back or on the face, or both) switches, overcurrent and other protective devices, buses, and usually instruments; not intended for installation in a cabinet but may be completely enclosed in metal; usually is accessible from both the front and rear.
    [ McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture & Construction]

    One or more panels accommodating control switches, indicators, and other apparatus for operating electric circuits
    [ The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language]


    ensemble d'appareillage de puissance (ensemble PSC)
    ensemble d'appareillage à basse tension utilisé pour répartir et commander l'énergie pour tous les types de charges et prévu pour des applications industrielles, commerciales et analogues dans lesquelles l'exploitation par des personnes ordinaires n'est pas prévue
    [IEC 61439-2, ed. 1.0 (2009-01)]

    appareillage, m
    matériel électrique destiné à être relié à un circuit électrique en vue d'assurer une ou plusieurs des fonctions suivantes: protection, commande, sectionnement, connexion
    NOTE – Les termes français et anglais peuvent être considérés comme équivalents dans la plupart des cas. Toutefois, le terme français couvre un domaine plus étendu que le terme anglais, et comprend notamment les dispositifs de connexion, les prises de courant, etc. En anglais, ces derniers sont dénommés "accessories".
    [IEV number 826-16-03 ]

    terme général applicable aux appareils de connexion et à leur combinaison avec des appareils de commande, de mesure, de protection et de réglage qui leur sont associés, ainsi qu'aux ensembles de tels appareils avec les connexions, les accessoires, les enveloppes et les charpentes correspondantes
    [IEV number 441-11-01]

    A switchboard as defined in the National Electrical Code is a large single panel, frame, or assembly of panels on which are mounted, on the face or back or both switches, overcurrent and other protective devices, buses, and, usually, instruments.
    Switchboards are generally accessible from the rear as well as from the front and are not intended to be installed in cabinets.
    The types of switchboards, classified by basic features of construction, are as follows:
    1. Live-front vertical panels
    2. Dead-front boards
    3. Safety enclosed boards( metal-clad)

    [American electricians’ handbook]

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    The switchboard plays an essential role in the availability of electric power, while meeting the needs of personal and property safety.

    Its definition, design and installation are based on precise rules; there is no place for improvisation.

    The IEC 61439 standard aims to better define " low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies", ensuring that the specified performances are reached.

    It specifies in particular:

    > the responsibilities of each player, distinguishing those of the original equipment manufacturer - the organization that performed the original design and associated verification of an assembly in accordance with the standard, and of the assembly manufacturer - the organization taking responsibility for the finished assembly;

    > the design and verification rules, constituting a benchmark for product certification.

    All the component parts of the electrical switchboard are concerned by the IEC 61439 standard.

    Equipment produced in accordance with the requirements of this switchboard standard ensures the safety and reliability of the installation.

    A switchboard must comply with the requirements of standard IEC 61439-1 and 2 to guarantee the safety and reliability of the installation.

    Managers of installations, fully aware of the professional and legal liabilities weighing on their company and on themselves, demand a high level of safety for the electrical installation.

    What is more, the serious economic consequences of prolonged halts in production mean that the electrical switchboard must provide excellent continuity of service, whatever the operating conditions.

    [Schneider Electric]

    НКУ играет главную роль в обеспечении электроэнергией, удовлетворяя при этом всем требованиям по безопасности людей и сохранности имущества.

    Выбор конструкции, проектирование и монтаж основаны на чётких правилах, не допускающих никакой импровизации.

    Требования к низковольтным комплектным устройствам распределения и управления сформулированы в стандарте МЭК 61439 (ГОСТ Р 51321. 1-2000).

    В частности, он определяет:

    > распределение ответственности между изготовителем НКУ - организацией, разработавшей конструкцию НКУ и проверившей его на соответствие требованиям стандарта, и сборщиком – организацией, выполнившей сборку НКУ;

    > конструкцию, технические характеристики, виды и методы испытаний НКУ.

    В стандарте МЭК 61439 (ГОСТ Р 51321. 1-2000) описываются все компоненты НКУ.

    Оборудование, изготовленное в соответствии с требованиями этого стандарта, обеспечивает безопасность и надежность электроустановки.

    Для того чтобы гарантировать безопасность эксплуатации и надежность работы электроустановки, распределительный щит должен соответствовать требованиям стандарта МЭК 61439-1 и 2.

    Лица, ответственные за электроустановки, должны быть полностью осведомлены о профессиональной и юридической ответственности, возложенной на их компанию и на них лично, за обеспечение высокого уровня безопасности эксплуатации этих электроустановок.

    Кроме того, поскольку длительные перерывы производства приводят к серьезным экономическим последствиям, электрический распределительный щит должен обеспечивать надежную и бесперебойную работу независимо от условий эксплуатации.

    [Перевод Интент]


    LV switchgear assemblies are undoubtedly the components of the electric installation more subject to the direct intervention of personnel (operations, maintenance, etc.) and for this reason users demand from them higher and higher safety requirements.

    The compliance of an assembly with the state of the art and therefore, presumptively, with the relevant technical Standard, cannot be based only on the fact that the components which constitute it comply with the state of the art and therefore, at least presumptively, with the relevant technical standards.

    In other words, the whole assembly must be designed, built and tested in compliance with the state of the art.

    Since the assemblies under consideration are low voltage equipment, their rated voltage shall not exceed 1000 Va.c. or 1500 Vd.c. As regards currents, neither upper nor lower limits are provided in the application field of this Standard.

    The Standard IEC 60439-1 states the construction, safety and maintenance requirements for low voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies, without dealing with the functional aspects which remain a competence of the designer of the plant for which the assembly is intended.


    Низковольтные комплектные устройства (НКУ), вне всякого сомнения, являются частями электроустановок, которые наиболее подвержены непосредственному вмешательству оперативного, обслуживающего и т. п. персонала. Вот почему требования потребителей к безопасности НКУ становятся все выше и выше.

    Соответствие НКУ современному положению дел и вследствие этого, гипотетически, соответствующим техническим стандартам, не может основываться только на том факте, что составляющие НКУ компоненты соответствуют современному состоянию дел и поэтому, по крайней мере, гипотетически, - соответствующим техническим стандартам

    Другими словами, НКУ должно быть разработано, изготовлено и испытано в соответствии с современными требованиями.

    Мы рассматриваем низковольтные комплектные устройства и это означает, что их номинальное напряжение не превышает 1000 В переменного тока или 1500 В постоянного тока. Что касается тока, то ни верхнее, ни нижнее значение стандартами, относящимися к данной области, не оговариваются

    Стандарт МЭК 60439-1 устанавливает требования к конструкции, безопасности и техническому обслуживанию низковольтных комплектных устройств без учета их функций, полагая, что функции НКУ являются компетенцией проектировщиков электроустановки, частью которых эти НКУ являются.

    [Перевод Интент]


    • НКУ (шкафы, пульты,...)





    Сопутствующие термины



    • Schaltanlagen und/oder Schaltgeräte



    силовое комплектное устройство распределения и управления

    Низковольтное комплектное устройство распределения и управления, применяемое для распределения и управления энергией всех типов нагрузок промышленного, коммерческого и аналогичного назначений, не предназначенное для управления не квалифицированным персоналом.
    [ ГОСТ Р МЭК 61439.2-2012]


    power switchgear and controlgear assembly

    low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assembly used to distribute and control energy for all types of loads, intended for industrial, commercial and similar applications where operation by ordinary persons is not intended
    NOTE It is not excluded for a PSC-assembly to be located in an area accessible to ordinary persons.
    [IEC 61439-2, ed. 2.0 (2011-08)]


    ensemble d'appareillage de puissance
    ensemble EAP
    ensemble d'appareillage à basse tension utilisé pour répartir et commander l'énergie pour tous les types de charges et prévu pour des applications industrielles, commerciales et analogues dans lesquelles l'exploitation par des personnes ordinaires n'est pas prévue
    NOTE Il n’est pas exclu d’implanter un ensemble EAP dans une zone accessible aux personnes ordinaires.
    [IEC 61439-2, ed. 2.0 (2011-08)]


    • НКУ (шкафы, пульты,...)




    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > power switchgear and controlgear assembly

  • 7 low voltage controlgear and assembly

    1. НКУ распределения и управления


    низковольтное устройство распределения и управления (НКУ)
    Низковольтные коммутационные аппараты и устройства управления, измерения, сигнализации, защиты, регулирования, собранные совместно, со всеми внутренними электрическими и механическими соединениями и конструктивными элементами.
    [ ГОСТ Р МЭК 61439-1-2012]

    низковольтное устройство распределения и управления

    Комбинация низковольтных коммутационных аппаратов с устройствами управления, измерения, сигнализации, защиты, регулирования и т. п., полностью смонтированных изготовителем НКУ (под его ответственность на единой конструктивной основе) со всеми внутренними электрическими и механическими соединениями с соответствующими конструктивными элементами
    1. В настоящем стандарте сокращение НКУ используют для обозначения низковольтных комплектных устройств распределения и управления.
    2. Аппараты, входящие в состав НКУ, могут быть электромеханическими или электронными.
    3. По различным причинам, например по условиям транспортирования или изготовления, некоторые операции сборки могут быть выполнены на месте установки, вне предприятия-изготовителя.
    [ ГОСТ Р 51321. 1-2000 ( МЭК 60439-1-92)]


    power switchgear and controlgear assembly (PSC-assembly)
    low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assembly used to distribute and control energy for all types of loads, intended for industrial, commercial and similar applications where operation by ordinary persons is not intended
    [IEC 61439-2, ed. 1.0 (2009-01)]

    low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assembly
    combination of one or more low-voltage switching devices together with associated control, measuring, signalling, protective, regulation equipment, etc., completely assembled under the responsibility of the manufacturer with all the internal electrical and mechanical interconnections and structural parts.
    [IEC 61892-3, ed. 2.0 (2007-11)]

    switchgear and controlgear
    a general term covering switching devices and their combination with associated control, measuring, protective and regulating equipment, also assemblies of such devices and equipment with associated interconnections, accessories, enclosures and supporting structures
    [IEV number 441-11-01]

    switchgear and controlgear

    electric equipment intended to be connected to an electric circuit for the purpose of carrying out one or more of the following functions: protection, control, isolation, switching
    NOTE – The French and English terms can be considered as equivalent in most cases. However, the French term has a broader meaning than the English term and includes for example connecting devices, plugs and socket-outlets, etc. In English, these latter devices are known as accessories.
    [IEV number 826-16-03 ]

    A large single electric control panel, frame, or assembly of panels on which are mounted (either on the back or on the face, or both) switches, overcurrent and other protective devices, buses, and usually instruments; not intended for installation in a cabinet but may be completely enclosed in metal; usually is accessible from both the front and rear.
    [ McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture & Construction]

    One or more panels accommodating control switches, indicators, and other apparatus for operating electric circuits
    [ The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language]


    ensemble d'appareillage de puissance (ensemble PSC)
    ensemble d'appareillage à basse tension utilisé pour répartir et commander l'énergie pour tous les types de charges et prévu pour des applications industrielles, commerciales et analogues dans lesquelles l'exploitation par des personnes ordinaires n'est pas prévue
    [IEC 61439-2, ed. 1.0 (2009-01)]

    appareillage, m
    matériel électrique destiné à être relié à un circuit électrique en vue d'assurer une ou plusieurs des fonctions suivantes: protection, commande, sectionnement, connexion
    NOTE – Les termes français et anglais peuvent être considérés comme équivalents dans la plupart des cas. Toutefois, le terme français couvre un domaine plus étendu que le terme anglais, et comprend notamment les dispositifs de connexion, les prises de courant, etc. En anglais, ces derniers sont dénommés "accessories".
    [IEV number 826-16-03 ]

    terme général applicable aux appareils de connexion et à leur combinaison avec des appareils de commande, de mesure, de protection et de réglage qui leur sont associés, ainsi qu'aux ensembles de tels appareils avec les connexions, les accessoires, les enveloppes et les charpentes correspondantes
    [IEV number 441-11-01]

    A switchboard as defined in the National Electrical Code is a large single panel, frame, or assembly of panels on which are mounted, on the face or back or both switches, overcurrent and other protective devices, buses, and, usually, instruments.
    Switchboards are generally accessible from the rear as well as from the front and are not intended to be installed in cabinets.
    The types of switchboards, classified by basic features of construction, are as follows:
    1. Live-front vertical panels
    2. Dead-front boards
    3. Safety enclosed boards( metal-clad)

    [American electricians’ handbook]

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    The switchboard plays an essential role in the availability of electric power, while meeting the needs of personal and property safety.

    Its definition, design and installation are based on precise rules; there is no place for improvisation.

    The IEC 61439 standard aims to better define " low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies", ensuring that the specified performances are reached.

    It specifies in particular:

    > the responsibilities of each player, distinguishing those of the original equipment manufacturer - the organization that performed the original design and associated verification of an assembly in accordance with the standard, and of the assembly manufacturer - the organization taking responsibility for the finished assembly;

    > the design and verification rules, constituting a benchmark for product certification.

    All the component parts of the electrical switchboard are concerned by the IEC 61439 standard.

    Equipment produced in accordance with the requirements of this switchboard standard ensures the safety and reliability of the installation.

    A switchboard must comply with the requirements of standard IEC 61439-1 and 2 to guarantee the safety and reliability of the installation.

    Managers of installations, fully aware of the professional and legal liabilities weighing on their company and on themselves, demand a high level of safety for the electrical installation.

    What is more, the serious economic consequences of prolonged halts in production mean that the electrical switchboard must provide excellent continuity of service, whatever the operating conditions.

    [Schneider Electric]

    НКУ играет главную роль в обеспечении электроэнергией, удовлетворяя при этом всем требованиям по безопасности людей и сохранности имущества.

    Выбор конструкции, проектирование и монтаж основаны на чётких правилах, не допускающих никакой импровизации.

    Требования к низковольтным комплектным устройствам распределения и управления сформулированы в стандарте МЭК 61439 (ГОСТ Р 51321. 1-2000).

    В частности, он определяет:

    > распределение ответственности между изготовителем НКУ - организацией, разработавшей конструкцию НКУ и проверившей его на соответствие требованиям стандарта, и сборщиком – организацией, выполнившей сборку НКУ;

    > конструкцию, технические характеристики, виды и методы испытаний НКУ.

    В стандарте МЭК 61439 (ГОСТ Р 51321. 1-2000) описываются все компоненты НКУ.

    Оборудование, изготовленное в соответствии с требованиями этого стандарта, обеспечивает безопасность и надежность электроустановки.

    Для того чтобы гарантировать безопасность эксплуатации и надежность работы электроустановки, распределительный щит должен соответствовать требованиям стандарта МЭК 61439-1 и 2.

    Лица, ответственные за электроустановки, должны быть полностью осведомлены о профессиональной и юридической ответственности, возложенной на их компанию и на них лично, за обеспечение высокого уровня безопасности эксплуатации этих электроустановок.

    Кроме того, поскольку длительные перерывы производства приводят к серьезным экономическим последствиям, электрический распределительный щит должен обеспечивать надежную и бесперебойную работу независимо от условий эксплуатации.

    [Перевод Интент]


    LV switchgear assemblies are undoubtedly the components of the electric installation more subject to the direct intervention of personnel (operations, maintenance, etc.) and for this reason users demand from them higher and higher safety requirements.

    The compliance of an assembly with the state of the art and therefore, presumptively, with the relevant technical Standard, cannot be based only on the fact that the components which constitute it comply with the state of the art and therefore, at least presumptively, with the relevant technical standards.

    In other words, the whole assembly must be designed, built and tested in compliance with the state of the art.

    Since the assemblies under consideration are low voltage equipment, their rated voltage shall not exceed 1000 Va.c. or 1500 Vd.c. As regards currents, neither upper nor lower limits are provided in the application field of this Standard.

    The Standard IEC 60439-1 states the construction, safety and maintenance requirements for low voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies, without dealing with the functional aspects which remain a competence of the designer of the plant for which the assembly is intended.


    Низковольтные комплектные устройства (НКУ), вне всякого сомнения, являются частями электроустановок, которые наиболее подвержены непосредственному вмешательству оперативного, обслуживающего и т. п. персонала. Вот почему требования потребителей к безопасности НКУ становятся все выше и выше.

    Соответствие НКУ современному положению дел и вследствие этого, гипотетически, соответствующим техническим стандартам, не может основываться только на том факте, что составляющие НКУ компоненты соответствуют современному состоянию дел и поэтому, по крайней мере, гипотетически, - соответствующим техническим стандартам

    Другими словами, НКУ должно быть разработано, изготовлено и испытано в соответствии с современными требованиями.

    Мы рассматриваем низковольтные комплектные устройства и это означает, что их номинальное напряжение не превышает 1000 В переменного тока или 1500 В постоянного тока. Что касается тока, то ни верхнее, ни нижнее значение стандартами, относящимися к данной области, не оговариваются

    Стандарт МЭК 60439-1 устанавливает требования к конструкции, безопасности и техническому обслуживанию низковольтных комплектных устройств без учета их функций, полагая, что функции НКУ являются компетенцией проектировщиков электроустановки, частью которых эти НКУ являются.

    [Перевод Интент]


    • НКУ (шкафы, пульты,...)





    Сопутствующие термины



    • Schaltanlagen und/oder Schaltgeräte


    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > low voltage controlgear and assembly

  • 8 low voltage switchgear and controlgear assembly

    1. НКУ распределения и управления


    низковольтное устройство распределения и управления (НКУ)
    Низковольтные коммутационные аппараты и устройства управления, измерения, сигнализации, защиты, регулирования, собранные совместно, со всеми внутренними электрическими и механическими соединениями и конструктивными элементами.
    [ ГОСТ Р МЭК 61439-1-2012]

    низковольтное устройство распределения и управления

    Комбинация низковольтных коммутационных аппаратов с устройствами управления, измерения, сигнализации, защиты, регулирования и т. п., полностью смонтированных изготовителем НКУ (под его ответственность на единой конструктивной основе) со всеми внутренними электрическими и механическими соединениями с соответствующими конструктивными элементами
    1. В настоящем стандарте сокращение НКУ используют для обозначения низковольтных комплектных устройств распределения и управления.
    2. Аппараты, входящие в состав НКУ, могут быть электромеханическими или электронными.
    3. По различным причинам, например по условиям транспортирования или изготовления, некоторые операции сборки могут быть выполнены на месте установки, вне предприятия-изготовителя.
    [ ГОСТ Р 51321. 1-2000 ( МЭК 60439-1-92)]


    power switchgear and controlgear assembly (PSC-assembly)
    low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assembly used to distribute and control energy for all types of loads, intended for industrial, commercial and similar applications where operation by ordinary persons is not intended
    [IEC 61439-2, ed. 1.0 (2009-01)]

    low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assembly
    combination of one or more low-voltage switching devices together with associated control, measuring, signalling, protective, regulation equipment, etc., completely assembled under the responsibility of the manufacturer with all the internal electrical and mechanical interconnections and structural parts.
    [IEC 61892-3, ed. 2.0 (2007-11)]

    switchgear and controlgear
    a general term covering switching devices and their combination with associated control, measuring, protective and regulating equipment, also assemblies of such devices and equipment with associated interconnections, accessories, enclosures and supporting structures
    [IEV number 441-11-01]

    switchgear and controlgear

    electric equipment intended to be connected to an electric circuit for the purpose of carrying out one or more of the following functions: protection, control, isolation, switching
    NOTE – The French and English terms can be considered as equivalent in most cases. However, the French term has a broader meaning than the English term and includes for example connecting devices, plugs and socket-outlets, etc. In English, these latter devices are known as accessories.
    [IEV number 826-16-03 ]

    A large single electric control panel, frame, or assembly of panels on which are mounted (either on the back or on the face, or both) switches, overcurrent and other protective devices, buses, and usually instruments; not intended for installation in a cabinet but may be completely enclosed in metal; usually is accessible from both the front and rear.
    [ McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture & Construction]

    One or more panels accommodating control switches, indicators, and other apparatus for operating electric circuits
    [ The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language]


    ensemble d'appareillage de puissance (ensemble PSC)
    ensemble d'appareillage à basse tension utilisé pour répartir et commander l'énergie pour tous les types de charges et prévu pour des applications industrielles, commerciales et analogues dans lesquelles l'exploitation par des personnes ordinaires n'est pas prévue
    [IEC 61439-2, ed. 1.0 (2009-01)]

    appareillage, m
    matériel électrique destiné à être relié à un circuit électrique en vue d'assurer une ou plusieurs des fonctions suivantes: protection, commande, sectionnement, connexion
    NOTE – Les termes français et anglais peuvent être considérés comme équivalents dans la plupart des cas. Toutefois, le terme français couvre un domaine plus étendu que le terme anglais, et comprend notamment les dispositifs de connexion, les prises de courant, etc. En anglais, ces derniers sont dénommés "accessories".
    [IEV number 826-16-03 ]

    terme général applicable aux appareils de connexion et à leur combinaison avec des appareils de commande, de mesure, de protection et de réglage qui leur sont associés, ainsi qu'aux ensembles de tels appareils avec les connexions, les accessoires, les enveloppes et les charpentes correspondantes
    [IEV number 441-11-01]

    A switchboard as defined in the National Electrical Code is a large single panel, frame, or assembly of panels on which are mounted, on the face or back or both switches, overcurrent and other protective devices, buses, and, usually, instruments.
    Switchboards are generally accessible from the rear as well as from the front and are not intended to be installed in cabinets.
    The types of switchboards, classified by basic features of construction, are as follows:
    1. Live-front vertical panels
    2. Dead-front boards
    3. Safety enclosed boards( metal-clad)

    [American electricians’ handbook]

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    The switchboard plays an essential role in the availability of electric power, while meeting the needs of personal and property safety.

    Its definition, design and installation are based on precise rules; there is no place for improvisation.

    The IEC 61439 standard aims to better define " low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies", ensuring that the specified performances are reached.

    It specifies in particular:

    > the responsibilities of each player, distinguishing those of the original equipment manufacturer - the organization that performed the original design and associated verification of an assembly in accordance with the standard, and of the assembly manufacturer - the organization taking responsibility for the finished assembly;

    > the design and verification rules, constituting a benchmark for product certification.

    All the component parts of the electrical switchboard are concerned by the IEC 61439 standard.

    Equipment produced in accordance with the requirements of this switchboard standard ensures the safety and reliability of the installation.

    A switchboard must comply with the requirements of standard IEC 61439-1 and 2 to guarantee the safety and reliability of the installation.

    Managers of installations, fully aware of the professional and legal liabilities weighing on their company and on themselves, demand a high level of safety for the electrical installation.

    What is more, the serious economic consequences of prolonged halts in production mean that the electrical switchboard must provide excellent continuity of service, whatever the operating conditions.

    [Schneider Electric]

    НКУ играет главную роль в обеспечении электроэнергией, удовлетворяя при этом всем требованиям по безопасности людей и сохранности имущества.

    Выбор конструкции, проектирование и монтаж основаны на чётких правилах, не допускающих никакой импровизации.

    Требования к низковольтным комплектным устройствам распределения и управления сформулированы в стандарте МЭК 61439 (ГОСТ Р 51321. 1-2000).

    В частности, он определяет:

    > распределение ответственности между изготовителем НКУ - организацией, разработавшей конструкцию НКУ и проверившей его на соответствие требованиям стандарта, и сборщиком – организацией, выполнившей сборку НКУ;

    > конструкцию, технические характеристики, виды и методы испытаний НКУ.

    В стандарте МЭК 61439 (ГОСТ Р 51321. 1-2000) описываются все компоненты НКУ.

    Оборудование, изготовленное в соответствии с требованиями этого стандарта, обеспечивает безопасность и надежность электроустановки.

    Для того чтобы гарантировать безопасность эксплуатации и надежность работы электроустановки, распределительный щит должен соответствовать требованиям стандарта МЭК 61439-1 и 2.

    Лица, ответственные за электроустановки, должны быть полностью осведомлены о профессиональной и юридической ответственности, возложенной на их компанию и на них лично, за обеспечение высокого уровня безопасности эксплуатации этих электроустановок.

    Кроме того, поскольку длительные перерывы производства приводят к серьезным экономическим последствиям, электрический распределительный щит должен обеспечивать надежную и бесперебойную работу независимо от условий эксплуатации.

    [Перевод Интент]


    LV switchgear assemblies are undoubtedly the components of the electric installation more subject to the direct intervention of personnel (operations, maintenance, etc.) and for this reason users demand from them higher and higher safety requirements.

    The compliance of an assembly with the state of the art and therefore, presumptively, with the relevant technical Standard, cannot be based only on the fact that the components which constitute it comply with the state of the art and therefore, at least presumptively, with the relevant technical standards.

    In other words, the whole assembly must be designed, built and tested in compliance with the state of the art.

    Since the assemblies under consideration are low voltage equipment, their rated voltage shall not exceed 1000 Va.c. or 1500 Vd.c. As regards currents, neither upper nor lower limits are provided in the application field of this Standard.

    The Standard IEC 60439-1 states the construction, safety and maintenance requirements for low voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies, without dealing with the functional aspects which remain a competence of the designer of the plant for which the assembly is intended.


    Низковольтные комплектные устройства (НКУ), вне всякого сомнения, являются частями электроустановок, которые наиболее подвержены непосредственному вмешательству оперативного, обслуживающего и т. п. персонала. Вот почему требования потребителей к безопасности НКУ становятся все выше и выше.

    Соответствие НКУ современному положению дел и вследствие этого, гипотетически, соответствующим техническим стандартам, не может основываться только на том факте, что составляющие НКУ компоненты соответствуют современному состоянию дел и поэтому, по крайней мере, гипотетически, - соответствующим техническим стандартам

    Другими словами, НКУ должно быть разработано, изготовлено и испытано в соответствии с современными требованиями.

    Мы рассматриваем низковольтные комплектные устройства и это означает, что их номинальное напряжение не превышает 1000 В переменного тока или 1500 В постоянного тока. Что касается тока, то ни верхнее, ни нижнее значение стандартами, относящимися к данной области, не оговариваются

    Стандарт МЭК 60439-1 устанавливает требования к конструкции, безопасности и техническому обслуживанию низковольтных комплектных устройств без учета их функций, полагая, что функции НКУ являются компетенцией проектировщиков электроустановки, частью которых эти НКУ являются.

    [Перевод Интент]


    • НКУ (шкафы, пульты,...)





    Сопутствующие термины



    • Schaltanlagen und/oder Schaltgeräte


    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > low voltage switchgear and controlgear assembly

  • 9 low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assembly

    1. НКУ распределения и управления


    низковольтное устройство распределения и управления (НКУ)
    Низковольтные коммутационные аппараты и устройства управления, измерения, сигнализации, защиты, регулирования, собранные совместно, со всеми внутренними электрическими и механическими соединениями и конструктивными элементами.
    [ ГОСТ Р МЭК 61439-1-2012]

    низковольтное устройство распределения и управления

    Комбинация низковольтных коммутационных аппаратов с устройствами управления, измерения, сигнализации, защиты, регулирования и т. п., полностью смонтированных изготовителем НКУ (под его ответственность на единой конструктивной основе) со всеми внутренними электрическими и механическими соединениями с соответствующими конструктивными элементами
    1. В настоящем стандарте сокращение НКУ используют для обозначения низковольтных комплектных устройств распределения и управления.
    2. Аппараты, входящие в состав НКУ, могут быть электромеханическими или электронными.
    3. По различным причинам, например по условиям транспортирования или изготовления, некоторые операции сборки могут быть выполнены на месте установки, вне предприятия-изготовителя.
    [ ГОСТ Р 51321. 1-2000 ( МЭК 60439-1-92)]


    power switchgear and controlgear assembly (PSC-assembly)
    low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assembly used to distribute and control energy for all types of loads, intended for industrial, commercial and similar applications where operation by ordinary persons is not intended
    [IEC 61439-2, ed. 1.0 (2009-01)]

    low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assembly
    combination of one or more low-voltage switching devices together with associated control, measuring, signalling, protective, regulation equipment, etc., completely assembled under the responsibility of the manufacturer with all the internal electrical and mechanical interconnections and structural parts.
    [IEC 61892-3, ed. 2.0 (2007-11)]

    switchgear and controlgear
    a general term covering switching devices and their combination with associated control, measuring, protective and regulating equipment, also assemblies of such devices and equipment with associated interconnections, accessories, enclosures and supporting structures
    [IEV number 441-11-01]

    switchgear and controlgear

    electric equipment intended to be connected to an electric circuit for the purpose of carrying out one or more of the following functions: protection, control, isolation, switching
    NOTE – The French and English terms can be considered as equivalent in most cases. However, the French term has a broader meaning than the English term and includes for example connecting devices, plugs and socket-outlets, etc. In English, these latter devices are known as accessories.
    [IEV number 826-16-03 ]

    A large single electric control panel, frame, or assembly of panels on which are mounted (either on the back or on the face, or both) switches, overcurrent and other protective devices, buses, and usually instruments; not intended for installation in a cabinet but may be completely enclosed in metal; usually is accessible from both the front and rear.
    [ McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture & Construction]

    One or more panels accommodating control switches, indicators, and other apparatus for operating electric circuits
    [ The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language]


    ensemble d'appareillage de puissance (ensemble PSC)
    ensemble d'appareillage à basse tension utilisé pour répartir et commander l'énergie pour tous les types de charges et prévu pour des applications industrielles, commerciales et analogues dans lesquelles l'exploitation par des personnes ordinaires n'est pas prévue
    [IEC 61439-2, ed. 1.0 (2009-01)]

    appareillage, m
    matériel électrique destiné à être relié à un circuit électrique en vue d'assurer une ou plusieurs des fonctions suivantes: protection, commande, sectionnement, connexion
    NOTE – Les termes français et anglais peuvent être considérés comme équivalents dans la plupart des cas. Toutefois, le terme français couvre un domaine plus étendu que le terme anglais, et comprend notamment les dispositifs de connexion, les prises de courant, etc. En anglais, ces derniers sont dénommés "accessories".
    [IEV number 826-16-03 ]

    terme général applicable aux appareils de connexion et à leur combinaison avec des appareils de commande, de mesure, de protection et de réglage qui leur sont associés, ainsi qu'aux ensembles de tels appareils avec les connexions, les accessoires, les enveloppes et les charpentes correspondantes
    [IEV number 441-11-01]

    A switchboard as defined in the National Electrical Code is a large single panel, frame, or assembly of panels on which are mounted, on the face or back or both switches, overcurrent and other protective devices, buses, and, usually, instruments.
    Switchboards are generally accessible from the rear as well as from the front and are not intended to be installed in cabinets.
    The types of switchboards, classified by basic features of construction, are as follows:
    1. Live-front vertical panels
    2. Dead-front boards
    3. Safety enclosed boards( metal-clad)

    [American electricians’ handbook]

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    The switchboard plays an essential role in the availability of electric power, while meeting the needs of personal and property safety.

    Its definition, design and installation are based on precise rules; there is no place for improvisation.

    The IEC 61439 standard aims to better define " low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies", ensuring that the specified performances are reached.

    It specifies in particular:

    > the responsibilities of each player, distinguishing those of the original equipment manufacturer - the organization that performed the original design and associated verification of an assembly in accordance with the standard, and of the assembly manufacturer - the organization taking responsibility for the finished assembly;

    > the design and verification rules, constituting a benchmark for product certification.

    All the component parts of the electrical switchboard are concerned by the IEC 61439 standard.

    Equipment produced in accordance with the requirements of this switchboard standard ensures the safety and reliability of the installation.

    A switchboard must comply with the requirements of standard IEC 61439-1 and 2 to guarantee the safety and reliability of the installation.

    Managers of installations, fully aware of the professional and legal liabilities weighing on their company and on themselves, demand a high level of safety for the electrical installation.

    What is more, the serious economic consequences of prolonged halts in production mean that the electrical switchboard must provide excellent continuity of service, whatever the operating conditions.

    [Schneider Electric]

    НКУ играет главную роль в обеспечении электроэнергией, удовлетворяя при этом всем требованиям по безопасности людей и сохранности имущества.

    Выбор конструкции, проектирование и монтаж основаны на чётких правилах, не допускающих никакой импровизации.

    Требования к низковольтным комплектным устройствам распределения и управления сформулированы в стандарте МЭК 61439 (ГОСТ Р 51321. 1-2000).

    В частности, он определяет:

    > распределение ответственности между изготовителем НКУ - организацией, разработавшей конструкцию НКУ и проверившей его на соответствие требованиям стандарта, и сборщиком – организацией, выполнившей сборку НКУ;

    > конструкцию, технические характеристики, виды и методы испытаний НКУ.

    В стандарте МЭК 61439 (ГОСТ Р 51321. 1-2000) описываются все компоненты НКУ.

    Оборудование, изготовленное в соответствии с требованиями этого стандарта, обеспечивает безопасность и надежность электроустановки.

    Для того чтобы гарантировать безопасность эксплуатации и надежность работы электроустановки, распределительный щит должен соответствовать требованиям стандарта МЭК 61439-1 и 2.

    Лица, ответственные за электроустановки, должны быть полностью осведомлены о профессиональной и юридической ответственности, возложенной на их компанию и на них лично, за обеспечение высокого уровня безопасности эксплуатации этих электроустановок.

    Кроме того, поскольку длительные перерывы производства приводят к серьезным экономическим последствиям, электрический распределительный щит должен обеспечивать надежную и бесперебойную работу независимо от условий эксплуатации.

    [Перевод Интент]


    LV switchgear assemblies are undoubtedly the components of the electric installation more subject to the direct intervention of personnel (operations, maintenance, etc.) and for this reason users demand from them higher and higher safety requirements.

    The compliance of an assembly with the state of the art and therefore, presumptively, with the relevant technical Standard, cannot be based only on the fact that the components which constitute it comply with the state of the art and therefore, at least presumptively, with the relevant technical standards.

    In other words, the whole assembly must be designed, built and tested in compliance with the state of the art.

    Since the assemblies under consideration are low voltage equipment, their rated voltage shall not exceed 1000 Va.c. or 1500 Vd.c. As regards currents, neither upper nor lower limits are provided in the application field of this Standard.

    The Standard IEC 60439-1 states the construction, safety and maintenance requirements for low voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies, without dealing with the functional aspects which remain a competence of the designer of the plant for which the assembly is intended.


    Низковольтные комплектные устройства (НКУ), вне всякого сомнения, являются частями электроустановок, которые наиболее подвержены непосредственному вмешательству оперативного, обслуживающего и т. п. персонала. Вот почему требования потребителей к безопасности НКУ становятся все выше и выше.

    Соответствие НКУ современному положению дел и вследствие этого, гипотетически, соответствующим техническим стандартам, не может основываться только на том факте, что составляющие НКУ компоненты соответствуют современному состоянию дел и поэтому, по крайней мере, гипотетически, - соответствующим техническим стандартам

    Другими словами, НКУ должно быть разработано, изготовлено и испытано в соответствии с современными требованиями.

    Мы рассматриваем низковольтные комплектные устройства и это означает, что их номинальное напряжение не превышает 1000 В переменного тока или 1500 В постоянного тока. Что касается тока, то ни верхнее, ни нижнее значение стандартами, относящимися к данной области, не оговариваются

    Стандарт МЭК 60439-1 устанавливает требования к конструкции, безопасности и техническому обслуживанию низковольтных комплектных устройств без учета их функций, полагая, что функции НКУ являются компетенцией проектировщиков электроустановки, частью которых эти НКУ являются.

    [Перевод Интент]


    • НКУ (шкафы, пульты,...)





    Сопутствующие термины



    • Schaltanlagen und/oder Schaltgeräte


    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assembly

  • 10 LV switchgear and controlgear assembly

    1. НКУ распределения и управления


    низковольтное устройство распределения и управления (НКУ)
    Низковольтные коммутационные аппараты и устройства управления, измерения, сигнализации, защиты, регулирования, собранные совместно, со всеми внутренними электрическими и механическими соединениями и конструктивными элементами.
    [ ГОСТ Р МЭК 61439-1-2012]

    низковольтное устройство распределения и управления

    Комбинация низковольтных коммутационных аппаратов с устройствами управления, измерения, сигнализации, защиты, регулирования и т. п., полностью смонтированных изготовителем НКУ (под его ответственность на единой конструктивной основе) со всеми внутренними электрическими и механическими соединениями с соответствующими конструктивными элементами
    1. В настоящем стандарте сокращение НКУ используют для обозначения низковольтных комплектных устройств распределения и управления.
    2. Аппараты, входящие в состав НКУ, могут быть электромеханическими или электронными.
    3. По различным причинам, например по условиям транспортирования или изготовления, некоторые операции сборки могут быть выполнены на месте установки, вне предприятия-изготовителя.
    [ ГОСТ Р 51321. 1-2000 ( МЭК 60439-1-92)]


    power switchgear and controlgear assembly (PSC-assembly)
    low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assembly used to distribute and control energy for all types of loads, intended for industrial, commercial and similar applications where operation by ordinary persons is not intended
    [IEC 61439-2, ed. 1.0 (2009-01)]

    low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assembly
    combination of one or more low-voltage switching devices together with associated control, measuring, signalling, protective, regulation equipment, etc., completely assembled under the responsibility of the manufacturer with all the internal electrical and mechanical interconnections and structural parts.
    [IEC 61892-3, ed. 2.0 (2007-11)]

    switchgear and controlgear
    a general term covering switching devices and their combination with associated control, measuring, protective and regulating equipment, also assemblies of such devices and equipment with associated interconnections, accessories, enclosures and supporting structures
    [IEV number 441-11-01]

    switchgear and controlgear

    electric equipment intended to be connected to an electric circuit for the purpose of carrying out one or more of the following functions: protection, control, isolation, switching
    NOTE – The French and English terms can be considered as equivalent in most cases. However, the French term has a broader meaning than the English term and includes for example connecting devices, plugs and socket-outlets, etc. In English, these latter devices are known as accessories.
    [IEV number 826-16-03 ]

    A large single electric control panel, frame, or assembly of panels on which are mounted (either on the back or on the face, or both) switches, overcurrent and other protective devices, buses, and usually instruments; not intended for installation in a cabinet but may be completely enclosed in metal; usually is accessible from both the front and rear.
    [ McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture & Construction]

    One or more panels accommodating control switches, indicators, and other apparatus for operating electric circuits
    [ The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language]


    ensemble d'appareillage de puissance (ensemble PSC)
    ensemble d'appareillage à basse tension utilisé pour répartir et commander l'énergie pour tous les types de charges et prévu pour des applications industrielles, commerciales et analogues dans lesquelles l'exploitation par des personnes ordinaires n'est pas prévue
    [IEC 61439-2, ed. 1.0 (2009-01)]

    appareillage, m
    matériel électrique destiné à être relié à un circuit électrique en vue d'assurer une ou plusieurs des fonctions suivantes: protection, commande, sectionnement, connexion
    NOTE – Les termes français et anglais peuvent être considérés comme équivalents dans la plupart des cas. Toutefois, le terme français couvre un domaine plus étendu que le terme anglais, et comprend notamment les dispositifs de connexion, les prises de courant, etc. En anglais, ces derniers sont dénommés "accessories".
    [IEV number 826-16-03 ]

    terme général applicable aux appareils de connexion et à leur combinaison avec des appareils de commande, de mesure, de protection et de réglage qui leur sont associés, ainsi qu'aux ensembles de tels appareils avec les connexions, les accessoires, les enveloppes et les charpentes correspondantes
    [IEV number 441-11-01]

    A switchboard as defined in the National Electrical Code is a large single panel, frame, or assembly of panels on which are mounted, on the face or back or both switches, overcurrent and other protective devices, buses, and, usually, instruments.
    Switchboards are generally accessible from the rear as well as from the front and are not intended to be installed in cabinets.
    The types of switchboards, classified by basic features of construction, are as follows:
    1. Live-front vertical panels
    2. Dead-front boards
    3. Safety enclosed boards( metal-clad)

    [American electricians’ handbook]

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    The switchboard plays an essential role in the availability of electric power, while meeting the needs of personal and property safety.

    Its definition, design and installation are based on precise rules; there is no place for improvisation.

    The IEC 61439 standard aims to better define " low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies", ensuring that the specified performances are reached.

    It specifies in particular:

    > the responsibilities of each player, distinguishing those of the original equipment manufacturer - the organization that performed the original design and associated verification of an assembly in accordance with the standard, and of the assembly manufacturer - the organization taking responsibility for the finished assembly;

    > the design and verification rules, constituting a benchmark for product certification.

    All the component parts of the electrical switchboard are concerned by the IEC 61439 standard.

    Equipment produced in accordance with the requirements of this switchboard standard ensures the safety and reliability of the installation.

    A switchboard must comply with the requirements of standard IEC 61439-1 and 2 to guarantee the safety and reliability of the installation.

    Managers of installations, fully aware of the professional and legal liabilities weighing on their company and on themselves, demand a high level of safety for the electrical installation.

    What is more, the serious economic consequences of prolonged halts in production mean that the electrical switchboard must provide excellent continuity of service, whatever the operating conditions.

    [Schneider Electric]

    НКУ играет главную роль в обеспечении электроэнергией, удовлетворяя при этом всем требованиям по безопасности людей и сохранности имущества.

    Выбор конструкции, проектирование и монтаж основаны на чётких правилах, не допускающих никакой импровизации.

    Требования к низковольтным комплектным устройствам распределения и управления сформулированы в стандарте МЭК 61439 (ГОСТ Р 51321. 1-2000).

    В частности, он определяет:

    > распределение ответственности между изготовителем НКУ - организацией, разработавшей конструкцию НКУ и проверившей его на соответствие требованиям стандарта, и сборщиком – организацией, выполнившей сборку НКУ;

    > конструкцию, технические характеристики, виды и методы испытаний НКУ.

    В стандарте МЭК 61439 (ГОСТ Р 51321. 1-2000) описываются все компоненты НКУ.

    Оборудование, изготовленное в соответствии с требованиями этого стандарта, обеспечивает безопасность и надежность электроустановки.

    Для того чтобы гарантировать безопасность эксплуатации и надежность работы электроустановки, распределительный щит должен соответствовать требованиям стандарта МЭК 61439-1 и 2.

    Лица, ответственные за электроустановки, должны быть полностью осведомлены о профессиональной и юридической ответственности, возложенной на их компанию и на них лично, за обеспечение высокого уровня безопасности эксплуатации этих электроустановок.

    Кроме того, поскольку длительные перерывы производства приводят к серьезным экономическим последствиям, электрический распределительный щит должен обеспечивать надежную и бесперебойную работу независимо от условий эксплуатации.

    [Перевод Интент]


    LV switchgear assemblies are undoubtedly the components of the electric installation more subject to the direct intervention of personnel (operations, maintenance, etc.) and for this reason users demand from them higher and higher safety requirements.

    The compliance of an assembly with the state of the art and therefore, presumptively, with the relevant technical Standard, cannot be based only on the fact that the components which constitute it comply with the state of the art and therefore, at least presumptively, with the relevant technical standards.

    In other words, the whole assembly must be designed, built and tested in compliance with the state of the art.

    Since the assemblies under consideration are low voltage equipment, their rated voltage shall not exceed 1000 Va.c. or 1500 Vd.c. As regards currents, neither upper nor lower limits are provided in the application field of this Standard.

    The Standard IEC 60439-1 states the construction, safety and maintenance requirements for low voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies, without dealing with the functional aspects which remain a competence of the designer of the plant for which the assembly is intended.


    Низковольтные комплектные устройства (НКУ), вне всякого сомнения, являются частями электроустановок, которые наиболее подвержены непосредственному вмешательству оперативного, обслуживающего и т. п. персонала. Вот почему требования потребителей к безопасности НКУ становятся все выше и выше.

    Соответствие НКУ современному положению дел и вследствие этого, гипотетически, соответствующим техническим стандартам, не может основываться только на том факте, что составляющие НКУ компоненты соответствуют современному состоянию дел и поэтому, по крайней мере, гипотетически, - соответствующим техническим стандартам

    Другими словами, НКУ должно быть разработано, изготовлено и испытано в соответствии с современными требованиями.

    Мы рассматриваем низковольтные комплектные устройства и это означает, что их номинальное напряжение не превышает 1000 В переменного тока или 1500 В постоянного тока. Что касается тока, то ни верхнее, ни нижнее значение стандартами, относящимися к данной области, не оговариваются

    Стандарт МЭК 60439-1 устанавливает требования к конструкции, безопасности и техническому обслуживанию низковольтных комплектных устройств без учета их функций, полагая, что функции НКУ являются компетенцией проектировщиков электроустановки, частью которых эти НКУ являются.

    [Перевод Интент]


    • НКУ (шкафы, пульты,...)





    Сопутствующие термины



    • Schaltanlagen und/oder Schaltgeräte


    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > LV switchgear and controlgear assembly

  • 11 End And End Figuring

    Fabrics in which two kinds of warp ends are used, arranged in the cloth one end of each alternately. A well-known type had one end of fine cotton alternating with one end of coarser mercerised cotton. All the figuring is done by the mercerised ends, making a figured all-over effect possible at a lower cost than using a warp all mercerised. Modern applications of this principle are fabrics in which one end or cotton alternates with one of rayon. Another variation is an alternation of one end white, one end colour.

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > End And End Figuring

  • 12 vogue words, buzz words and catch phrases

    •• Речевая мода и ее влияние на язык – тема неисчерпаемая. Модные слова, «словечки», выражения, фразы – все то, что объединяется английскими словосочетаниями в заголовке этой статьи, – играют огромную роль в развитии любого языка, возможно не меньшую, чем необходимость именовать новые явления действительности. Нельзя согласиться с мнением, что языковая мода – явление чисто паразитарное, эфемерное, что модные слова исчезают, не оставляя следа или перерождаются в стертые клише. Во всех этих «обвинениях» есть доля истины (достаточно вспомнить такие модные сейчас слова-паразиты как как бы и на самом деле), но человек, который хочет понять язык и общество, не может позволить себе ими ограничиваться. Что касается переводчика, то он должен «следить за модой» во всех языках, с которыми он работает.

    •• Почему в какой-то момент большинство из нас вдруг начинает все чаще говорить «однозначно», «структуры», «вменяемый», «разборка», «подковерная борьба» и тому подобное? Для всех этих слов и выражений нетрудно найти синонимы, которыми мы раньше прекрасно обходились. Некоторые из этих слов встречались в нашей речи и раньше, правда, далеко не так часто, как до возникшего поветрия. То же самое происходит время от времени и в английском языке. Чаще всего это происходит так: все большее число говорящих подхватывают какое-либо слово или выражение из числа общеупотребительных (relate to, manipulate, pipeline), терминологических (schizophrenia, subtext, synergy, oxymoron), жаргонных (no-brainer, reality check) и даже иностранных (déjà vu, chic, macho) и без особой на то видимой причины такое слово становится общепонятным в определенном значении (иногда туманном, размытом – relate to, forward-looking, а иногда – в четком и даже единичном – no-brainer, subtext). К этой же категории я отношу популярные в какой-то период словосочетания и «прецедентные высказывания» типа Нам такой хоккей не нужен или The buck stops here (см. статью policy, politics, politician). Учитывая необъятность темы, ограничимся краткими комментариями к этим и нескольким другим чисто иллюстративным примерам.
    •• basket case – это словосочетание приобрело широкое хождение в последние годы, чаще всего в варианте economic basket case:
    •• 1. South Korea’s President converted an economic basket case into an industrial powerhouse (Time). – Президент Южной Кореи привел страну от экономической разрухи к расцвету индустриальной мощи;
    •• 2. After World War I, when the Hapsburg empire was split up, little Austria seemed a basket case (Paul A. Samuelson). – После второй мировой войны и распада габсбургской империи казалось, что экономика маленькой Австрии обречена.
    •• Последний пример заимствован из The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. Правда, я не согласен с авторами словаря, относящими это выражение к сленгу. Но его определение здесь – ясное и точное: one that is in a completely hopeless or useless condition. Словарь приводит и мрачновато-циничную этимологию этого словосочетания: In origin it had a physical meaning. In the grim slang of the British army during World War I, it referred to a quadruple amputee. Многочисленные примеры подтверждают следующее наблюдение: In popular usage basket case refers to someone in a hopeless mental condition. Вот фраза, найденная на сайте www.gospelcom.net: I don’t want to turn my daughter into some kind of high pressured basket case. – Я не хочу, чтобы моя дочь превратилась в измотанного/перегруженного проблемами неврастеника. If Gloria has one more crisis, she’ll be a basket case (Wayne Magnuson). – Еще один такой кризис, и Глорию впору будет лечить. В 80-е годы культовую популярность приобрел фильм режиссера Фрэнка Хененлаттера Basket Case, но его сюжет подсказывает скорее дословный перевод – «Человек из корзины» (можно, наверное попробовать и что-нибудь типа «Совсем пропащий»).
    •• been there, done that – модное выражение, означающее то же самое, что наше на эти грабли мы (вы) уже наступали. Встречается в речи госсекретаря США Мадлен Олбрайт (вообще любительницы модных словечек);
    •• bragging rights This gives him bragging rights – это то же самое, что и одинаково модное выражение his claim to fame – предмет гордости или апломба;
    •• breathless – в значении, иллюстрируемом приводимыми ниже примерами, этого слова нет ни в одном (!) известном мне словаре английского языка. Возможно, оно не выделяется говорящими по-английски как отдельное значение, но, на мой взгляд, оно этого явно заслуживает. Итак, примеры:
    •• 1. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld spent an hour on television refuting “the questions, allegations and breathless reports” [about the treatment of Al Qaeda prisoners] (Washington Post);
    •• 2. Malcolm Parks, a communications professor at the University of Washington, accuses Young of making “breathless statements” based on skewed stories (Reason Magazine);
    •• 3. More disturbing than this announcement is the Tennis Academy’s breathless characterization of Monique (сайт CNN и Sports Illustrated – www.cnnsi.com).
    •• Посмотрим теперь значения этого слова по одному из наиболее полных словарей – The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language:
    •• 1. Breathing with difficulty; gasping: was breathless from running. 2. Marked by the suspension of regular breathing, as from tension or excitement: a breathless audience. 3. Causing or capable of causing the suspension of regular breathing; tense or exciting: a breathless flight. 4. a) Not breathing; without breath. b) Dead. 5. Having no air or breeze; still: a breathless summer day.
    •• Ни одно из определений явно не подходит к значению слова breathless в наших примерах. Это значение вытекает из своего рода «метафорического расширения» – представим себе человека, делающего какое-то заявление или высказывание, если можно так выразиться, не переводя дыхания, не вздохнув, не подумав. Отсюда предлагаемые переводы. В первом случае: Министр обороны Рамсфельд в течение часа опровергал по телевидению «безосновательные утверждения, вопросы и сообщения» (позволим себе здесь небольшую перестановку). Во втором случае: ...поспешные заявления, основанные на искаженной информации. Наконец, в третьем примере (disturbing... breathless characterization) можно говорить о непродуманной и даже неумной характеристике. В других контекстах могут пригодиться прилагательные опрометчивый, бездумный и, может быть, даже скоропостижный в его новомодном значении (см. русско-английскую часть словаря);
    •• closure – основное значение этого слова (например, в словосочетаниях school closure, military base closure, closure of debate) соответствует русским словам закрытие, завершение, прекращение. Подбор правильного соответствия не требует особых усилий. Правда, в некоторых случаях желательно достаточно полно представлять себе, о чем идет речь. Так, в последнем примере – closure of debate - имеется в виду принятая в Конгрессе США специальная процедура голосования с целью прекратить так называемый филибастер – преднамеренное затягивание прений. Этимологически и в смысловом отношении близко к первоначальному и значение этого слова в словосочетании closure of a deal - примерно то же самое, что у нас оформление сделки. Webster’s Third International Dictionary дает как устаревшее значение agreement. Мне, однако, не раз приходилось слышать его именно в этом значении из уст госсекретаря США Джорджа Шульца: We need to come to closure on this issue before the summit. Дальнейшее развитие основного значения привело к широко распространившемуся в последнее время новому оттенку, еще не отраженному в большинстве словарей. Определение, найденное мною в Cambridge Dictionary of American English, оставляет желать лучшего: the satisfying feeling that something bad or shocking has finally ended (и пример: Only the recovery of the bodies of the victims of the crash would bring closure to their families). Все в этом определении, особенно слово satisfying, сильно огрубляет действительную картину.
    •• Обратимся к материалу телеканала «Би-би-си» о состоявшейся 28 октября 2001 года в Нью-Йорке поминальной службе по жертвам трагедии 11 сентября: One word was on everyone’s lips at Sunday’s memorial service for victims of the World Trade Center disaster – “closure”. Дальше в тексте множество «подсказок», позволяющих точнее истолковать это слово: It is difficult for the grieving relatives to come to terms with their loss... It’s difficult to come to grips with... It’s another step in putting this behind you... и наоборот: This is not closure to me, it just opens a wound. I don’t think I’ll ever heal from this. В другом контексте: Jessica Patterson, a former Enron employee, said Jeffrey K. Skilling, the former chief executive [...] “didn’t say anything that brought any closure” (New York Times). Как мне кажется, перевод этого слова в данном значении почти всегда контекстуален и в какой-то мере – дело вкуса и такта. Это может быть облегчение, исцеление, вариант с глаголами примириться или смириться (с потерей), может быть, даже итог или катарсис. Впрочем, иногда перевод, как говорится, напрашивается: There was much questioning whether the trial would finally bring closure to the single darkest event in the history of Alabama (www.africana.com). – Многие задаются вопросом, сможет ли этот судебный процесс подвести черту под самым мрачным событием в истории Алабамы;
    •• conventional wisdom – популярное с некоторых пор выражение, означающее общепринятое мнение (далее обычно следует его опровержение или уточнение);
    •• to be in denial – из психиатрии это выражение перешло в разряд широко употребительных. Из письма возмущенного читателя (явно не поклонника Клинтона) в редакцию журнала Time: Are we in denial? Are we not aware that America’s declining moral and ethical standards are reflected in the polls that sanction the alleged conduct of the President? ( Sanction здесь означает одобрять, допускать. Случай употребления этого слова в обратном по существу значении см. в статье treat, treatment.) В психиатрии to be in denial означает отторгать, не желать воспринимать неприятную, негативную информацию. В переводе данного примера можно ограничиться вполне обиходным Неужели мы не хотим видеть очевидного?
    •• empower – сверхмодное слово! Его и образованные от него слова см. в статье empower, empowering, empowerment;
    •• forward-looking – стало модно в самое последнее время. Значение довольно размытое. Что-то среднее между прогрессивный, перспективный и интересный, серьезный;
    •• fungible – до недавнего времени это модное словцо, в переводе которого словари вряд ли помогут, встречалось в основном в финансово-экономических текстах: Money is fungible означает, что деньги легко перетекают из одной сферы в другую, что они не могут быть «помечены». Удачного сжатого русского перевода мне не встречалось. Но вот недавно в журнале Fortune обратило на себя внимание такое предложение: In Florio’s hands, truth is a fungible commodity. Inside the company it is well known, as a former executive puts it, that “anytime Florio tells you a number, you should cut it in half.” Из контекста очевиден смысл: Для Флорио правда – понятие растяжимое. Еще пример из «антиклинтоновской речи» сенатора Либермана: I am afraid that the misconduct the president has admitted may be reinforcing one of the worst messages being delivered by our popular culture, which is that values are fungible. Здесь тот же смысл:...недопустимое поведение президента подкрепляет утвердившееся в нашей культуре вредоносное утверждение, что мораль – понятие растяжимое/условное/относительное;
    •• get a life – недавно это выражение встретилось в неожиданном контексте – кроссворде в газете New York Times. Там оно определено просто – a 90’s catch phrase. Обычно эта фраза (в повелительном наклонении) обращена к юным лоботрясам: Get a life! Означает примерно Возьмись за ум! или Не проспи жизнь!
    •• hoops – новомодное (после вышедшего несколько лет назад одноименного документального фильма о подающих надежды юных баскетболистах) значение этого слова пока нашло отражение только в некоторых Интернет-словарях, например в www.dictionary.com. Hoops – баскетбол (делится на pro и college – профессиональный и по правилам университетской лиги), hoopster – баскетболист;
    •• governance – согласно словарям – книжное. В последнее время стало широко употребимым. См. в статье government, governance;
    •• hyperventilateНовый БАРС содержит слово hyperventilation с пометой физиол., мед. – гипервентиляция, перенасыщение кислородом крови. Глагол to hyperventilate – глубоко дышать, практиковать глубокое дыхание. В толковых словарях английского языка информации больше. The American Heritage Dictionary определяет to hyperventilate как to breathe abnormally fast or deeply; to breathe in this manner as from excitement or anxiety. Войдя в моду, это слово стало означать нечто вроде задыхаться от возмущения, возбуждения или в пылу полемики. Часто приходится подыскивать контекстуальный перевод, что можно проиллюстрировать следующими примерами:
    •• 1. Some of Mr. Ashcroft’s critics want to use his nomination to hyperventilate about abortion and the like (Wall Street Journal). - Некоторые критики г-на Эшкрофта хотят использовать его назначение, чтобы устроить истерику по поводу таких проблем, как аборты;
    •• 2. Try not to hyperventilate and reach for the Rolaids when CNBC shows shiny graphics of your stocks soaring on one day and plummeting the next (из брошюры инвестиционного дома Charles Schwab Tips on Buying Stocks for Beginners). – Старайтесь не паниковать/не падать в обморок всякий раз, когда вы видите по телевизору красочные диаграммы, показывающие, как акции, еще вчера шедшие резко вверх, обрушиваются вниз ( Rolaids – таблетки от изжоги, но в данном случае этой реалией можно в переводе пренебречь);
    •• 3. Even if you hyperventilate at the idea of looking for a new job, there are times when you should do it (Washingtonian). – Даже если вам противна сама мысль о поисках работы, бывают моменты, когда этим приходится заняться;
    •• 4. Democrats, it seems, are into sex, while Republicans hyperventilate on power (рецензия на кинофильм Clear and Present Danger). – Похоже, что демократы увлекаются сексом, а республиканцы помешаны на власти;
    •• manipulate, manipulative – не все словари фиксируют значение этого глагола ловко использовать в собственных целях. Соответственно, модное He is very manipulative невозможно перевести при помощи «эквивалента», предлагаемого Новым БАРСом,- связанный с манипуляцией, управлением ( машиной и т.п.). Возможный контекстуальный перевод: Он мастер интриги или Он ловко манипулирует людьми;
    •• no-brainer – из молодежного жаргона перешло в обиходную речь многих американцев (аналогичный пример – слова cool, weird, в комментариях не нуждающиеся). Значение этого словца простое – эквивалент нашего тоже «молодежного» – это ежу ясно;
    •• oxymoron – для большинства из нас полузабытый термин из области языкознания (стилистический прием, основанный на сочетании антонимических по значению слов, например, cruel kindness). Для образованных англичан и американцев – любое внутренне противоречивое высказывание или явление (см. также статью schizophrenia, schizophrenic). The radical center is an oxymoron only if you believe that the left and right still define all the worthwhile ideas and policies (New Yorker). – Концепция «радикального центра» внутренне противоречива лишь в глазах тех, кто считает, что все идеи и политические направления по-прежнему сводятся к «левым» и «правым»;
    •• pipeline – пример модного сейчас употребления этого слова (кстати, отраженного в наиболее полных словарях) из журнала Fortune: The firm is running off its backlog, and the pipeline is running dry. – Фирма работает за счет прежних заказов, а новых становится все меньше. In the pipeline – близко к русскому в работе, на подходе;
    •• proactiveсм. отдельную словарную статью;
    •• reinvent – вошло в моду в 1990-е годы. To reinvent government – переосмыслить роль государства; to reinvent welfare – перестроить систему социальной помощи;
    •• relate to – фраза I don’t relate to it может означать едва ли не все, что угодно, например, Мне это неинтересно, или Я этого не понимаю, или даже Я с этим не согласен. То входит в моду, то выходит из нее;
    •• reality check – первоначально из молодежного жаргона. Из речи yuppies – состоятельных молодых людей либеральных профессий – перекочевало в лексику различных слоев общества. Mrs. Albright... said she aimed to provide both Israelis and Palestinians with a reality check (International Herald Tribune). – Олбрайт заявила, что собирается напомнить как израильтянам, так и палестинцам о некоторых реальностях;
    •• schizophreniaсм. отдельную словарную статью;
    •• stakeholder – до недавнего времени просто акционер, но в последние два-три года с быстротой молнии распространилось новое значение – сторона, участник какого-либо общественного процесса. Как правило, имеются в виду государство, деловые круги, общественные движения, организации, отражающие интересы различных слоев общества, и т.д. Отсюда словосочетание multistakeholder dialogue, которое, чтобы не усложнять себе жизнь, лучше переводить просто многосторонний диалог;
    •• synergy – согласно Новому БАРСу, это слово относится либо к медицинской терминологии ( синергия), либо к разряду книжных слов. В современном английском встречается сплошь и рядом в значении сочетание взаимно усиливающих друг друга сил, явлений, тенденций и т.п. или просто любое сочетание, как в этом примере из журнала New Yorker: I don’t think that these synergies would work. I wonder whether a writer would want to spend his time managing his business rather than writing;
    •• vision – это чрезвычайно модное слово см. в статье philosophy;
    •• to walk the talk – неожиданно вошедшая в моду фраза, выражающая мысль о том, что слово не должно расходиться с делом. Lazard is a group of important people giving important people advice. Doubtless Rohatyn counted himself among the former, and he did walk the talk (Fortune);
    •• - wise – так же, как и -ism, относится к модным суффиксам. При его помощи образуются какие угодно слова – policy-wise, talent-wise, credibility-wise и т.д. Все они без особого труда понимаются и переводятся при помощи словосочетаний с точки зрения, в смысле, в аспекте.
    •• В заключение простой совет – не увлекайтесь модными словами и фразами (равно как и жаргонными и другими фразеологическими выражениями) по крайней мере до тех пор, пока у вас не будет уверенности, что вы их полностью «прочувствовали». Иначе можно попасть впросак, перепутав или смысл, или связанные со словом ассоциации, или допустив совсем ненужную вам иронию. За модой надо, конечно, следить, быть «во всеоружии», но, мне кажется, что говорить на иностранном языке, да и на родном, надо просто и ясно.

    English-Russian nonsystematic dictionary > vogue words, buzz words and catch phrases

  • 13 on one's toes

    деятельный, энергичный, активный; в напряжении

    ...it's a world that keeps you on your toes, because you've got to think quick in that world. (A. Wilson, ‘A Bit off the Map and Other Stories’, ‘A Bit off the Map’) —...в уголовном мире один закон - не зевай. Вот где надо соображать быстро.

    ‘You walked all the way!’ ‘Ran,’ said Glyn, wiping off sweat. ‘It was devilish amusing. I had all the coppers on their toes - wondering if I'd robbed a bank.’ (A. J. Cronin, ‘A Thing of Beauty’, part I, ch. IV) — - Ты всю дорогу шел пешком! - Бегом, - поправил его Глин, вытирая пот. - Ну и потеха была! Я всех фараонов поднял на ноги: они, видно, решили, что я ограбил банк.

    Ethel West, my secretary, is right on her toes. (E. S. Gardner, ‘The Clue of the Forgotten Murder’, ch. 11) — Мой секретарь Этел Уэст человек очень энергичный.

    I've never known anyone to take his job so seriously as Arthur. Keeps us all on our toes. (D. Cusack, ‘Southern Steel’, ch. XVII) — Я никогда не видел человека, который бы относился к своей работе так серьезно, как Артур. Не дает нам ни отдыха ни срока.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > on one's toes

  • 14 hare and hounds

    "заяц и собаки" (название игры, один из участников которой бежит, бросая за собой бумажки, а другие, выбежавшие позже, стараются его догнать, прежде чем он добежит до условного места)

    One of the most popular amusements at Roughborough was an institution called "the hounds" - more commonly known elsewhere as "hare and hounds"... (S. Butler, ‘The Way of All Flesh’, ch. XXXIX) — Одним из самых популярных развлечений в Рафборо была игра в "собачки". В других местах эту игру называют обычно "заяц и собаки"

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > hare and hounds

  • 15 connu

    connu, e [kɔny]
    ( = non ignoré) [terre, animal] known ; ( = célèbre) [auteur, livre] well-known
    * * *
    kɔny connu, -e
    1. pp
    2. adj
    (= célèbre) well-known

    C'est un acteur connu. — He's a well-known actor.

    * * *
    ( féminin connue) [kɔny] participe passé
    link=connaître connaître
    ( féminin connue) [kɔny] adjectif
    1. [découvert - univers] known
    2. [répandu - idée, tactique] well-known, widely known
    3. [célèbre - personnalité, chanteur] famous, well-known
    connu nom masculin

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > connu

  • 16 всички

    everyone, all, everybody
    всичкиние we all, all of us
    всички вие you all, all of you
    всички те they all, all of them
    всички до един/без изключение-one and all, one and sundry; every mother's. son, every man Jack of them
    всички взети заедно и поотделно юр, all and singular
    всички други all the rest
    като всички други like all the others
    всички на света all the world
    всички присъствуващи all present
    във всички най-важни отношения mainly, in all essentials
    във всички посоки in all directions, in every direction
    с всичка сила/сили with all o.'s strength/might, with o.'s entire strength/powers, with o.'s full force, to the utmost of o.'s power, as hard as one can, for all one is worth
    по всички фронтове all along the line
    чрез всички възможни средства by every means in o.'s power
    of всички страни on ( при движение-from) all sides
    всички знаят everybody knows, it is generally known
    всички са съгласни, че all are agreed that
    * * *
    обобщ. мест. само мн. everyone, all, everyboy; \всички, взети заедно и поотделно юр. all and singular; \всички до един/без изключение one and all, one and sundry; every mother’s son, every man Jack of them; \всички на света all the world; \всички ние we all, all of us; във \всички най-важни отношения mainly, in all essentials; нямаше достатъчно храна за \всички there wasn’t enough food to go round; от \всички страни on ( при движение ­ from) all sides; по \всички фронтове all along the line; с \всички сили with all o.’s strength/might, with o.’s entire strength/power(s), with o.’s full force, to the utmost of o.’s power, as far as one can, for all one is worth; чрез \всички възможни средства by every means in o.’s power.
    * * *
    all: всички the rest - всички други; everybody; every man; everyone
    * * *
    1. everyone, all, everybody 2. of ВСИЧКИ страни on (при движение-from) all sides 3. ВСИЧКИ взети заедно и поотделно юр, all and singular 4. ВСИЧКИ вие you all, all of you 5. ВСИЧКИ до един/без изключение-one and all, one and sundry;every mother's. son, every man Jack of them 6. ВСИЧКИ други all the rest 7. ВСИЧКИ знаят everybody knows, it is generally known 8. ВСИЧКИ на света all the world 9. ВСИЧКИ присъствуващи all present 10. ВСИЧКИ са съгласни, че all are agreed that 11. ВСИЧКИ те they all, all of them 12. ВСИЧКИние we all, all of us 13. във ВСИЧКИ най-важни отношения mainly, in all essentials 14. във ВСИЧКИ посоки in all directions, in every direction 15. като ВСИЧКИ други like all the others 16. нямаше достатъчно храна за ВСИЧКИ there wasn't enough food to go round 17. по ВСИЧКИ фронтове all along the line 18. с всичка сила/ сили with all o.'s strength/might, with o.'s entire strength/powers), with o.'s full force, to the utmost of o.'s power, as hard as one can, for all one is worth 19. чрез ВСИЧКИ възможни средства by every means in o.'s power

    Български-английски речник > всички

  • 17 все как один

    1) General subject: all to a man, as a man, as one man, every man Jack (человек), to a man (человек), to a man
    3) Set phrase: one and all

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > все как один

  • 18 de

    1 of.
    el coche de mi padre/mis padres my father's/parents' car
    es de ella it's hers
    la pata de la mesa the table leg
    La casa de mi padre The house of my father [My father's house]
    2 from (procedencia, distancia).
    salir de casa to leave home
    soy de Bilbao I'm from Bilbao
    de la playa al apartamento hay 100 metros it's 100 meters from the beach to the apartment
    3 (made) of (materia).
    un vaso de plástico a plastic cup
    un reloj de oro a gold watch
    4 about (asunto).
    hablábamos de ti we were talking about you
    libros de historia history books
    5 as.
    trabaja de bombero he works as a fireman
    trabaja de nueve a cinco she works from nine to five
    de madrugada early in the morning
    a las cuatro de la tarde at four in the afternoon
    trabaja de noche y duerme de día he works at night and sleeps during the day
    7 with (causa, modo).
    morirse de hambre to die of hunger
    llorar de alegría to cry with joy
    de una patada with a kick
    de una sola vez in one go
    de tres en tres three at a time
    8 if.
    de ir a verte, sería este domingo if I do visit you, it'll be this Sunday
    de no ser por ti, me hubiese hundido if it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't have made it
    9 to.
    Está ansiosa de obtener ese trabajo She is anxious to have that job.
    1 letter d.
    2 SD, standard deviation.
    3 ED, dose of erythema, erythema dose.
    * * *
    1 (posesión, pertenencia) of
    2 (procedencia, origen) from
    la niña de ojos castaños the girl with dark eyes, the dark-eyed girl
    4 (tema) of, on, about
    5 (materia) made of, of
    7 (uso) for
    8 (oficio) by, as
    9 (modo) on, in, as
    10 (tiempo) at, by, in
    de día by day, during the day
    12 (precio) at
    13 (medida) measuring
    14 (causa) with, because of, of
    15 (agente) by
    * * *
    1) of
    2) from
    3) in, at
    4) than
    5) by
    * * *
    1) [relación] of

    la carretera de Valencia — the Valencia road, the road to Valencia

    2) [pertenencia]

    la señora de Pérez — Pérez's wife, Mrs Pérez

    3) [característica, material]

    este modelo es de electricidad — this model uses electricity, this is an electric model

    4) [contenido]

    una copa de vino[llena] a glass of wine; [vacía] a wine glass

    5) [origen, distancia, espacio temporal] from

    los de Madrid son los mejores — the ones from Madrid are the best, the Madrid ones are the best

    de... a...
    6) [causa]
    7) [manera]
    de... en...
    8) (=respecto de)

    estar mejor de salud — to be in better health, be better

    9) [tema] about

    un libro de biología — a biology book, a book on o about biology

    10) [uso]
    11) [cantidad, medida, valor]
    12) [con horas y fechas]

    a las siete de la mañana — at seven o'clock in the morning, at seven a.m.

    son las dos de la tarde — it's two o'clock in the afternoon, it's two p.m.

    el 3 de mayo3 May ( leído May the third {o}2} the third of May)

    13) [tiempo]
    14) [proporción]
    15) [uso partitivo] of

    ¡había una de gente! — * there were loads of people there! *

    16) [autoría] by

    un libro de Cela — a book by Cela, a book of Cela's

    17) [como complemento agente] by

    el rey entró seguido de su séquito — the king entered, followed by his entourage

    18) [en aposición a sustantivos o adjetivos]

    el bueno/pobre de Pedro — good/poor old Pedro

    19) [en comparaciones] than

    más/menos de siete — more/less than seven

    más de 500 personasmore than o over 500 people

    20) [con superlativos] in

    el más caro de la tienda/mundo — the most expensive in the shop/world

    21) + infin
    ser de ({+ infin}8})
    22) [dependiente de formas verbales]

    de esto se deduce que... — from this it can be deduced that...

    ¿qué esperabas de él? — what did you expect from him?

    23) [uso condicional] if

    de haberlo sabido no habría venido — if I had known, I wouldn't have come

    de no ser así — if it were not so, were it not so

    de no LAm (=si no) otherwise

    * * *
    1) (en relaciones de pertenencia, posesión)

    la casa de mis padres/de la actriz — my parents'/the actress's house

    no es de él/de ella/de ellos — it isn't his/hers/theirs

    su padre de usted — (frml) your father

    es un amigo de mi hijo/de la familia — he's a friend of my son's/the family

    [de is also part of certain surnames like de León and de la Peña]

    Sra. Mónica Ortiz de Arocena — ≈Mrs Mónica Arocena

    los señores de Díaz — (frml) Mr and Mrs Díaz

    las señoritas de Paz — (frml) the Misses Paz (frml)

    ay de mí! — (liter) woe is me! (liter)

    3) (expresando procedencia, origen, tiempo) from

    es de Bogotá — she's/she comes from Bogotá

    de... a... — from... to...

    4) (al especificar material, contenido, composición)

    una inyección de morfina — an injection of morphine, a morphine injection

    5) (expresando causa, modo)

    de dos en dos or (CS) de a dos — two at a time

    de a poco/de a uno — (CS) little by little/one by one

    a) (introduciendo cualidades, características)

    ¿de qué color lo quiere? — what color do you want it?

    la chica de azul/del abrigo rojo — the girl in blue/in the red coat

    de niñoas a o when he was a child

    7) (indicando uso, destino, finalidad)

    ¿qué hay de postre? — what's for dessert?

    a) (al definir, especificar)

    ¿qué tal vamos de tiempo? — how are we doing for time?

    es fácil/difícil de pronunciar — it's easy/difficult to pronounce

    ¿quién de ustedes fue? — which (one) of you was it?

    lo encontré de viejo...! — he seemed so old!

    qué de coches! — (fam) what a lot of cars!


    pagan un interés del 15% — they pay 15% interest o interest at 15%

    cuesta más de £100 — it costs more than o over £100

    un número mayor/menor de 29 — a number over/under 29

    12) ( en calidad de) as
    13) (en expresiones de estado, actividad)

    estamos de limpieza general/fiesta — we're spring-cleaning/having a party


    de + inf: de haberlo sabido, habría venido antes if I had known o had I known, I would have come earlier; de no ser así no será considerada — otherwise it will not be considered


    ser de + inf — (expresando necesidad, inevitabilidad)

    es de esperar que... — it is to be hoped that...

    * * *
    = across, in respect for, of, off, out of, from, featuring.
    Ex. This arrangement may facilitate browsing across different kinds of materials.
    Ex. The author of a document is the person or organisation responsible for its creation, that is, the writer of a text, the illustrator in respect for illustrations and others responsible for the intellectual content of a work.
    Ex. These institutes brought together some of the most influential people in the field.
    Ex. Having entered the next state and a highway off the turnpike, he was amazed by the extraordinary flatness of the land, especially in contrast to the hilly terrain he had grown up with back home.
    Ex. However, out of the enormous abundance of information produced, only 50% is new while the rest is redundant.
    Ex. From the analysis of some 5760 questions, Wilkinson and Miller developed a 'step approach' to differentiate reference questions according to how many judgmental steps were required to answer them.
    Ex. The exhibition also contains a group of ink drawings featuring self-portraits and portraits inspired by classical sculpture.
    * abogado de oficio = legal aid.
    * actuar de otro modo = do + otherwise.
    * alabanza de boquilla = lip service.
    * alabar de boquilla = give + lip service.
    * autorizado de antemano = pre-authorised [pre-authorized, -USA].
    * cambiar de una vez a otra = change from + time to time, vary + from time to time.
    * comenzar de nuevo = start + all over again.
    * de... a = through.
    * de abajo hacia arriba = bottom-up.
    * de abolengo = well-born.
    * de abordo = in-flight.
    * de absorción = absorptive.
    * de acá para allá = back and forth, to and fro.
    * de acceso público = publicly accessible.
    * de acceso rápido = fast-access.
    * de acceso restringido = closed access.
    * de acción = action-centered.
    * de acompañante = in tow.
    * de actitud = attitudinal.
    * de actuación = for action.
    * de actualidad = topical.
    * de acuerdo = okay, granted, all right, in concert, in agreement, okeydokey! [okidoki], in consort.
    * de acuerdo a = according to.
    * de acuerdo con = according to, as far as + Nombre + be + concerned, consistent with, in harmony with, in accordance with, in concert with, in keeping with, in line with, in step with, in tune with, by, pursuant to, in concurrence with, based on, in agreement with, as far as + Sujeto + Verbo, in consonance with, in accord with, judging by, to judge by, in conformity with, in + Posesivo + view, judging from.
    * de acuerdo con el tema = thematically.
    * de acuerdo con este documento = hereunder.
    * de acuerdo con esto = accordingly.
    * de acuerdo con la búsqueda de cadenas de caracteres = on a string search basis.
    * de acuerdo con la estación del año = seasonally.
    * de acuerdo con la ley = according to law.
    * de acuerdo con la tendencia hacia = in the trend towards.
    * de acuerdo con + Nombre = going on + Nombre.
    * de acuerdo con + Posesivo + opinión = in + Posesivo + view, in + Posesivo + opinion.
    * de acuerdo con + Posesivo + parecer = in + Posesivo + view, in + Posesivo + opinion.
    * de acuerdo con + Posesivo + bolsillo = according to + Posesivo + pocket.
    * de acuerdo con + Pronombre = in + Posesivo + opinion, in + Posesivo + opinion.
    * de adaptación = adaptive.
    * de †frica = African.
    * de Africa occidental = West African.
    * de agua = water-based.
    * de aguas profundas = deep-sea.
    * de ahí = therefrom.
    * de ahí que = hence.
    * de ahora en adelante = from now on, from this point on.
    * de Alaska = Alaskan.
    * de Albania = Albanian.
    * de alcance estatal = nationwide [nation-wide].
    * de alcance nacional = nationwide [nation-wide].
    * de alcohol = spirit-based.
    * de alguna forma = in one way or another, one way or another.
    * de alguna manera = in some sense, in some way, somehow, in any sense, some way.
    * de alguna otra forma = in any other way.
    * de algún modo = in any way [in anyway], somehow, after a fashion, in some form, some way.
    * de algún modo + Adjetivo = otherwise + Adjetivo.
    * de algún modo u otro = of some sort.
    * de algún tiempo a esta parte = for some time now.
    * de algún tipo = of some description.
    * de algún tipo u otro = of some sort.
    * de alta alcurnia = well-born.
    * de alta cuna = well-born.
    * de alta densidad = high-density.
    * de alta energía = high energy.
    * de alta fidelidad = hi-fi.
    * de alta mar = offshore, sea-going, ocean-going.
    * de alta potencia = high power.
    * de alta presión = high-pressured, high-pressure.
    * de alta productividad = high-performance.
    * de alta resistencia = heavy-duty.
    * de alta tecnología = high-tech, high-technology.
    * de alta tensión = heavy-current.
    * de alta velocidad = high-speed.
    * de alto abolengo = well-born.
    * de alto ahorro energético = energy-saving.
    * de alto nivel = of a high order, high level [high-level], high-powered.
    * de alto rango = high-ranking, highly placed.
    * de alto rendimiento = high-performance, heavy-duty.
    * de altos vuelos = high-flying, high-powered.
    * de alto voltaje = high-voltage.
    * de altura = high, top-notch.
    * de altura regulable = height-adjustable.
    * de aluvión = alluvial.
    * de ámbito estatal = statewide [state-wide].
    * de amplio alcance = broad in scope.
    * de antaño = of old, age-old, old-time, of yore, of olden days, of yesteryear, bygone, gone by.
    * de antemano = in advance (of), beforehand.
    * de antes de la guerra = pre-war [prewar].
    * de antigua generación = low-end.
    * de antiguo = from time immemorial.
    * de apariencia = cosmetic.
    * de apariencia engañosa = meretricious.
    * de aplicación específica = special-purpose.
    * de aplicación específica a un equipo de ordenador = hardware-based.
    * de aplicación general = general-purpose, of general application.
    * de apoyo = enabling, supportive.
    * de aprovechamiento = exploitative.
    * de aquel entonces = of that day.
    * de aquí para allá = back and forth.
    * de aquí te espero = tremendous, enormous, humongous [humungous], gianormous.
    * de Arabia Saudí = Saudi Arabian.
    * de archivo = archival, archive.
    * de armas tomar = redoubtable.
    * de arranque = bootable.
    * de arriba abajo = from top to bottom, from head to toe, from head to foot.
    * de arriba hacia abajo = top-down.
    * de ascendencia + Adjetivo = of + Adjetivo + descent.
    * de asesoramiento = consultative.
    * de aspecto = looking.
    * de aspecto antiguo = old-face.
    * de aspecto complicado = complicated-looking.
    * de aspecto delgado = lean-looking.
    * de aspecto digno = dignified.
    * de aspecto impresionante = impressive-looking.
    * de aspecto nuevo = new-looking.
    * de aspecto poco profesional = botched-up.
    * de aspecto profesional = professional-looking.
    * de aspecto ruinoso = run-down.
    * de aspecto solemne = dignified.
    * de atención básica = preattentive.
    * de atención primaria = preattentive.
    * de atrás = rear.
    * de atrás para adelante = back and forth.
    * de aupa = royal.
    * de autodesprecio = self-deprecating.
    * de autogestión = self-managing.
    * de autoprotección = self-protective.
    * de autosuficiencia = self-satisfied.
    * de baja calidad = poor in detail, low-grade [lowgrade], low-quality, third rate [third-rate], low-end, trashy [trashier -comp., trashiest -sup.].
    * de baja intensidad = low-intensity [low intensity].
    * de baja ralea = ignoble.
    * de bajísima calidad = shoddy.
    * de bajo consumo = low energy.
    * de bajo contenido en grasas = low fat.
    * de bajo crecimiento = low-growing.
    * de bajo nivel = lower-level, low-level.
    * de bajo precio = low-priced.
    * de bajo riesgo = low-risk.
    * de balde = for free.
    * de barrio = neighbourhood-based.
    * de base popular = grassroots [grass-roots].
    * de bienvenida = salutatory.
    * de boca en boca = word-of-mouth, by word of mouth.
    * de bodas = bridal.
    * de Boole = Boolean.
    * de bote en bote = packed to capacity, choc-a-block, chock-full, densely packed, packed, packed to the rafters.
    * de broma = humorously, teasingly.
    * de bronce = brass.
    * de buena calidad = good-quality.
    * de buena disposición = good-natured.
    * de buena fama = of good repute.
    * de buena fe = bona fide, in good faith.
    * de buena manera = good-humouredly, good-humoured.
    * de buena reputación = of good repute.
    * de buenas = on good terms.
    * de buenas a primeras = right off the bat, suddenly, without warning, all of a sudden, just like that.
    * de buena vecindad = neighbourly [neighborly, -USA].
    * de buena voluntad = in good faith.
    * de buen corazón = kind-hearted, good-hearted, big-hearted.
    * de buen grado = willing, good-humouredly, good-humoured, good-naturedly.
    * de buen gusto = tasteful.
    * de buen humor = good-humouredly, good-humoured, in good humour.
    * de buenos modales = well-mannered.
    * de buen vecino = neighbourly [neighborly, -USA].
    * de buen ver = good looking.
    * de bulla y corriendo = in a rush.
    * de caballo = huge, humongous [humungous], massive, gianormous.
    * de cabo a rabo = lock, stock and barrel, from head to toe, from head to foot.
    * de cachondeo = teasingly.
    * de cada día = day to day [day-to-day].
    * de cada + Número + veces + Número = Número + times out of + Número.
    * de caderas anchas = wide-hipped.
    * de cajón = no-brainer.
    * de calidad = authoritative, qualitative, quality, well-made, high-end, quality assured, value-added.
    * de calidad inferior = low-grade [lowgrade], substandard [sub-standard], low-end.
    * de calidad superior = best-quality, top quality.
    * de camino = on the way, while we're at it.
    * de camino a = en route for, on + Posesivo + way to, en route to.
    * de campo = free-range.
    * de campos fijos = fixed-field.
    * de campus = campus-wide [campuswide].
    * de capa caída = at a low ebb, in (the) doldrums.
    * de capa y espada = cloak-and-dagger.
    * de capital importancia = momentous, of cardinal importance.
    * de cara a = face-to-face [face to face], facing.
    * de carácter = in character.
    * de carácter público = state-owned, government-owned, state-run, government-run, publicly owned [publicly-owned], publicly supported, publicly held.
    * de carne = meaty [meatier -comp., meatiest -sup.].
    * de carne y hueso = flesh-and-blood.
    * de castigo = punitive.
    * de casualidad = by accident, by a fluke, by chance, accidentally, by a stroke of (good) luck, by luck.
    * de causas desconocidas = idiopathic.
    * de cerámica = ceramic.
    * de cerca = at close range, at close quarters.
    * de chiripa = by a fluke, by a stroke of (good) luck, by chance, by luck.
    * de cierto tipo = of a sort, of sorts.
    * de cinco años = five yearly [five-yearly].
    * de cinco días de duración = five-day.
    * de cinco estrellas = 5-star [five-star].
    * de cinco meses de duración = five-month-long.
    * de civil = in plain clothes.
    * de clasificación = classificatory.
    * de clausura = cloistered.
    * de clausura de congreso = end-of-conference.
    * de cobre = cupric.
    * de cojones = badass.
    * de colegas = collegial, buddying.
    * de Colombia = Colombian.
    * de color = coloured [colored, -USA], non-white [nonwhite], full-colour, in colour.
    * de color crema = creamy [creamier -comp., creamiest -sup.], creamy [creamier -comp., creamiest -sup.], cream-coloured.
    * de color de bronce = brassy.
    * de colores = full-colour, multi-colour [multi-color -USA].
    * de colores vivos = colourful [colorful, -USA].
    * de colorines = brightly coloured.
    * de color marroncillo = brownish tinged.
    * de color rojo = red-coloured.
    * de color rosa = rose-coloured.
    * de color verde botella = bottle green.
    * de color verde oscuro = bottle green.
    * de color y textura parecidos al carbón = carbonaceous.
    * de comienzos de + Expresión Temporal = earliest + Expresión Temporal.
    * de cómo = as to how.
    * de compañeros = collegial.
    * de complicidad = knowing.
    * de comportamiento = behavioural [behavioral, -USA].
    * de comportamiento impecable = prim and proper.
    * de conceptos = concept-based.
    * de conceptos múltiples = multiple-concept.
    * de conducta = behavioural [behavioral, -USA].
    * de confianza = reliable, trusted, trusting, reputable.
    * de confirmación = confirmatory.
    * de conformidad con = in compliance with, in keeping with.
    * de conformidad con eso = accordingly.
    * de conífera = coniferous.
    * de construcción básica = brick and frame.
    * de construcción sólida = solidly-built.
    * de consulta fácil = scannable.
    * de consulta mediante órdenes = command-based.
    * de consumo = consumptive.
    * de contenido enriquecido = content-enriched.
    * de contrabando = bootleg.
    * de contrapunto = contrapuntal.
    * de Corea = Korean.
    * de Corea del Sur = South Korean.
    * de corral = free-range.
    * de corta duración = short term [short-term].
    * de corte + Adjetivo = of a + Adjetivo + nature.
    * de cosecha propia = home-grown [home grown/homegrown].
    * de costa a costa = coast-to-coast.
    * de coste cero = zero-cost.
    * de costumbre = usual, usually.
    * de creación = authorial.
    * de crecimiento continuo = steadily growing.
    * de crecimiento más rápido = fastest-growing.
    * de crecimiento rápido = fast-growing, fast-evolving.
    * de cría intensiva = battery-caged.
    * de crianza intensiva = battery-caged.
    * de Crimea = Crimean.
    * de cristal = glass.
    * de crucial importancia = crucially important.
    * de cualquier forma = in any event, in any way [in anyway], in any case, in any way at all.
    * de cualquier forma posible = in any and all ways.
    * de cualquier manera = anyhow, higgledy-piggledy, willy-nilly, in any way at all, in any way [in anyway].
    * de cualquier modo = however, either way.
    * de cualquier tipo = in any way [in anyway], in all forms.
    * de cuando en cuando = every once in a while, every so often, every now and then, every now and again.
    * de cuatro días de duración = four-day.
    * de cuatro estrellas = four-star.
    * de Cuba = Cuban.
    * de cuerpo largo = long-bodied.
    * de deficiente calidad = poor-quality, of poor quality.
    * de delante hacia atrás = front to back, fore and aft.
    * de densidad doble = double-density.
    * de dentro hacia fuera = inside outwards.
    * de derechas = right-wing.
    * de derecho = de jure [iure].
    * de derecho pero no de hecho = in name only.
    * de desarrollo = developmental.
    * de desarrollo autónomo = self-evolving.
    * de desarrollo rápido = fast-evolving.
    * de descargo = exonerating, exculpatory.
    * de desconexión = cut-off.
    * de descubrimiento reciente = newly-discovered.
    * de desecho = discarded.
    * de desempate = tie-breaker [tiebreaker], tie-breaking [tiebreaking].
    * de desguace = written-off.
    * de despedida = valedictory.
    * de día = in the daytime, during the daytime, during daytime.
    * de día a día = from day to day.
    * de diámetro = in diameter.
    * de diario = everyday.
    * de día y de noche = day and night, night and day.
    * de diesel = diesel-powered.
    * de diferente modo = differently.
    * de diferentes niveles = multi-tiered [multitiered], multi-tier [multitier].
    * de diferentes tonalidades de gris = grey scale [gray scale].
    * de difícil solución = intractable.
    * de dinero = well-to-do, well-off.
    * de dirección = directorial, administrative.
    * de diseño abierto = open-plan, open-planned.
    * de diversa índole = kaleidoscopic, of one type or another, of one sort or another, of one kind or another.
    * de diversos tipos = of one type or another, of one sort or another, of one kind or another.
    * de diverso tipo = of one type or another, of one sort or another, of one kind or another.
    * de doble cara = double-hinged, double-sided.
    * de doble filo = double-edged.
    * de doble hoja = double-hinged.
    * de doble sentido = double-edged, two-way.
    * de doble uso = dual-use.
    * de dolor = in pain.
    * de dominio público = publicly owned [publicly-owned].
    * de donde = whence, whence, from whence.
    * ¿de dónde si no...? = where else...?, where else...?.
    * de dos caras = two-sided, two-faced.
    * de dos días de duración = two-day [2-day].
    * de dos en dos = two at a time.
    * de dos letras = two-letter.
    * de dos niveles = two-tier.
    * de dos páginas = two-page.
    * de dos partidos políticos = bipartisan [bi-partisan].
    * de dos patas = two-legged.
    * de dos piernas = two-legged.
    * de dos pies = two-legged.
    * de dos plantas = two-storey [two-story].
    * de dos tonalidades = bitonal.
    * de dos tonos = bitonal.
    * de dos volúmenes = two-volume.
    * de duelo = in mourning.
    * de duración limitada = timebound [time-bound].
    * de Ecuador = Ecuadorian.
    * de edad = elderly.
    * de edad avanzada = over the hill.
    * de edad escolar = school-age.
    * de edad mediana = middle-aged.
    * de edad universitaria = college-age.
    * de elaboración de políticas = policy-forming.
    * de ello = thereof, therefrom.
    * de ellos = theirs.
    * de embalsamar = embalming.
    * de emisor a receptor = downstream.
    * de encaje = lacy.
    * de enmienda = amendatory.
    * de ensueño = dream-like [dreamlike], picture-perfect.
    * de entonces = of the day.
    * de entreguerras = interwar.
    * de entre los nuestros = in our ranks.
    * de entretenimiento = recreational.
    * de envergadura = heavy lifting.
    * de época = vintage.
    * de epopeya = epic.
    * de esa época = of the period.
    * de escándalo = outrageous.
    * de ese modo = in doing so, in this,, thereby.
    * de eso = thereof.
    * de espaldas anchas = broad-shouldered.
    * de especial importancia = of particular note.
    * de espíritu cívico = public-spirited.
    * de espíritu comunitario = public-spirited.
    * de espíritu libre = free-spirited.
    * de esta forma = in this fashion, in this manner, in this way.
    * de esta manera = in this fashion, in this manner, in this way.
    * de este modo = accordingly, by so doing, by this means, in so doing, in this fashion, in this manner, thereby, this way, thus, this way round, in this way, by doing so, in these ways, this is how, in doing so.
    * de este modo, de esta forma, de esta manera = in this way.
    * de esto, de lo otro y de lo de más allá = about this and that and everything else.
    * de Estonia = Estonian.
    * de esto y de lo otro = about this and that.
    * de estructura de acero = steel-framed.
    * de estructura de madera = timber-framed.
    * de Europa del Este = Eastern European.
    * de Europa Occidental = Western-European, West European.
    * de evaluación = evaluative.
    * de éxito = successful.
    * de éxito asegurado = sure-fire [surefire].
    * de éxito garantizado = sure-fire [surefire].
    * de éxito seguro = sure-fire [surefire].
    * de expansión = expanded.
    * de explotación = exploitative.
    * de extensión = in length.
    * de extensión normal = standard-length.
    * de extremada urgencia = serious.
    * de fabricación casera = homemade.
    * de fácil acceso = easily available, over the counter, handy.
    * de fácil alcance para = within easy reach of.
    * de fácil manejo = liftable.
    * de facto = de facto.
    * de fama = of note.
    * de fama internacional = of international renown.
    * de fama mundial = world-renowned, internationally renowned, world-renown.
    * de felpa = plush.
    * de fiar = legit.
    * de fichas = card-based.
    * de fijación de normas = standard(s) setting.
    * de final de año = end-year.
    * de final de mes = end-of-the-month.
    * de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX = turn-of-the-century.
    * de fin de año = end of the year.
    * de fin de milenio = millennial.
    * de forma = in form.
    * de forma abrumadora = overwhelmingly.
    * de forma aceptable = adequately, acceptably.
    * de forma adecuada = adequately, fitly, appropriately.
    * de forma alternada = in alternating fashion.
    * de forma alternativa = alternatively.
    * de forma anónima = anonymously.
    * de forma aplastante = overwhelmingly.
    * de forma apreciable = markedly.
    * de forma apropiada = properly, fitly, appropriately.
    * de forma audible = audibly.
    * de forma autónoma = autonomously.
    * de forma caprichosa = capriciously.
    * de formación = formative.
    * de forma clara = clearly.
    * de forma cognitiva = cognitively.
    * de forma colegiada = collegially.
    * de forma combinada = in combination.
    * de forma competitiva = competitively.
    * de forma complemenetaria = complimentarily.
    * de forma completa = in full.
    * de forma completa, en su totalidad, completamente, por extenso = in full.
    * de forma concisa = concisely.
    * de forma conjunta con = in partnership with.
    * de forma considerable = considerably.
    * de forma continuada = continuously.
    * de forma cuadrada = squarish, square-shaped.
    * de forma deductiva = deductively.
    * de forma desastrosa = disastrously.
    * de forma deshonesta = dishonestly.
    * de forma diferente = differently shaped.
    * de forma digital = digitally.
    * de forma divertida = funnily.
    * de forma económica = cost-effectively.
    * de forma errática = erratically.
    * de forma escandalosa = outrageously.
    * de forma especulativa = speculatively.
    * de forma estructurada = in a structured fashion.
    * de forma exquisita = exquisitely.
    * de forma extraña = oddly, funnily.
    * de forma federal = federally.
    * de forma general = widely, bulk.
    * de forma global = holistically.
    * de forma graciosa = funnily.
    * de forma gratis = on a complimentary basis.
    * de forma gratuita = on a complimentary basis.
    * de forma grotesca = grotesquely.
    * de forma heterogénea = heterogeneously [heterogenously].
    * de forma heurística = heuristically.
    * de forma humorística = in a humorous vein.
    * de forma imaginativa = imaginatively.
    * de forma indirecta = circuitous route.
    * de forma inesperada = out of the blue, like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue.
    * de forma innata = innately.
    * de forma irregular = erratically.
    * de forma lamentable = miserably.
    * de forma lógica = in a meaningful way.
    * de forma mágica = magically.
    * de forma mecánica = mechanically.
    * de forma mordaz = pungently.
    * de forma mordaz, mordazmente, con sarcasmo = pungently.
    * de forma muy parecida a = in much the same way as.
    * de forma muy similar a = in much the same way as.
    * de forma negativa = in a negative light.
    * de forma neutral = neutrally.
    * de forma notoria = markedly.
    * de forma opcional = optionally.
    * de forma óptima = optimally.
    * de forma personalizada = on a one-to-one basis.
    * de forma poco ética = unethically.
    * de forma poco imaginativa = unimaginatively.
    * de forma poco profesional = unprofessionally.
    * de forma poco razonable = unreasonably.
    * de forma positiva = in a positive light, constructively.
    * de forma práctica = pragmatically.
    * de forma precisa = precisely.
    * de forma provocativa = provocatively.
    * de forma puntual = occasionally, when necessary.
    * de forma que = in ways that.
    * de forma que resulta más fácil de entender = in digestible form.
    * de forma rara = oddly, funnily.
    * de forma recíproca = reciprocally.
    * de forma rentable = cost-effectively.
    * de forma residual = residually.
    * de forma ridícula = grotesquely.
    * de forma saludable = healthily.
    * de forma sana = healthily.
    * de forma significativa = to any significant extent, to a significant extent.
    * de forma sistemática = in a systematic fashion.
    * de forma sofisticada = sophisticatedly.
    * de forma subconsciente = subconsciously.
    * de forma sublime = subliminally.
    * de forma suscinta = in brief.
    * de forma terapéutica = therapeutically.
    * de forma tosca = in crude form.
    * de forma trágica = tragically.
    * de fotograma completo = full-frame.
    * de fotograma doble = half-frame.
    * de frente = head-on, frontal.
    * de fuera = outside, off-side.
    * de fuera de la ciudad = out-of-town.
    * de fuerza = forceful.
    * de funcionamiento = operating, operational.
    * de fundamental importancia = of prime importance, critically important.
    * de gala = gala.
    * de Galileo = Galilean.
    * de Gambia = Gambian.
    * de gas = gas-powered.
    * de generación a generación = from generation to generation.
    * de generación en generación = from generation to generation.
    * de geofísica = geophysical.
    * de gestión = managerial, back-office.
    * de gestión del museo = curatorial.
    * de Glasgow = Glaswegian.
    * de golpe = in one lump, all at once, all at once.
    * de grado básico = junior grade.
    * de gran ahorro energético = energy-saving.
    * de gran belleza = scenic.
    * de gran calibre = high-calibre.
    * de gran calidad = high-quality, high-grade [high grade], high-calibre.
    * de gran capacidad = large-capacity, high capacity.
    * de gran colorido = brightly coloured.
    * de gran corazón = big-hearted.
    * de gran efecto = wide-reaching.
    * de gran éxito comercial = high selling.
    * de gran formato = oversized, oversize.
    * de gran impacto = high impact [high-impact].
    * de gran influencia = seminal.
    * de granja = free-range.
    * de gran lucidez = clear-sighted.
    * de gran lujo = top-class.
    * de gran potencia = high-powered.
    * de gran repercusión = far-reaching, wide-reaching, far-ranging.
    * de gran talento = talented.
    * de gran valor = highly valued, highly valuable.
    * de gran valor histórico = of great historical value.
    * de gran venta = high selling.
    * de guardia = on duty, duty + Profesión, on call.
    * de guasa = teasingly.
    * de habla afrikaans = Afrikaans-speaking.
    * de habla alemana = German-speaking.
    * de habla francesa = French-speaking.
    * de habla inglesa = English-speaking.
    * de habla portuguesa = Portuguese-speaking.
    * de hace años = of years ago.
    * de hace muchos años = long-standing.
    * de hace mucho tiempo = age-old, long-lost.
    * de hace siglos = of yore.
    * de hace varios siglos = centuries-old.
    * de hasta + Número = of up to + Número.
    * de hecho = actually, as a matter of fact, as it happened, de facto, in actual fact, in effect, in fact, indeed, in point of fact, in actuality, as it happens, as it is, effectively, for all intents and purposes, to all intents and purposes, for that matter.
    * de hierbas = herbal.
    * de hierro = iron, ferric.
    * de higos a brevas = once in a blue moon.
    * de hoja caduca = deciduous.
    * de hoja perenne = evergreen.
    * de hojas largas = long-leaved.
    * de Homero = Homeric.
    * de hongos = fungal.
    * de horticultura = horticultural.
    * de hoy = present-day.
    * de hoy día = of today.
    * de hoy en adelante = as from today.
    * de hoy en día = of today.
    * de huelga = striking.
    * de humor = funny [funnier -comp., funniest -sup.].
    * de ida y vuelta = return, round-trip.
    * de ideas afines = like-minded.
    * de igual a igual = as a peer.
    * de igual forma = in like manner, in a like manner, in like fashion, in like vein.
    * de igual longitud = of equal length.
    * de igual manera = by the same token, in like fashion, in like manner, in like vein, in equal measure(s).
    * de igual modo = alike, equally, in like fashion, in like manner, in like vein.
    * de igual modo que = just as, just as well... as..., along the lines of, on the lines (of).
    * de igual + Nombre = equally + Adjetivo.
    * de ilusiones vive el hombre = We are such stuff as dreams are made on.
    * de imitación = copycat.
    * de importancia = of note, of consequence.
    * de importancia creciente = of growing importance.
    * de importancia crucial = crucially important.
    * de importancia fundamental = critically important.
    * de improviso = unawares, spur-of-the-moment, on the spur of the moment, unexpectedly.
    * de incalculable valor = priceless.
    * de incógnito = incognito.
    * de inferior calidad = low-end, sub-par.
    * de inflexión = inflexional [inflectional].
    * de inmediato = immediately.
    * de inspiración = inspirational.
    * de interés especial = of particular concern, special-interest.
    * de intereses similares = of like interest.
    * de interés general = general-interest, of general interest.
    * de interés humano = human interest.
    * de interés periodístico = newsworthy.
    * de investigación = exploratory.
    * de isótopos = isotopic.
    * de izquierdas = left-wing, leftist, lefty.
    * de jabón = soapy [soapier -comp., soapiest -sup.].
    * de jarana = out on the town, a (late) night out on the town.
    * de juerga = out on the town, a (late) night out on the town.
    * de Kenia = Kenyan.
    * de la "a" a la "zeta" = a to z [a/z o a-z].
    * de la adolescencia = teenage.
    * de la alcaldía = mayoral.
    * de la cabeza a los pies = from head to foot, from head to toe.
    * de la cara = facial.
    * de la Ceca a la Meca = from pillar to post.
    * de la clase blanca, protestante y anglosajona americana = WASPish.
    * de la cóclea = cochlear.
    * de la columna vertebral = spinal.
    * de la comedia = comedic.
    * de la corteza = crustal, cortical.
    * de la cría de aves = avicultural.
    * de la duramadre = dural.
    * de la edad media = dark-age.
    * de la embajada = ambassadorial.
    * de la época = of the time(s), of the day.
    * de la época isabelina = Elizabethan.
    * de la época victoriana = Victorian.
    * de la espina dorsal = spinal.
    * de la extensión de un libro = book-length.
    * de la fama al olvido = riches to rags.
    * de la forma más difícil = the hard way.
    * de la forma más fácil = the easy way .
    * de la fortuna a la pobreza = riches to rags.
    * de la fóvea = foveal.
    * de la gama alta = high-end.
    * de la gama baja = low-end.
    * de la gama inferior = low-end.
    * de la guerra = wartime [wart-time].
    * de la hipótesis = hypothesised [hypothesized, -USA].
    * de la localidad = locally based [locally-based].
    * de la malaria = malarial.
    * de la mama = mammary.
    * de la mandíbula inferior = mandibular.
    * de la mandíbula superior = maxillar, maxillary.
    * de la manera normal = in the normal manner.
    * de la mañana = a.m. (latín - ante meridiam), in the morning.
    * de la máquina y el hombre = human-machine.
    * de la marina = marine.
    * de la mejor forma posible = to the best of + Posesivo + abili.
    * * *
    1) (en relaciones de pertenencia, posesión)

    la casa de mis padres/de la actriz — my parents'/the actress's house

    no es de él/de ella/de ellos — it isn't his/hers/theirs

    su padre de usted — (frml) your father

    es un amigo de mi hijo/de la familia — he's a friend of my son's/the family

    [de is also part of certain surnames like de León and de la Peña]

    Sra. Mónica Ortiz de Arocena — ≈Mrs Mónica Arocena

    los señores de Díaz — (frml) Mr and Mrs Díaz

    las señoritas de Paz — (frml) the Misses Paz (frml)

    ay de mí! — (liter) woe is me! (liter)

    3) (expresando procedencia, origen, tiempo) from

    es de Bogotá — she's/she comes from Bogotá

    de... a... — from... to...

    4) (al especificar material, contenido, composición)

    una inyección de morfina — an injection of morphine, a morphine injection

    5) (expresando causa, modo)

    de dos en dos or (CS) de a dos — two at a time

    de a poco/de a uno — (CS) little by little/one by one

    a) (introduciendo cualidades, características)

    ¿de qué color lo quiere? — what color do you want it?

    la chica de azul/del abrigo rojo — the girl in blue/in the red coat

    de niñoas a o when he was a child

    7) (indicando uso, destino, finalidad)

    ¿qué hay de postre? — what's for dessert?

    a) (al definir, especificar)

    ¿qué tal vamos de tiempo? — how are we doing for time?

    es fácil/difícil de pronunciar — it's easy/difficult to pronounce

    ¿quién de ustedes fue? — which (one) of you was it?

    lo encontré de viejo...! — he seemed so old!

    qué de coches! — (fam) what a lot of cars!


    pagan un interés del 15% — they pay 15% interest o interest at 15%

    cuesta más de £100 — it costs more than o over £100

    un número mayor/menor de 29 — a number over/under 29

    12) ( en calidad de) as
    13) (en expresiones de estado, actividad)

    estamos de limpieza general/fiesta — we're spring-cleaning/having a party


    de + inf: de haberlo sabido, habría venido antes if I had known o had I known, I would have come earlier; de no ser así no será considerada — otherwise it will not be considered


    ser de + inf — (expresando necesidad, inevitabilidad)

    es de esperar que... — it is to be hoped that...

    * * *
    = across, in respect for, of, off, out of, from, featuring.

    Ex: This arrangement may facilitate browsing across different kinds of materials.

    Ex: The author of a document is the person or organisation responsible for its creation, that is, the writer of a text, the illustrator in respect for illustrations and others responsible for the intellectual content of a work.
    Ex: These institutes brought together some of the most influential people in the field.
    Ex: Having entered the next state and a highway off the turnpike, he was amazed by the extraordinary flatness of the land, especially in contrast to the hilly terrain he had grown up with back home.
    Ex: However, out of the enormous abundance of information produced, only 50% is new while the rest is redundant.
    Ex: From the analysis of some 5760 questions, Wilkinson and Miller developed a 'step approach' to differentiate reference questions according to how many judgmental steps were required to answer them.
    Ex: The exhibition also contains a group of ink drawings featuring self-portraits and portraits inspired by classical sculpture.
    * abogado de oficio = legal aid.
    * actuar de otro modo = do + otherwise.
    * alabanza de boquilla = lip service.
    * alabar de boquilla = give + lip service.
    * autorizado de antemano = pre-authorised [pre-authorized, -USA].
    * cambiar de una vez a otra = change from + time to time, vary + from time to time.
    * comenzar de nuevo = start + all over again.
    * de... a = through.
    * de abajo hacia arriba = bottom-up.
    * de abolengo = well-born.
    * de abordo = in-flight.
    * de absorción = absorptive.
    * de acá para allá = back and forth, to and fro.
    * de acceso público = publicly accessible.
    * de acceso rápido = fast-access.
    * de acceso restringido = closed access.
    * de acción = action-centered.
    * de acompañante = in tow.
    * de actitud = attitudinal.
    * de actuación = for action.
    * de actualidad = topical.
    * de acuerdo = okay, granted, all right, in concert, in agreement, okeydokey! [okidoki], in consort.
    * de acuerdo a = according to.
    * de acuerdo con = according to, as far as + Nombre + be + concerned, consistent with, in harmony with, in accordance with, in concert with, in keeping with, in line with, in step with, in tune with, by, pursuant to, in concurrence with, based on, in agreement with, as far as + Sujeto + Verbo, in consonance with, in accord with, judging by, to judge by, in conformity with, in + Posesivo + view, judging from.
    * de acuerdo con el tema = thematically.
    * de acuerdo con este documento = hereunder.
    * de acuerdo con esto = accordingly.
    * de acuerdo con la búsqueda de cadenas de caracteres = on a string search basis.
    * de acuerdo con la estación del año = seasonally.
    * de acuerdo con la ley = according to law.
    * de acuerdo con la tendencia hacia = in the trend towards.
    * de acuerdo con + Nombre = going on + Nombre.
    * de acuerdo con + Posesivo + opinión = in + Posesivo + view, in + Posesivo + opinion.
    * de acuerdo con + Posesivo + parecer = in + Posesivo + view, in + Posesivo + opinion.
    * de acuerdo con + Posesivo + bolsillo = according to + Posesivo + pocket.
    * de acuerdo con + Pronombre = in + Posesivo + opinion, in + Posesivo + opinion.
    * de adaptación = adaptive.
    * de †frica = African.
    * de Africa occidental = West African.
    * de agua = water-based.
    * de aguas profundas = deep-sea.
    * de ahí = therefrom.
    * de ahí que = hence.
    * de ahora en adelante = from now on, from this point on.
    * de Alaska = Alaskan.
    * de Albania = Albanian.
    * de alcance estatal = nationwide [nation-wide].
    * de alcance nacional = nationwide [nation-wide].
    * de alcohol = spirit-based.
    * de alguna forma = in one way or another, one way or another.
    * de alguna manera = in some sense, in some way, somehow, in any sense, some way.
    * de alguna otra forma = in any other way.
    * de algún modo = in any way [in anyway], somehow, after a fashion, in some form, some way.
    * de algún modo + Adjetivo = otherwise + Adjetivo.
    * de algún modo u otro = of some sort.
    * de algún tiempo a esta parte = for some time now.
    * de algún tipo = of some description.
    * de algún tipo u otro = of some sort.
    * de alta alcurnia = well-born.
    * de alta cuna = well-born.
    * de alta densidad = high-density.
    * de alta energía = high energy.
    * de alta fidelidad = hi-fi.
    * de alta mar = offshore, sea-going, ocean-going.
    * de alta potencia = high power.
    * de alta presión = high-pressured, high-pressure.
    * de alta productividad = high-performance.
    * de alta resistencia = heavy-duty.
    * de alta tecnología = high-tech, high-technology.
    * de alta tensión = heavy-current.
    * de alta velocidad = high-speed.
    * de alto abolengo = well-born.
    * de alto ahorro energético = energy-saving.
    * de alto nivel = of a high order, high level [high-level], high-powered.
    * de alto rango = high-ranking, highly placed.
    * de alto rendimiento = high-performance, heavy-duty.
    * de altos vuelos = high-flying, high-powered.
    * de alto voltaje = high-voltage.
    * de altura = high, top-notch.
    * de altura regulable = height-adjustable.
    * de aluvión = alluvial.
    * de ámbito estatal = statewide [state-wide].
    * de amplio alcance = broad in scope.
    * de antaño = of old, age-old, old-time, of yore, of olden days, of yesteryear, bygone, gone by.
    * de antemano = in advance (of), beforehand.
    * de antes de la guerra = pre-war [prewar].
    * de antigua generación = low-end.
    * de antiguo = from time immemorial.
    * de apariencia = cosmetic.
    * de apariencia engañosa = meretricious.
    * de aplicación específica = special-purpose.
    * de aplicación específica a un equipo de ordenador = hardware-based.
    * de aplicación general = general-purpose, of general application.
    * de apoyo = enabling, supportive.
    * de aprovechamiento = exploitative.
    * de aquel entonces = of that day.
    * de aquí para allá = back and forth.
    * de aquí te espero = tremendous, enormous, humongous [humungous], gianormous.
    * de Arabia Saudí = Saudi Arabian.
    * de archivo = archival, archive.
    * de armas tomar = redoubtable.
    * de arranque = bootable.
    * de arriba abajo = from top to bottom, from head to toe, from head to foot.
    * de arriba hacia abajo = top-down.
    * de ascendencia + Adjetivo = of + Adjetivo + descent.
    * de asesoramiento = consultative.
    * de aspecto = looking.
    * de aspecto antiguo = old-face.
    * de aspecto complicado = complicated-looking.
    * de aspecto delgado = lean-looking.
    * de aspecto digno = dignified.
    * de aspecto impresionante = impressive-looking.
    * de aspecto nuevo = new-looking.
    * de aspecto poco profesional = botched-up.
    * de aspecto profesional = professional-looking.
    * de aspecto ruinoso = run-down.
    * de aspecto solemne = dignified.
    * de atención básica = preattentive.
    * de atención primaria = preattentive.
    * de atrás = rear.
    * de atrás para adelante = back and forth.
    * de aupa = royal.
    * de autodesprecio = self-deprecating.
    * de autogestión = self-managing.
    * de autoprotección = self-protective.
    * de autosuficiencia = self-satisfied.
    * de baja calidad = poor in detail, low-grade [lowgrade], low-quality, third rate [third-rate], low-end, trashy [trashier -comp., trashiest -sup.].
    * de baja intensidad = low-intensity [low intensity].
    * de baja ralea = ignoble.
    * de bajísima calidad = shoddy.
    * de bajo consumo = low energy.
    * de bajo contenido en grasas = low fat.
    * de bajo crecimiento = low-growing.
    * de bajo nivel = lower-level, low-level.
    * de bajo precio = low-priced.
    * de bajo riesgo = low-risk.
    * de balde = for free.
    * de barrio = neighbourhood-based.
    * de base popular = grassroots [grass-roots].
    * de bienvenida = salutatory.
    * de boca en boca = word-of-mouth, by word of mouth.
    * de bodas = bridal.
    * de Boole = Boolean.
    * de bote en bote = packed to capacity, choc-a-block, chock-full, densely packed, packed, packed to the rafters.
    * de broma = humorously, teasingly.
    * de bronce = brass.
    * de buena calidad = good-quality.
    * de buena disposición = good-natured.
    * de buena fama = of good repute.
    * de buena fe = bona fide, in good faith.
    * de buena manera = good-humouredly, good-humoured.
    * de buena reputación = of good repute.
    * de buenas = on good terms.
    * de buenas a primeras = right off the bat, suddenly, without warning, all of a sudden, just like that.
    * de buena vecindad = neighbourly [neighborly, -USA].
    * de buena voluntad = in good faith.
    * de buen corazón = kind-hearted, good-hearted, big-hearted.
    * de buen grado = willing, good-humouredly, good-humoured, good-naturedly.
    * de buen gusto = tasteful.
    * de buen humor = good-humouredly, good-humoured, in good humour.
    * de buenos modales = well-mannered.
    * de buen vecino = neighbourly [neighborly, -USA].
    * de buen ver = good looking.
    * de bulla y corriendo = in a rush.
    * de caballo = huge, humongous [humungous], massive, gianormous.
    * de cabo a rabo = lock, stock and barrel, from head to toe, from head to foot.
    * de cachondeo = teasingly.
    * de cada día = day to day [day-to-day].
    * de cada + Número + veces + Número = Número + times out of + Número.
    * de caderas anchas = wide-hipped.
    * de cajón = no-brainer.
    * de calidad = authoritative, qualitative, quality, well-made, high-end, quality assured, value-added.
    * de calidad inferior = low-grade [lowgrade], substandard [sub-standard], low-end.
    * de calidad superior = best-quality, top quality.
    * de camino = on the way, while we're at it.
    * de camino a = en route for, on + Posesivo + way to, en route to.
    * de campo = free-range.
    * de campos fijos = fixed-field.
    * de campus = campus-wide [campuswide].
    * de capa caída = at a low ebb, in (the) doldrums.
    * de capa y espada = cloak-and-dagger.
    * de capital importancia = momentous, of cardinal importance.
    * de cara a = face-to-face [face to face], facing.
    * de carácter = in character.
    * de carácter público = state-owned, government-owned, state-run, government-run, publicly owned [publicly-owned], publicly supported, publicly held.
    * de carne = meaty [meatier -comp., meatiest -sup.].
    * de carne y hueso = flesh-and-blood.
    * de castigo = punitive.
    * de casualidad = by accident, by a fluke, by chance, accidentally, by a stroke of (good) luck, by luck.
    * de causas desconocidas = idiopathic.
    * de cerámica = ceramic.
    * de cerca = at close range, at close quarters.
    * de chiripa = by a fluke, by a stroke of (good) luck, by chance, by luck.
    * de cierto tipo = of a sort, of sorts.
    * de cinco años = five yearly [five-yearly].
    * de cinco días de duración = five-day.
    * de cinco estrellas = 5-star [five-star].
    * de cinco meses de duración = five-month-long.
    * de civil = in plain clothes.
    * de clasificación = classificatory.
    * de clausura = cloistered.
    * de clausura de congreso = end-of-conference.
    * de cobre = cupric.
    * de cojones = badass.
    * de colegas = collegial, buddying.
    * de Colombia = Colombian.
    * de color = coloured [colored, -USA], non-white [nonwhite], full-colour, in colour.
    * de color crema = creamy [creamier -comp., creamiest -sup.], creamy [creamier -comp., creamiest -sup.], cream-coloured.
    * de color de bronce = brassy.
    * de colores = full-colour, multi-colour [multi-color -USA].
    * de colores vivos = colourful [colorful, -USA].
    * de colorines = brightly coloured.
    * de color marroncillo = brownish tinged.
    * de color rojo = red-coloured.
    * de color rosa = rose-coloured.
    * de color verde botella = bottle green.
    * de color verde oscuro = bottle green.
    * de color y textura parecidos al carbón = carbonaceous.
    * de comienzos de + Expresión Temporal = earliest + Expresión Temporal.
    * de cómo = as to how.
    * de compañeros = collegial.
    * de complicidad = knowing.
    * de comportamiento = behavioural [behavioral, -USA].
    * de comportamiento impecable = prim and proper.
    * de conceptos = concept-based.
    * de conceptos múltiples = multiple-concept.
    * de conducta = behavioural [behavioral, -USA].
    * de confianza = reliable, trusted, trusting, reputable.
    * de confirmación = confirmatory.
    * de conformidad con = in compliance with, in keeping with.
    * de conformidad con eso = accordingly.
    * de conífera = coniferous.
    * de construcción básica = brick and frame.
    * de construcción sólida = solidly-built.
    * de consulta fácil = scannable.
    * de consulta mediante órdenes = command-based.
    * de consumo = consumptive.
    * de contenido enriquecido = content-enriched.
    * de contrabando = bootleg.
    * de contrapunto = contrapuntal.
    * de Corea = Korean.
    * de Corea del Sur = South Korean.
    * de corral = free-range.
    * de corta duración = short term [short-term].
    * de corte + Adjetivo = of a + Adjetivo + nature.
    * de cosecha propia = home-grown [home grown/homegrown].
    * de costa a costa = coast-to-coast.
    * de coste cero = zero-cost.
    * de costumbre = usual, usually.
    * de creación = authorial.
    * de crecimiento continuo = steadily growing.
    * de crecimiento más rápido = fastest-growing.
    * de crecimiento rápido = fast-growing, fast-evolving.
    * de cría intensiva = battery-caged.
    * de crianza intensiva = battery-caged.
    * de Crimea = Crimean.
    * de cristal = glass.
    * de crucial importancia = crucially important.
    * de cualquier forma = in any event, in any way [in anyway], in any case, in any way at all.
    * de cualquier forma posible = in any and all ways.
    * de cualquier manera = anyhow, higgledy-piggledy, willy-nilly, in any way at all, in any way [in anyway].
    * de cualquier modo = however, either way.
    * de cualquier tipo = in any way [in anyway], in all forms.
    * de cuando en cuando = every once in a while, every so often, every now and then, every now and again.
    * de cuatro días de duración = four-day.
    * de cuatro estrellas = four-star.
    * de Cuba = Cuban.
    * de cuerpo largo = long-bodied.
    * de deficiente calidad = poor-quality, of poor quality.
    * de delante hacia atrás = front to back, fore and aft.
    * de densidad doble = double-density.
    * de dentro hacia fuera = inside outwards.
    * de derechas = right-wing.
    * de derecho = de jure [iure].
    * de derecho pero no de hecho = in name only.
    * de desarrollo = developmental.
    * de desarrollo autónomo = self-evolving.
    * de desarrollo rápido = fast-evolving.
    * de descargo = exonerating, exculpatory.
    * de desconexión = cut-off.
    * de descubrimiento reciente = newly-discovered.
    * de desecho = discarded.
    * de desempate = tie-breaker [tiebreaker], tie-breaking [tiebreaking].
    * de desguace = written-off.
    * de despedida = valedictory.
    * de día = in the daytime, during the daytime, during daytime.
    * de día a día = from day to day.
    * de diámetro = in diameter.
    * de diario = everyday.
    * de día y de noche = day and night, night and day.
    * de diesel = diesel-powered.
    * de diferente modo = differently.
    * de diferentes niveles = multi-tiered [multitiered], multi-tier [multitier].
    * de diferentes tonalidades de gris = grey scale [gray scale].
    * de difícil solución = intractable.
    * de dinero = well-to-do, well-off.
    * de dirección = directorial, administrative.
    * de diseño abierto = open-plan, open-planned.
    * de diversa índole = kaleidoscopic, of one type or another, of one sort or another, of one kind or another.
    * de diversos tipos = of one type or another, of one sort or another, of one kind or another.
    * de diverso tipo = of one type or another, of one sort or another, of one kind or another.
    * de doble cara = double-hinged, double-sided.
    * de doble filo = double-edged.
    * de doble hoja = double-hinged.
    * de doble sentido = double-edged, two-way.
    * de doble uso = dual-use.
    * de dolor = in pain.
    * de dominio público = publicly owned [publicly-owned].
    * de donde = whence, whence, from whence.
    * ¿de dónde si no...? = where else...?, where else...?.
    * de dos caras = two-sided, two-faced.
    * de dos días de duración = two-day [2-day].
    * de dos en dos = two at a time.
    * de dos letras = two-letter.
    * de dos niveles = two-tier.
    * de dos páginas = two-page.
    * de dos partidos políticos = bipartisan [bi-partisan].
    * de dos patas = two-legged.
    * de dos piernas = two-legged.
    * de dos pies = two-legged.
    * de dos plantas = two-storey [two-story].
    * de dos tonalidades = bitonal.
    * de dos tonos = bitonal.
    * de dos volúmenes = two-volume.
    * de duelo = in mourning.
    * de duración limitada = timebound [time-bound].
    * de Ecuador = Ecuadorian.
    * de edad = elderly.
    * de edad avanzada = over the hill.
    * de edad escolar = school-age.
    * de edad mediana = middle-aged.
    * de edad universitaria = college-age.
    * de elaboración de políticas = policy-forming.
    * de ello = thereof, therefrom.
    * de ellos = theirs.
    * de embalsamar = embalming.
    * de emisor a receptor = downstream.
    * de encaje = lacy.
    * de enmienda = amendatory.
    * de ensueño = dream-like [dreamlike], picture-perfect.
    * de entonces = of the day.
    * de entreguerras = interwar.
    * de entre los nuestros = in our ranks.
    * de entretenimiento = recreational.
    * de envergadura = heavy lifting.
    * de época = vintage.
    * de epopeya = epic.
    * de esa época = of the period.
    * de escándalo = outrageous.
    * de ese modo = in doing so, in this,, thereby.
    * de eso = thereof.
    * de espaldas anchas = broad-shouldered.
    * de especial importancia = of particular note.
    * de espíritu cívico = public-spirited.
    * de espíritu comunitario = public-spirited.
    * de espíritu libre = free-spirited.
    * de esta forma = in this fashion, in this manner, in this way.
    * de esta manera = in this fashion, in this manner, in this way.
    * de este modo = accordingly, by so doing, by this means, in so doing, in this fashion, in this manner, thereby, this way, thus, this way round, in this way, by doing so, in these ways, this is how, in doing so.
    * de este modo, de esta forma, de esta manera = in this way.
    * de esto, de lo otro y de lo de más allá = about this and that and everything else.
    * de Estonia = Estonian.
    * de esto y de lo otro = about this and that.
    * de estructura de acero = steel-framed.
    * de estructura de madera = timber-framed.
    * de Europa del Este = Eastern European.
    * de Europa Occidental = Western-European, West European.
    * de evaluación = evaluative.
    * de éxito = successful.
    * de éxito asegurado = sure-fire [surefire].
    * de éxito garantizado = sure-fire [surefire].
    * de éxito seguro = sure-fire [surefire].
    * de expansión = expanded.
    * de explotación = exploitative.
    * de extensión = in length.
    * de extensión normal = standard-length.
    * de extremada urgencia = serious.
    * de fabricación casera = homemade.
    * de fácil acceso = easily available, over the counter, handy.
    * de fácil alcance para = within easy reach of.
    * de fácil manejo = liftable.
    * de facto = de facto.
    * de fama = of note.
    * de fama internacional = of international renown.
    * de fama mundial = world-renowned, internationally renowned, world-renown.
    * de felpa = plush.
    * de fiar = legit.
    * de fichas = card-based.
    * de fijación de normas = standard(s) setting.
    * de final de año = end-year.
    * de final de mes = end-of-the-month.
    * de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX = turn-of-the-century.
    * de fin de año = end of the year.
    * de fin de milenio = millennial.
    * de forma = in form.
    * de forma abrumadora = overwhelmingly.
    * de forma aceptable = adequately, acceptably.
    * de forma adecuada = adequately, fitly, appropriately.
    * de forma alternada = in alternating fashion.
    * de forma alternativa = alternatively.
    * de forma anónima = anonymously.
    * de forma aplastante = overwhelmingly.
    * de forma apreciable = markedly.
    * de forma apropiada = properly, fitly, appropriately.
    * de forma audible = audibly.
    * de forma autónoma = autonomously.
    * de forma caprichosa = capriciously.
    * de formación = formative.
    * de forma clara = clearly.
    * de forma cognitiva = cognitively.
    * de forma colegiada = collegially.
    * de forma combinada = in combination.
    * de forma competitiva = competitively.
    * de forma complemenetaria = complimentarily.
    * de forma completa = in full.
    * de forma completa, en su totalidad, completamente, por extenso = in full.
    * de forma concisa = concisely.
    * de forma conjunta con = in partnership with.
    * de forma considerable = considerably.
    * de forma continuada = continuously.
    * de forma cuadrada = squarish, square-shaped.
    * de forma deductiva = deductively.
    * de forma desastrosa = disastrously.
    * de forma deshonesta = dishonestly.
    * de forma diferente = differently shaped.
    * de forma digital = digitally.
    * de forma divertida = funnily.
    * de forma económica = cost-effectively.
    * de forma errática = erratically.
    * de forma escandalosa = outrageously.
    * de forma especulativa = speculatively.
    * de forma estructurada = in a structured fashion.
    * de forma exquisita = exquisitely.
    * de forma extraña = oddly, funnily.
    * de forma federal = federally.
    * de forma general = widely, bulk.
    * de forma global = holistically.
    * de forma graciosa = funnily.
    * de forma gratis = on a complimentary basis.
    * de forma gratuita = on a complimentary basis.
    * de forma grotesca = grotesquely.
    * de forma heterogénea = heterogeneously [heterogenously].
    * de forma heurística = heuristically.
    * de forma humorística = in a humorous vein.
    * de forma imaginativa = imaginatively.
    * de forma indirecta = circuitous route.
    * de forma inesperada = out of the blue, like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue.
    * de forma innata = innately.
    * de forma irregular = erratically.
    * de forma lamentable = miserably.
    * de forma lógica = in a meaningful way.
    * de forma mágica = magically.
    * de forma mecánica = mechanically.
    * de forma mordaz = pungently.
    * de forma mordaz, mordazmente, con sarcasmo = pungently.
    * de forma muy parecida a = in much the same way as.
    * de forma muy similar a = in much the same way as.
    * de forma negativa = in a negative light.
    * de forma neutral = neutrally.
    * de forma notoria = markedly.
    * de forma opcional = optionally.
    * de forma óptima = optimally.
    * de forma personalizada = on a one-to-one basis.
    * de forma poco ética = unethically.
    * de forma poco imaginativa = unimaginatively.
    * de forma poco profesional = unprofessionally.
    * de forma poco razonable = unreasonably.
    * de forma positiva = in a positive light, constructively.
    * de forma práctica = pragmatically.
    * de forma precisa = precisely.
    * de forma provocativa = provocatively.
    * de forma puntual = occasionally, when necessary.
    * de forma que = in ways that.
    * de forma que resulta más fácil de entender = in digestible form.
    * de forma rara = oddly, funnily.
    * de forma recíproca = reciprocally.
    * de forma rentable = cost-effectively.
    * de forma residual = residually.
    * de forma ridícula = grotesquely.
    * de forma saludable = healthily.
    * de forma sana = healthily.
    * de forma significativa = to any significant extent, to a significant extent.
    * de forma sistemática = in a systematic fashion.
    * de forma sofisticada = sophisticatedly.
    * de forma subconsciente = subconsciously.
    * de forma sublime = subliminally.
    * de forma suscinta = in brief.
    * de forma terapéutica = therapeutically.
    * de forma tosca = in crude form.
    * de forma trágica = tragically.
    * de fotograma completo = full-frame.
    * de fotograma doble = half-frame.
    * de frente = head-on, frontal.
    * de fuera = outside, off-side.
    * de fuera de la ciudad = out-of-town.
    * de fuerza = forceful.
    * de funcionamiento = operating, operational.
    * de fundamental importancia = of prime importance, critically important.
    * de gala = gala.
    * de Galileo = Galilean.
    * de Gambia = Gambian.
    * de gas = gas-powered.
    * de generación a generación = from generation to generation.
    * de generación en generación = from generation to generation.
    * de geofísica = geophysical.
    * de gestión = managerial, back-office.
    * de gestión del museo = curatorial.
    * de Glasgow = Glaswegian.
    * de golpe = in one lump, all at once, all at once.
    * de grado básico = junior grade.
    * de gran ahorro energético = energy-saving.
    * de gran belleza = scenic.
    * de gran calibre = high-calibre.
    * de gran calidad = high-quality, high-grade [high grade], high-calibre.
    * de gran capacidad = large-capacity, high capacity.
    * de gran colorido = brightly coloured.
    * de gran corazón = big-hearted.
    * de gran efecto = wide-reaching.
    * de gran éxito comercial = high selling.
    * de gran formato = oversized, oversize.
    * de gran impacto = high impact [high-impact].
    * de gran influencia = seminal.
    * de granja = free-range.
    * de gran lucidez = clear-sighted.
    * de gran lujo = top-class.
    * de gran potencia = high-powered.
    * de gran repercusión = far-reaching, wide-reaching, far-ranging.
    * de gran talento = talented.
    * de gran valor = highly valued, highly valuable.
    * de gran valor histórico = of great historical value.
    * de gran venta = high selling.
    * de guardia = on duty, duty + Profesión, on call.
    * de guasa = teasingly.
    * de habla afrikaans = Afrikaans-speaking.
    * de habla alemana = German-speaking.
    * de habla francesa = French-speaking.
    * de habla inglesa = English-speaking.
    * de habla portuguesa = Portuguese-speaking.
    * de hace años = of years ago.
    * de hace muchos años = long-standing.
    * de hace mucho tiempo = age-old, long-lost.
    * de hace siglos = of yore.
    * de hace varios siglos = centuries-old.
    * de hasta + Número = of up to + Número.
    * de hecho = actually, as a matter of fact, as it happened, de facto, in actual fact, in effect, in fact, indeed, in point of fact, in actuality, as it happens, as it is, effectively, for all intents and purposes, to all intents and purposes, for that matter.
    * de hierbas = herbal.
    * de hierro = iron, ferric.
    * de higos a brevas = once in a blue moon.
    * de hoja caduca = deciduous.
    * de hoja perenne = evergreen.
    * de hojas largas = long-leaved.
    * de Homero = Homeric.
    * de hongos = fungal.
    * de horticultura = horticultural.
    * de hoy = present-day.
    * de hoy día = of today.
    * de hoy en adelante = as from today.
    * de hoy en día = of today.
    * de huelga = striking.
    * de humor = funny [funnier -comp., funniest -sup.].
    * de ida y vuelta = return, round-trip.
    * de ideas afines = like-minded.
    * de igual a igual = as a peer.
    * de igual forma = in like manner, in a like manner, in like fashion, in like vein.
    * de igual longitud = of equal length.
    * de igual manera = by the same token, in like fashion, in like manner, in like vein, in equal measure(s).
    * de igual modo = alike, equally, in like fashion, in like manner, in like vein.
    * de igual modo que = just as, just as well... as..., along the lines of, on the lines (of).
    * de igual + Nombre = equally + Adjetivo.
    * de ilusiones vive el hombre = We are such stuff as dreams are made on.
    * de imitación = copycat.
    * de importancia = of note, of consequence.
    * de importancia creciente = of growing importance.
    * de importancia crucial = crucially important.
    * de importancia fundamental = critically important.
    * de improviso = unawares, spur-of-the-moment, on the spur of the moment, unexpectedly.
    * de incalculable valor = priceless.
    * de incógnito = incognito.
    * de inferior calidad = low-end, sub-par.
    * de inflexión = inflexional [inflectional].
    * de inmediato = immediately.
    * de inspiración = inspirational.
    * de interés especial = of particular concern, special-interest.
    * de intereses similares = of like interest.
    * de interés general = general-interest, of general interest.
    * de interés humano = human interest.
    * de interés periodístico = newsworthy.
    * de investigación = exploratory.
    * de isótopos = isotopic.
    * de izquierdas = left-wing, leftist, lefty.
    * de jabón = soapy [soapier -comp., soapiest -sup.].
    * de jarana = out on the town, a (late) night out on the town.
    * de juerga = out on the town, a (late) night out on the town.
    * de Kenia = Kenyan.
    * de la "a" a la "zeta" = a to z [a/z o a-z].
    * de la adolescencia = teenage.
    * de la alcaldía = mayoral.
    * de la cabeza a los pies = from head to foot, from head to toe.
    * de la cara = facial.
    * de la Ceca a la Meca = from pillar to post.
    * de la clase blanca, protestante y anglosajona americana = WASPish.
    * de la cóclea = cochlear.
    * de la columna vertebral = spinal.
    * de la comedia = comedic.
    * de la corteza = crustal, cortical.
    * de la cría de aves = avicultural.
    * de la duramadre = dural.
    * de la edad media = dark-age.
    * de la embajada = ambassadorial.
    * de la época = of the time(s), of the day.
    * de la época isabelina = Elizabethan.
    * de la época victoriana = Victorian.
    * de la espina dorsal = spinal.
    * de la extensión de un libro = book-length.
    * de la fama al olvido = riches to rags.
    * de la forma más difícil = the hard way.
    * de la forma más fácil = the easy way.
    * de la fortuna a la pobreza = riches to rags.
    * de la fóvea = foveal.
    * de la gama alta = high-end.
    * de la gama baja = low-end.
    * de la gama inferior = low-end.
    * de la guerra = wartime [wart-time].
    * de la hipótesis = hypothesised [hypothesized, -USA].
    * de la localidad = locally based [locally-based].
    * de la malaria = malarial.
    * de la mama = mammary.
    * de la mandíbula inferior = mandibular.
    * de la mandíbula superior = maxillar, maxillary.
    * de la manera normal = in the normal manner.
    * de la mañana = a.m. (latín - ante meridiam), in the morning.
    * de la máquina y el hombre = human-machine.
    * de la marina = marine.
    * de la mejor forma posible = to the best of + Posesivo + abili

    * * *
    (en relaciones de pertenencia, posesión): la casa de mi hermano/de mis padres/de la actriz my brother's/my parents'/the actress's house
    el rey de Francia the king of France
    el cumpleaños de Luis Luis's birthday
    el cumpleaños de la esposa de un compañero a colleague's wife's birthday, the birthday of the wife of one of my colleagues
    no es de él/de ella/de ellos it isn't his/hers/theirs
    su padre de usted ( frml); your father
    un amigo de mi hijo a friend of my son's
    es un amigo de la familia he's a friend of the family o a family friend
    un estudiante de quinto año a fifth-year student
    el nieto de los Arteaga the Arteagas' grandson
    la mesa de la cocina the kitchen table
    la correa del perro the dog's leash
    un avión de Mexair a Mexair plane
    la tapa de la cacerola the saucepan lid
    las calles de la capital the streets of the capital, the capital's streets
    la subida de los precios the rise in prices
    al término de la reunión at the end of the meeting
    la ciudad de Lima the city of Lima
    el aeropuerto de Barajas Barajas airport
    el mes de enero the month of January
    el imbécil de tu hermano that stupid brother of yours, your stupid brother
    el bueno de Ricardo le aguanta cualquier cosa Ricardo is so good, he puts up with anything from her
    (en exclamaciones): ¡pobre de él! poor him!
    ¡triste de quien no conozca ese sentimiento! ( liter); pity the person who has never experienced that feeling! ( liter)
    (con apellidos): Sra. Mónica Ortiz de Arocena ≈ Mrs Mónica Arocena
    los señores de Rucabado ( frml); Mr and Mrs Rucabado
    ( Arg crit) (a casa de): voy del médico I'm going to the doctor's
    (expresando procedencia, origen): volvía de clase/del banco I was on my way back from my class/from the bank
    es de Bogotá she's from Bogotá, she comes from Bogotá
    lo saqué de la biblioteca I got it out of the library
    lo recogió del suelo she picked it up off the floor
    mis amigos de América my American friends, my friends from America
    he recibido carta de Julia I've had a letter from Julia
    un hijo de su primera mujer a son by his first wife
    al salir de la tienda as he left the store
    DE … A …:
    de aquí a tu casa from here to your house
    un amigo de la infancia a childhood friend
    data del siglo XVII it dates from the 17th century
    la literatura de ese período the literature of o from that period
    lo conozco de cuando estuve en Rosales I know him from when I was in Rosales
    de un día para otro from one day to the next
    DE … A …:
    está abierto de nueve a cinco it's open from nine to five o between nine and five
    de aquí a que termine tenemos para rato it'll be a while yet before he finishes, he won't be finished for a while yet
    (expresando causa): murió de viejo he died of old age
    verde de envidia green with envy
    estaba ronco de tanto gritar he was hoarse from shouting so much
    eso es de comer tan poco that's what comes from o of eating so little
    (introduciendo cualidades, características): es de una paciencia increíble he is incredibly patient, he is a man of incredible patience
    un chiste de muy mal gusto a joke in very bad taste
    objetos de mucho valor objects of great value
    un pez de agua dulce a freshwater fish
    ¿de qué color lo quiere? what color do you want it?
    tiene cara de aburrido he looks bored
    ese gesto es muy de su madre that gesture is very reminiscent of his mother
    tienes cosas de niño malcriado sometimes you act like a spoiled child
    una botella de un litro a liter bottle
    un niño de tres meses a three-month-old child
    déme de las de 200 pesos el kilo give me some of those o some of the ones at 200 pesos a kilo
    la chica del abrigo rojo the girl with o in the red coat
    la señora de azul the lady in blue
    un hombre de pelo largo a man with long hair
    un anciano de bastón an old man with a stick [de is part of many compounds like cinturón de seguridad, hombre de negocios, válvula de escape, etc ]
    (al especificar material, contenido, composición): una mesa de caoba a mahogany table
    una inyección de morfina an injection of morphine, a morphine injection
    el complemento ideal de todo plato de pescado the ideal complement to any fish dish
    son de plástico they're (made of) plastic
    un curso de secretariado a secretarial course
    nos sirvió una copa de champán she gave us a glass of champagne
    una colección de sellos a stamp collection, a collection of stamps
    un millón de dólares a million dollars
    (con sentido ponderativo): ¡lo encontré de viejo …! he seemed so old!
    ¡qué de coches! ( fam); what a lot of cars!
    (al definir, especificar): tuvo la suerte de conseguirlo she was lucky enough to get it
    aprieta el botón de abajo press the bottom button
    (con cifras): el número de estudiantes es de 480 the number of students is 480, there are 480 students
    pagan un interés del 15% they pay 15% interest o interest at 15%
    cuesta más de £100 it costs more than o over £100
    pesa menos de un kilo it weighs less than o under a kilo
    un número mayor/menor de 29 a number over/under 29
    (en expresiones de modo): lo tumbó de un golpe he knocked him down with one blow
    subió los escalones de dos en dos he went up the stairs two at a time
    de a poco (CS); little by little, gradually
    (CS): de a cuatro/ocho/diez: colócalos de a dos/cuatro put them in twos/fours
    entraron de a uno they went in one by one o one at a time [de is part of many expressions entered under frente2 m A 2. (↑ frente (2)), improviso, prisa etc]
    está de profesor en una academia he's working as a teacher in a private school
    le ofrecieron un puesto de redactor they offered him a job as an editor
    hace de enanito en la obra he plays (the part of) a dwarf in the play
    le habló de hombre a hombre he talked to him man to man
    (limitando lo expresado a determinado aspecto): es muy bonita de cara she has a pretty face
    es corto de talle/ancho de hombros he's short-waisted/broad-shouldered
    es sorda de un oído she's deaf in one ear
    ¿qué tal vamos de tiempo? how are we doing for time?
    tiene dos metros de ancho it's two meters wide
    (refiriéndose a una etapa de la vida): de niño as a child, when he was a child
    (en expresiones de estado, actividad): estaba de mal humor she was in a bad mood
    (indicando uso, destino, finalidad): el cepillo de la ropa the clothes brush
    el trapo de limpiar la plata the cloth for cleaning the silver
    lo sirvió en copas de champán he served it in champagne glasses
    dales algo de comer give them something to eat
    ¿qué hay de postre? what's for dessert? [de is part of many compounds like cuchara de servir, máquina de coser, saco de dormir, etc]
    una novela de Goytisolo a novel by Goytisolo, a Goytisolo novel
    seguidos del resto de la familia followed by the rest of the family
    una casa rodeada de árboles a house surrounded by trees
    viene acompañado de arroz it is served with rice
    acompañado de su señora esposa ( frml); accompanied by his wife
    ¿quién de ustedes fue? which (one) of you was it?
    se llevó uno de los míos she took one of mine
    el mayor de los Rodríguez the eldest of the Rodríguez children
    un cigarrillo de ésos que apestan one of those cigarettes that stink
    (con un superlativo): eligió el más caro de todos she chose the most expensive one of all
    la ciudad más grande del mundo the biggest city in the world
    (refiriéndose a una parte del día): a las once de la mañana/de la noche at eleven in the morning/at night
    duerme de día y trabaja de noche she sleeps during the day and works at night
    salieron de madrugada they left very early in the morning
    ver tb mañana3 f A. (↑ mañana (3)), tarde2 (↑ tarde (2)), etc
    A DE + INF:
    de haberlo sabido, habría venido antes if I had known, I would have come earlier o had I known, I would have come earlier
    de no ser así no será considerada otherwise it will not be considered
    de continuar este estado de cosas if this state of affairs persists
    B SER DE + INF
    (expresando necesidad, inevitabilidad): es de esperar que … it is to be hoped that …, one hopes that …
    no son de fiar they are not to be trusted
    es de destacar la actuación de Marta Valverde Marta Valverde's performance is worthy of note
    de no ( AmL); if not
    * * *

    Del verbo dar: ( conjugate dar)


    1ª persona singular (yo) presente subjuntivo

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente subjuntivo

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) imperativo

    Multiple Entries:

    dar ( conjugate dar) verbo transitivo

    déme un kilo de peras can I have a kilo of pears?;
    See Also→ conocer verbo transitivo 3 b, entender verbo transitivo
    b)cartas/mano to give

    a) (donar, regalar) ‹sangre/limosna to give;

    b) ( proporcionar) ‹fuerzas/valor/esperanza to give;

    información/idea to give
    a) (conferir, aportar) ‹sabor/color/forma to give

    b) ( aplicar) ‹mano de pintura/barniz to give

    c)sedante/masaje to give

    4 ( conceder) ‹prórroga/permiso to give;

    nos dieron un premio we won o got a prize
    a) (expresar, decir) ‹parecer/opinón to give;

    ¿le diste las gracias? did you thank him?, did you say thank you?;

    dales saludos give/send them my regards;
    tuve que déle la noticia I was the one who had to break the news to him
    b) (señalar, indicar): me da ocupado or (Esp) comunicando the line's busy o (BrE) engaged;

    a) ( producir) ‹fruto/flor to bear;

    dividendos to pay;

    b) (AmL) ( alcanzar hasta):

    da 150 kilómetros por hora it can do o go 150 kilometres an hour;

    venía a todo lo que daba it was travelling at full speed;
    ponen la radio a todo lo que da they turn the radio on full blast
    2 (causar, provocar) ‹placer/susto to give;
    problemas to cause;

    el calor le dio sueño/sed the heat made him sleepy/thirsty
    1 ( presentar) ‹ concierto to give;
    ¿qué dan esta noche en la tele? what's on TV tonight? (colloq);

    ¿dónde están dando esa película? where's that film showing?
    a)fiesta/conferencia to give;

    baile/banquete to hold;
    discurso› (AmL) to make
    b) (CS) ‹ examen› to take o (BrE) sit;

    ver tb clase 4
    ( realizar la accion que se indica) ‹ grito to give;

    dame un beso give me a kiss;
    ver tb golpe, paseo, vuelta, etc
    ( considerar) dé algo/a algn por algo:

    ese tema lo doy por sabido I'm assuming you've already covered that topic;
    ¡dalo por hecho! consider it done!
    verbo intransitivo

    [ventana/balcón] to look onto, give onto;
    [fachada/frente] to face
    2 (ser suficiente, alcanzar) dé para algo/algn to be enough for sth/sb;

    dé de sí ‹zapatos/jersey to stretch
    3 ( arrojar un resultado):

    ¿cuánto da la cuenta? what does it come to?;
    a mí me dio 247 I made it (to be) 247
    4 ( importar):

    ¡qué más da! what does it matter!;
    ¿qué más da? what difference does it make?;
    me da igual I don't mind
    5 ( en naipes) to deal
    a) (pegar, golpear): déle a algn to hit sb;

    ( como castigo) to smack sb;

    el balón dio en el poste the ball hit the post

    2 (accionar, mover) déle a algo ‹a botón/tecla to press sth;
    a interruptor to flick sth;
    a manivela/volante to turn sth

    soluciónto hit upon, find;
    palabra to come up with
    4 (hablando de manías, ocurrencias) déle a algn por hacer algo ‹por pintar/cocinar to take to doing sth;
    le ha dado por decir que … he's started saying that …

    5 [sol/luz]:

    la luz le daba de lleno en los ojos the light was shining right in his eyes
    darse verbo pronominal
    1 ( producirse) [fruta/trigo] to grow
    2 ( presentarse) [oportunidad/ocasión] to arise
    3 ( resultar) (+ me/te/le etc):

    a) ( refl) ( realizar lo que se indica) ‹ducha/banquete to have;

    dárselas de algo: se las da de valiente/de que sabe mucho he likes to make out he's brave/he knows a lot;

    dárselas de listo to act smart
    b) (golpearse, pegarse):

    se dieron contra un árbol they crashed into a tree;
    se dio dé un golpe en la rodilla he hit his knee
    ( considerarse) dése por algo:

    ver tb aludir a, enterado 1
    de 1 preposición
    a) (pertenencia, posesión):

    el rey dé Francia the king of France;
    no es dé él it isn't his;
    es un amigo dé mi hijo he's a friend of my son's;
    un estudiante dé quinto año a fifth-year student;
    la tapa dé la cacerola the saucepan lid;
    un avión dé Mexair a Mexair plane

    el aeropuerto dé Barajas Barajas airport;
    el mes dé enero the month of January
    a) (procedencia, origen, tiempo) from;

    es dé Bogotá she's/she comes from Bogotá;

    una carta dé Julia a letter from Julia;
    un amigo dé la infancia a childhood friend;
    la literatura dé ese período the literature of o from that period;
    dé aquí a tu casa from here to your house
    b) (material, contenido, composición):

    una mesa dé caoba a mahogany table;
    un vaso dé agua a glass of water;
    un millón dé dólares a million dollars
    c) (causa, modo):

    dé tanto gritar from shouting so much;
    verde dé envidia green with envy;
    temblando dé miedo trembling with fear;
    dé memoria by heart;
    lo tumbó dé un golpe he knocked him down with one blow

    rodeada dé árboles surrounded by trees
    a) (cualidades, características):

    objetos dé mucho valor objects of great value;
    ¿dé qué color lo quiere? what color do you want it?;
    tiene cara dé aburrido he looks bored;
    una botella dé un litro a liter bottle;
    la chica dé azul the girl in blue
    b) (al definir, especificar):

    tiene dos metros dé ancho it's two meters wide;
    es fácil de pronunciar it's easy to pronounce;
    uno dé los míos one of mine;
    el mayor dé los Soto the eldest of the Soto children
    a) ( con cifras):

    pagan un interés dél 15% they pay 15% interest o interest at 15%

    más dé £100 more than o over £100;

    pesa menos dé un kilo it weighs less than o under a kilo;
    un número mayor/menor dé 29 a number over/under 29

    la ciudad más grande dél mundo the biggest city in the world

    dé día/noche during the day/at night;

    dé madrugada early in the morning
    a) ( en calidad de) as;

    hace dé rey en la obra he plays (the part of) a king in the play
    b) (en expresiones de estado, actividad):

    estamos dé fiesta we're having a party
    c) (indicando uso, destino, finalidad):

    copas dé vino wine glasses;
    ropa dé cama bed clothes;
    dales algo dé comer give them something to eat;
    ¿qué hay dé postre? what's for dessert?
    6 ( con sentido condicional):

    dé no ser así otherwise
    de 2 sustantivo femenino: name of the letter d

    I verbo transitivo
    1 to give: dame la mano, hold my hand
    2 (conceder) to give: mi padre me dio permiso, my father gave me permission
    le doy toda la razón, I think he is quite right
    3 (transmitir una noticia) to tell
    (un recado, recuerdos) to pass on, give
    dar las gracias, to thank
    4 (retransmitir u ofrecer un espectáculo) to show, put on
    5 (organizar una fiesta) to throw, give
    6 (producir lana, miel, etc) to produce, yield
    (fruto, flores) to bear
    (beneficio, interés) to give, yield
    7 (causar un dolor, malestar) dar dolor de cabeza, to give a headache
    (un sentimiento) dar pena, to make sad
    le da mucha vergüenza, he's very embarrassed
    8 (proporcionar) to provide: su empresa da trabajo a cincuenta personas, his factory gives work to fifty people
    9 (una conferencia, charla) to give
    (impartir clases) to teach
    (recibir una clase) to have
    US to take
    10 (presentir) me da (en la nariz/en el corazón) que eso va a salir bien, I have a feeling that everything is going to turn out well
    11 (estropear) to ruin: me dio la noche con sus ronquidos, he spoilt my sleep with his snoring
    12 (abrir el paso de la luz) to switch on
    (del gas, agua) to turn on
    13 (propinar una bofetada, un puntapié, etc) to hit, give
    14 (aplicar una mano de pintura, cera) to apply, put on
    (un masaje, medicamento) to give
    15 (considerar) dar por, to assume, consider: lo dieron por muerto, he was given up for dead
    ese dinero lo puedes dar por perdido, you can consider that money lost
    dar por supuesto/sabido, to take for granted, to assume
    16 (la hora, un reloj) to strike: aún no habían dado las ocho, it was not yet past eight o'clock
    17 (realizar la acción que implica el objeto) dar un abrazo/susto, to give a hug/fright
    dar un paseo, to go for a walk
    dar una voz, to give a shout
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 (sobrevenir) le dio un ataque de nervios, she had an attack of hysterics
    2 dar de comer/cenar, to provide with lunch/dinner 3 dar a, (mirar, estar orientado a) to look out onto, to overlook
    (una puerta) to open onto, lead to: esa puerta da al jardín, this door leads out onto the garden 4 dar con, (una persona, objeto) to come across: no fuimos capaces de dar con la contraseña, we couldn't come up with the password
    dimos con él, we found him 5 dar de sí, (una camiseta, bañador) to stretch, give 6 dar en, to hit: el sol me daba en los ojos, the sun was (shining) in my eyes 7 dar para, to be enough o sufficient for: ese dinero no me da para nada, this money isn't enough for me
    ♦ Locuciones: dar a alguien por: le dio por ponerse a cantar, she decided to start singing
    le dio por nadar, he got it into his head to go swimming
    dar a entender a alguien que..., to make sb understand that...
    dar la mano a alguien, to shake hands with sb
    dar para: el presupuesto no da para más, the budget will not stretch any further
    dar que hablar, to set people talking
    dar que pensar: el suceso dio que pensar, the incident gave people food for thought
    dar a conocer, (noticia) to release
    de preposición
    1 (pertenencia, posesión) of
    la dirección de mis padres, my parents' address
    el teclado de este ordenador, this computer's keyboard
    la primera página del libro, the first page of the book
    2 (material) of: está hecho de madera, it's made of wood
    una pajarita de papel, a paper bird
    (contenido) un vaso de vino, a glass of wine
    3 (asunto) about, on: sabe mucho de economía, she knows a lot about economics
    un curso de inglés, an English course
    un libro de arte, a book on art
    4 (oficio) as: está/trabaja de enfermera, she is working as a nurse
    5 (cualidad) una persona de carácter, a person with character
    una rubia de pelo largo, a blonde with long hair
    6 (procedencia) from: es de Bilbao, he is o comes from Bilbao
    de Madrid a Cáceres, from Madrid to Cáceres
    7 (parte) un poco de leche, a little milk
    un trozo de carne, a piece of meat
    8 (causa) with, because of
    llorar de alegría, to cry with joy
    morir de hambre, to die of hunger
    9 (modo) lo bebió de un trago, she downed it in one
    un gesto de satisfacción, an expression of satisfaction
    10 (localización) el señor de la camisa azul, the man in the blue shirt
    la casa de la esquina, the house on the corner
    11 (tiempo) a las cinco de la mañana, at five in the morning
    de año en año, year in year out
    de día, by day
    de noche, at night
    de miércoles a viernes, from Wednesday to Friday
    de pequeño, as a child
    12 (finalidad) jornada de reflexión, eve of polling day
    libro de consulta, reference book
    máquina de escribir, typewriter
    13 (instrumento) derribó la puerta de una patada, he kicked the door down
    lo mataron de una puñalada, he was stabbed to death
    14 (comparación) el discurso fue más largo de lo esperado, the speech was longer than expected
    (con superlativo) in
    el coche más caro del mundo, the most expensive car in the world
    15 (precio) for
    un pantalón de dos mil pesetas, a pair of trousers costing two thousand pesetas 16 una avenida de quince kilómetros, an avenue fifteen kilometres long
    una botella de litro, a litre bottle
    17 (condicional) de haberlo sabido no le hubiera invitado, if I had known I wouldn't have invited him
    de no ser así, if that wasn't o weren't the case
    de ser cierto, if it was o were true
    18 (reiteración) de puerta en puerta, from door to door
    de tres en tres, in threes o three at a time

    '' also found in these entries:
    - a. C.
    - a.m.
    - abajo
    - abanderada
    - abanderado
    - abandonar
    - abandonarse
    - abandono
    - abanico
    - abarrotar
    - abarrotada
    - abarrotado
    - abarrotería
    - abastecer
    - abastecerse
    - abastecimiento
    - abasto
    - abatir
    - abatimiento
    - abatirse
    - abdicar
    - abertura
    - abierta
    - abierto
    - abismo
    - ablandar
    - abogar
    - abogacía
    - abogada
    - abogado
    - abominar
    - abominable
    - abono
    - abortar
    - abrir
    - abridor
    - abrigo
    - abrupta
    - abrupto
    - absoluta
    - absolutamente
    - absoluto
    - abstenerse
    - abstención
    - abstinencia
    - abstraerse
    - abuelo
    - abuhardillada
    - abuhardillado
    - A-level
    - a.m.
    - AA
    - abandon
    - ABC
    - ability
    - ablaze
    - aboard
    - about
    - about-face
    - about-turn
    - above
    - abreast
    - abroad
    - abrupt
    - absence
    - absent
    - absolve
    - absorb
    - abstain
    - abstract
    - abundance
    - abuse
    - AC
    - accepted
    - access road
    - accident
    - accidental
    - acclaim
    - accommodate
    - accommodation
    - accomplished
    - accomplishment
    - accordance
    - account
    - account for
    - accountable
    - accumulation
    - accuracy
    - accurate
    - accurately
    - accuse
    - accused
    - accusingly
    - accustom
    - ache
    - Achilles heel
    - aching
    - acid test
    * * *
    1. [posesión, pertenencia] of;
    el automóvil de mi padre/mis padres my father's/parents' car;
    es de ella it's hers;
    la maleta es de Eva the suitcase is Eva's o belongs to Eva;
    el padre de la niña the girl's father;
    el director de la empresa the manager of the company, the company's manager;
    la boda o [m5] el casamiento de un amigo de mi hermano the wedding of a friend of my brother's, a friend of my brother's wedding;
    un equipo de segunda división a second division team;
    la comida del gato the cat's food;
    el título de la novela the novel's title, the title of the novel;
    la pata de la mesa the table leg;
    una subida de precios a price rise;
    los señores de Navarro Mr and Mrs Navarro
    2. [procedencia, distancia] from;
    salir de casa to leave home;
    soy de Bilbao I'm from Bilbao;
    no soy de aquí I'm not from round here;
    de la playa al apartamento hay 100 metros it's 100 metres from the beach to the apartment;
    estamos a 10 kilómetros de Buenos Aires we're 10 kilometres away from Buenos Aires;
    el rey de España the king of Spain;
    tuvo dos hijos de su primera esposa he had two children by his first wife;
    b de Barcelona [deletreando] b for Barcelona
    3. [en razonamiento]
    de su sonrisa se deduce que todo ha ido bien you can tell from o by her smile that it all went well;
    del resultado del experimento concluyo que la fórmula no funciona I infer from the result of the experiment that the formula doesn't work
    4. [con nombre en aposición]
    la ciudad de Caracas the city of Caracas;
    el túnel del Canal the Channel Tunnel;
    el signo de tauro the sign of Taurus;
    el puerto de Cartagena the port of Cartagena
    5. [en descripciones]
    una película de terror a horror movie o Br film;
    la señora de verde the lady in green;
    el chico de la coleta the boy with the ponytail;
    una actriz de veinte años a twenty-year-old actress;
    ¿de qué tamaño? what size?;
    un político de fiar a trustworthy politician
    6. [materia] (made) of;
    un vaso de plástico a plastic cup;
    un reloj de oro a gold watch;
    una mesa de madera a wooden table
    7. [contenido]
    un vaso de agua a glass of water;
    un plato de lentejas a plate of lentils
    8. [precio]
    he comprado las peras de 80 céntimos el kilo I bought the pears that were 80 cents a kilo;
    un sello de 50 céntimos a 50-cent stamp
    9. [uso]
    una bici de carreras a racing bike;
    ropa de deporte sportswear;
    una máquina de coser a sewing machine;
    esta sartén es la del pescado y ésta la de las tortillas this frying pan's for fish and this one's for omelettes
    10. [asunto] about;
    hablábamos de ti we were talking about you;
    libros de historia history books
    11. [en calidad de] as;
    trabaja de bombero he works as a fireman;
    aparece de cosaco he appears as a Cossack, he plays a Cossack;
    estás muy guapa de uniforme you look very pretty in uniform;
    al desfile de carnaval iré de Napoleón I'll go as Napoleon in the carnival parade
    12. [tiempo] [desde] from;
    [durante] in;
    trabaja de nueve a cinco she works from nine to five;
    vivió en Bolivia de 1975 a 1983 she lived in Bolivia between 1975 and 1983, she lived in Bolivia from 1975 to 1983;
    de madrugada early in the morning;
    a las cuatro de la tarde at four in the afternoon;
    trabaja de noche y duerme de día he works at night and sleeps during the day;
    es de día it's daytime;
    de niño solía jugar en la calle as a child I used to play in the street;
    ¿qué quieres ser de mayor? what do you want to be when you grow up?;
    un compañero del colegio a friend from school;
    de mañana/tarde in the morning/afternoon;
    de noche at night;
    ayer salimos de noche we went out last night
    13. [causa] with;
    morirse de hambre to die of hunger;
    llorar de alegría to cry with joy;
    temblar de miedo to tremble with fear;
    eso es de fumar tanto that's what comes from smoking so much
    14. [manera, modo] with;
    de una patada with a kick;
    rompió el cristal de una pedrada he shattered the window with a stone;
    de una sola vez in one go;
    lo bebió de un trago he drank it down in one go;
    de tres en tres/cuatro en cuatro/ etc[m5]. three/four/ etc at a time;
    de a tres/cuatro/ etc[m5]. in threes/fours/ etc;
    de fácil manejo user-friendly;
    ponerse de rodillas to kneel down
    15. [con valor partitivo] of;
    uno de los nuestros one of ours;
    varios de nosotros several of us;
    ¿quién de vosotros sabe la respuesta? which of you knows the answer?
    16. Literario [sobre]
    de la paz y la guerra of war and peace
    17. [en valoración]
    lo tacharon de vulgar they branded him as vulgar, they accused him of being vulgar
    18. [en lugar de]
    yo de ti no lo haría I wouldn't do it if I were you;
    yo de Eduardo le pediría perdón if I were Eduardo, I'd say sorry to her
    19. [en comparaciones]
    más/menos de… more/less than…;
    [con superlativos]
    el mejor de todos the best of all;
    el más importante del mundo the most important in the world;
    la peor película del año the worst film this year o of the year;
    la impresora más moderna del mercado the most up-to-date printer on the market
    20. (antes de infinitivo) [condición] if;
    de querer ayudarme, lo haría if she wanted to help me, she'd do it;
    de no ser por ti, me hubiese hundido if it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't have made it;
    de ir a verte, sería este domingo if I do visit you, it'll be this Sunday
    21. (después de adjetivo y antes de sustantivo) [enfatiza cualidad]
    el idiota de tu hermano your stupid brother;
    la buena de Susana good old Susana;
    ¡pobre de mí! poor me!
    22. (después de adjetivo y antes de infinitivo)
    es difícil de creer it's hard to believe;
    una velada imposible de olvidar an unforgettable evening
    23. (después del verbo “haber”) [obligación]
    he de trabajar más I have to work harder;
    has de gastar menos you should spend less
    24. (antes de complemento agente)
    una película de Buñuel a film by Buñuel, a Buñuel film;
    vino acompañado de su familia he was accompanied by his family
    25. (antes de adverbio de lugar)
    el apartamento de abajo the downstairs Br flat o US apartment;
    la fila de delante the front row
    de no loc conj
    Am otherwise;
    dime la verdad, de no te castigaré tell me the truth, otherwise I'm going to punish you
    * * *
    1 origen from;
    de Nueva York from New York;
    de … a from … to
    2 posesión of;
    el coche de mi amigo my friend’s car
    3 material (made) of;
    un anillo de oro a gold ring
    4 contenido of;
    un vaso de agua a glass of water
    una mujer de 20 años a 20 year old woman
    6 causa with;
    temblaba de miedo she was shaking with fear
    de noche at night, by night;
    de día by day
    8 en calidad de as;
    trabajar de albañil work as a bricklayer;
    de niño as a child
    9 agente by;
    de Goya by Goya
    10 condición if;
    de haberlo sabido if I’d known
    la ciudad de Lima the city of Lima
    * * *
    de prep
    1) : of
    la casa de Pepe: Pepe's house
    un niño de tres años: a three-year-old boy
    2) : from
    es de Managua: she's from Managua
    salió del edificio: he left the building
    3) : in, at
    a las tres de la mañana: at three in the morning
    salen de noche: they go out at night
    4) : than
    más de tres: more than three
    * * *
    de prep
    5. (materia, tema)
    6. (origen, procedencia) from
    7. (descripción) with / in
    8. (agente) by
    10. (con números, una parte) than / of

    Spanish-English dictionary > de

  • 19 todo

    1 all, the whole of, all of.
    Toda la mañana All morning. Perdió todo su dinero=He lost all his money.
    2 every, each.
    Todo carro que.. All car that....
    3 entire.
    everything, absolutely everything, all, all the lot.
    whole, unity, entirety.
    * * *
    3 (cada) every
    4 (igual) like, exactly like, the image of
    1 (sin excluir nada) all, everything
    2 (cualquiera) anybody
    1 (totalidad) whole
    2 (en charadas) all, whole
    1 completely, totally, all
    así y todo in spite of everything
    a todo esto (por cierto) by the way 2 (mientras) in the meantime
    con todo in spite of everything
    de todas formas / después de todo anyway, after all
    del todo completely, entirely
    eso es todo that's all, that's it
    estar en todo to be really with it, know what's going on
    fue todo uno familiar it all happened at once
    hay de todo there are all sorts
    por todo,-a all over
    ser todo uno familiar to be all the same thing
    todo el mundo everybody
    todo lo contrario quite the opposite, quite the contrary
    todo lo más at the most
    todo quisque / todo Dios familiar every Tom, Dick and Harry
    todos y cada uno each and everyone
    1 (totalidad) whole
    2 (en charadas) all, whole
    1 completely, totally, all
    * * *
    1. noun m. 2. (f. - toda)
    all, everything
    - todas 3. adv.
    wholly, entirely
    4. (f. - toda)
    1) every, each
    2) all, whole, entire
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) [en singular] (=en su totalidad) all

    todo lo que usted necesiteeverything o whatever you need

    con todo lo listo que es, no es capaz de resolver esto — clever as he is o for all his intelligence, he can't solve this problem

    todo lo demásall the rest

    a o con toda prisa — in all haste, with all speed

    a toda velocidadat full speed

    a todo esto, la orquesta siguió tocando — meanwhile, the band kept on playing

    a todo esto, ¿os apetece ir al cine? — by the way, would you like to go to the cinema?

    a todo esto, no nos olvidemos de llamarla — while we're on the subject, we mustn't forget to phone her

    cuanto, mundo
    2) [en plural]
    a) [en un conjunto] all
    b) (=cada) every
    forma 2)
    3) [con valor enfático]

    es todo un hombre — he's every inch a man, he's a real man

    más 1., 2), d)
    4) (=del todo)
    2. PRON
    1) [en singular]

    lo han vendido todo — they've sold the lot, they've sold it all

    todo el que quiera... — everyone o anyone who wants to...

    todo a cien pound store, dollar store (EEUU), shop selling everyday items at low prices

    2) [en plural] (=cosas) all (of them); (=personas) everybody, everyone

    todos estaban de acuerdoeverybody o everyone agreed

    todos los que quieran venir — all those who want to come, anyone who wants to come

    3) [locuciones con preposición]

    ir a todo — to be prepared to do or die

    ante todo — first of all, in the first place

    con todo, con todo y — in spite of

    el coche, con todo y ser nuevo... — the car, in spite of being new..., despite the fact that the car was new...

    con todo (y con eso) — still, nevertheless

    con todo y con eso llegamos una hora tarde — we still arrived an hour late, nevertheless we arrived an hour late

    de todo, lo llamaron de todo — they called him every name under the sun

    nos pasó de todo — everything possible happened to us, you name it, it happened to us

    del todo — wholly, entirely

    después de todo — after all

    de todas todas —

    ¡te digo que sí de todas todas! — I tell you it jolly well is!

    botica 1), pesar 4., 3), sobre II, 9)

    como o en un todo — as a whole

    jugar 3. TODO ► Para traducir el adjetivo todo con el sentido de en su totalidad se usa all, seguido del sustantivo en singular y sin determinante: Se pasó toda la tarde viendo la tele He spent all afternoon watching TV ► Con el mismo sentido anterior, también se puede traducir por whole o entire, este último es más enfático. En este caso, el indefinido tiene que ir acompañado de un sustantivo contable en singular y precedido por un determinante: Se pasó toda la tarde viendo la tele He spent the whole o the entire afternoon watching TV ► Todos se traduce por every cuando se hace hincapié en todos y cada uno de los individuos de un grupo de personas o cosas y también cuando se habla de acciones repetidas: Todos los niños deben llevar el uniforme del colegio Every child must wear school uniform Salimos a cenar todos los viernes We go out for dinner every Friday El sustantivo que sigue a every va en singular y nunca lleva determinante. El verbo va también en singular. ► Cuando todos se emplea para generalizar, se traduce por all. En este caso el sustantivo que sigue a all no lleva determinante: Todos los alemanes saben hablar inglés All Germans can speak English ► Todos también se traduce por all para referirse al conjunto de individuos de un grupo pero, a diferencia de every, sin dar importancia a los elementos. En este caso el sustantivo lleva determinante y va en plural, como el verbo: Todos los libros de la biblioteca eran antiguos All the books in the library were old
    * * *
    - da adjetivo
    1) ( la totalidad de) all

    nos comimos todo el pan/todos los bombones — we ate all the bread/chocolates

    toda la mañana — all morning, the whole morning

    2) (cualquier, cada)

    todo artículo importado — all imported items, any imported item

    todos los días/los años — every day/year

    a todo esto — ( mientras tanto) meanwhile, in the meantime; ( a propósito) incidentally, by the way


    el/un todo — the/a whole

    jugarse el todo por el todoto risk o gamble everything on one throw

    - da pronombre
    a) ( sin excluir nada) everything

    ¿eso es todo? — is that all?


    todos/todas — ( referido a - cosas) all; (- a personas) all, everybody

    vinieron todos — they all came, everybody came

    ¿están todos? — is everyone o everybody here?

    ¿estamos todos? — are we all here?

    con todo (y eso) — (fam) ( aun así) all the same, even so

    con todo, sigo pensando que... — all the same o even so I still think that...

    de todo: come de todo she'll eat anything; venden de todo they sell everything o all sorts of things; hace de todo un poco he does a bit of everything; del todo totally; no es del todo cierto it's not entirely o totally true; y todo: enfermo y todo, vino a trabajar sick as he was, he still came to work; tuvo que venir la policía y todo (fam) the police had to come and everything (colloq); de todas, todas (fam): ¿es verdad? - de todas, todas is it true? - you bet it is! (colloq); ganó de todas, todas he won by a mile (colloq); me las pagará todas juntas one of these days I'll get even with him for all of this; no tenerlas todas consigo — to be a little worried o uneasy

    3) (como adv)
    a) ( completamente) all

    está toda entusiasmada con el viajeshe's all o terribly excited about the trip

    * * *
    = all, complete, every, everything, whole affair, the, wholeness, the full monty, the whole lot, at large, the works!, the whole thing, the entire length of.
    Ex. All returned documents must be checked for the presence of a hold on the title.
    Ex. The main entry is the complete catalogue record of the document.
    Ex. The directory is a finding list which lists for every field its tag, the number of characters in the field, and the starting character position of the field within the record.
    Ex. The CLEAR key erases everything on the screen.
    Ex. The whole affair, assembled and compressed, could be lugged off in a moving van.
    Ex. The part chosen should have a unity of its own, a wholeness that offers a complete experience without at the same time giving away everything.
    Ex. The article ' The digital full monty?' forecasts that the world of information is likely to be dominated by global giants on the one hand and selective niche providers on the other.
    Ex. Alternatively the printer might not have ordered enough paper for the whole book, either because he miscalculated or because he could not afford to buy the whole lot at once = Por otro lado, el impresor podría no haber encargado suficiente papel para imprimir el libro entero, bien porque lo calculó mal o porque no podía permitirse el lujo de comprarlo todo de una vez.
    Ex. The committee will be expected to produce an annual report to the members at large.
    Ex. Whole cities laid to waste, heroes falling in battle, death of gods, the works!.
    Ex. The truth is that I'm pretty upset about the whole thing and don't have very warm feelings towards the makers of these products.
    Ex. It tells the story of one man's absurd quest to become the first person to walk the entire length of the Amazon River.
    * ¡a por todas! = go for it!.
    * abandonar toda esperanza = give up + hope.
    * abarcarlo todo = be all inclusive.
    * absolutamente todo = anything and everything, the whole works, the whole shebang, everything and the kitchen sink, the whole enchilada, the whole (kit and) caboodle, the whole nine yards, the whole shooting match, the whole banana, lock, stock and barrel.
    * absolver a Alguien de todos los cargos = acquit + Nombre + on all counts.
    * acaparar toda la atención = steal + the limelight.
    * accesible por todos = widely accessible.
    * acceso para todos = access for all.
    * aceptado por todos = widely accepted.
    * a decir de todos = by all accounts.
    * afectar a todo el país = sweep + the country.
    * ahorros de toda la vida = life-time savings, life savings.
    * ahorros de toda una vida = life savings.
    * al alcance de todos = within everybody's reach, within everyone's reach, accessible to everyone, accessible to everybody.
    * al igual que con todo en la vida = as with everything in life.
    * a lo largo de todo = the entire length of.
    * antes de todo = before anything else, first off.
    * ante todo = first and foremost, before anything else, more than anything else, first of all, above all, above all things.
    * a pesar de todo = all the same, in spite of everything, despite everything, despite it all, in spite of it all, all this said.
    * a pesar de todo + Posesivo + Nombre = for all + Posesivo + Nombre.
    * aprendizaje durante toda la vida = lifelong education.
    * a toda costa = absolutely, come what may, at all costs, at any cost, at any price.
    * a toda máquina = in the fast lane, fast lane, full steam ahead, at full tilt, full-tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a toda marcha = at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a toda mecha = at a rate of knots, full steam ahead, at full blast, at full throttle, at top speed, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a toda pasta = at a rate of knots.
    * a toda pastilla = in the fast lane, on the fast track, fast lane, full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at a rate of knots, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a toda prueba = unswerving.
    * a todas horas = at all hours, around the clock.
    * a todas luces = patently.
    * a todas partes = far and wide.
    * a toda velocidad = full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a todo alrededor = all round.
    * a todo color = full-colour, in full colour.
    * a todo gas = full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a todo lo largo de = the length of.
    * a todo meter = full steam ahead, at full stretch, at full speed, at full blast, at top speed.
    * a todo ritmo = in full swing, in full force, in full gear.
    * a todos lados = far and wide.
    * a todos los efectos = to all intents and purposes, to all intents, for all practical purposes, for all intents and purposes.
    * a todos los niveles = at all levels.
    * a todos nosotros = us all.
    * a todos por igual = one size fits all.
    * a todo vapor = full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a todo volumen = at full blast.
    * autoaprendizaje durante toda la vida = lifelong learning.
    * avanzar a toda máquina = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a toda mecha = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a toda pastilla = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a todo gas = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a todo meter = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a todo vapor = go + full steam ahead.
    * bastante para todos = enough to go round.
    * bien de todos, el = common good, the.
    * buscar por todas partes = scour + Nombre + for.
    * buscar por todo el mundo = search + the world (over).
    * capaz de todo = capable of anything.
    * casi de todo = just about everything.
    * casi todo = everything but the kitchen sink, just about everything.
    * casi todos = almost any.
    * castigar con todo el peso de la ley = punish + to the full extent of the law.
    * celebrar por todo lo alto = make + a song and dance about.
    * comérselo todo = eat + Posesivo + way through.
    * como con todo en la vida = as with everything in life.
    * como un todo = as a whole.
    * comportarse como toda una señora = take + the high road, take + the high ground.
    * comportarse como todo un caballero = take + the high road, take + the high ground.
    * conjuntarlo todo = tie + the pieces together.
    * conocido de todos = well-known.
    * conocido por todos = widely recognised, well-known.
    * conseguir ser el blanco de todas las miradas = capture + spotlight, grab + the spotlight.
    * contar todo sobre = give + Nombre + the lowdown on.
    * con toda claridad = as clear as a bell.
    * con toda confianza = feel + free to.
    * con toda desfachatez = shamelessly.
    * con toda franqueza = to put it frankly, in all sincerity, in all honesty.
    * con toda honestidad = in all honesty.
    * con toda insolencia = shamelessly.
    * con toda la razón = quite rightly.
    * con toda la vestimenta = in full gear.
    * con toda nitidez = as clear as a bell.
    * con toda probabilidad = in all probability, probability.
    * con toda seguridad = safely.
    * con toda sinceridad = quite honestly, to put it frankly, in all sincerity, in all honesty.
    * con todas las de la ley = full-bodied, full-fledged, full-scale.
    * con todas las prestaciones = full-featured.
    * con todas sus prestaciones = fully featured.
    * con toda su fuerza = in full force.
    * con toda tranquilidad = casually.
    * con todo descaro = shamelessly.
    * con todo el peso de la ley = to the full extent of the law.
    * con todo incluido = with the works!.
    * con todo mi debido respeto hacia = with (all) due respect to.
    * con todo mi respeto hacia = with (all) due respect to.
    * con todos los extras = with the works!.
    * con todos los lujos = with all mods and cons.
    * con todos mis respetos hacia (la opinión de) = pace.
    * con todos sus defectos = warts and all.
    * con todo tipo de comodidades = with all mods and cons.
    * con todo tipo de lujos = with all mods and cons.
    * contra toda persona = all comers.
    * contra (todo) pronóstico = against (all/the) odds.
    * contra todo (tipo) de riesgo = against all risks.
    * controlarlo todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * coordinarlo todo = tie + the pieces together.
    * correr a toda velocidad = sprint.
    * cubrir toda la gama = run + the gamut.
    * cubrir todo el espectro = run + the gamut.
    * dar al traste con todo = upset + the applecart.
    * dar el todo por el todo = give + Posesivo + all.
    * dar todo de Uno mismo = give of + Posesivo + best.
    * dar todo el oro del mundo = give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * decir con toda confianza = say in + full confidence.
    * decir la verdad, toda la verdad y nada más que la verdad = to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
    * dedicar toda una vida = spend + lifetime.
    * dedicar todo el esfuerzo del mundo a = put + Posesivo + heart into.
    * del todo = all the way.
    * demostrarlo todo = be proof enough.
    * dentro de todo = all in all.
    * desde todos los puntos de vista = in every sense.
    * desear a Algo o Alguien toda la suerte del mundo = wish + Nombre + every success.
    * despedirse de Alguien deseándole que todo vaya bien = wish + well.
    * después de todo = after all.
    * de toda la empresa = systemwide.
    * de toda la institución = institution-wide, systemwide.
    * de toda la provincia = province-wide.
    * de toda la universidad = university-wide.
    * de toda la vida = lifelong [life-long].
    * de todas formas = anyway(s), at any rate, anyhow.
    * de todas las formas posibles = in any and all ways.
    * de todas las partes del mundo = from all over the world, from all over the globe, from every part of the world.
    * de todas maneras = at any rate.
    * de todas partes = from far and wide.
    * de todo = throughout.
    * de todo corazón = heart-to-heart, with all + Posesivo + heart.
    * de todo el continente = continent-wide.
    * de todo el distrito = district-wide [districtwide].
    * de todo el mundo = world over, the, from (all) around the world, throughout the world, around the world, across the globe, around the globe, from (all) around the globe, all over the globe, from across the world, across the world, around the planet, the world over.
    * de todo el país = across the land, all around the country, all over the country, from all over the country.
    * de todo el planeta = across the planet.
    * de todo el sistema = systemwide.
    * de todo + Nombre = all through + Nombre.
    * de todos conocido = well-known.
    * de todos lados = from far and wide.
    * de todos los colores = of all stripes, a rainbow of.
    * de todos los tiempos = all-time, of all time(s).
    * de todos los tipos = of all stripes.
    * de todos modos = at any rate.
    * de todo tipo = of all sorts, of every sort, of all stripes, of all shapes and sizes.
    * de todo un poco = about this and that and everything else, about this and that.
    * de una vez por todas = once and for all, once for all.
    * Día de Todos los Santos = All Saints' Day.
    * dirigirse a toda prisa hacia = make + haste towards.
    * disfrutar de todas las ventajas = have + the best of both worlds.
    * durante casi todo el año = for the best part of the year.
    * durante toda la noche = all-night, all night long.
    * durante toda la vida = lifelong [life-long].
    * durante toda una vida = over a lifetime.
    * durante todo = all the way through, throughout.
    * durante todo el día = all day long.
    * durante todo el trimestre = semester-long.
    * durante todo el verano = all summer long.
    * durante todo + Tiempo = all through + Tiempo.
    * durar toda una vida = go on + for a lifetime, last + (for) a lifetime.
    * echarlo todo a perder = upset + the applecart.
    * echarlo todo a rodar = upset + the applecart.
    * echarlo todo por tierra = upset + the applecart.
    * echar toda la carne en el asador = put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket, shoot (for) + the moon, go for + broke.
    * el dinero es el origen de todos los males = money is the root of all evil.
    * el dinero es la fuente de todos los males = money is the root of all evil.
    * el fin de todos los fines = the end of all ends.
    * el mejor de todos = the cream of the crop, crème de la crème.
    * el mejor momento de todos = the time of all times.
    * el peor de todos = the worst of the lot.
    * el sueño de toda persona = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * el sueño de todos = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * el todo es más grande que la suma de sus partes = the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
    * en casi todos los + Nombre = in just about every + Nombre.
    * encontrarle defectos a todo = nitpick.
    * encontrarle faltas a todo = nitpick.
    * en igualdad de condiciones para todos los sexos = gender-equitable.
    * en toda la empresa = company-wide, systemwide.
    * en toda la institución = systemwide.
    * en toda la nación = nationwide [nation-wide].
    * en toda ocasión = at every turn.
    * en todas partes = all around, far and wide.
    * en todo = throughout.
    * en todo caso = if anything.
    * en todo el edificio = site-wide.
    * en todo el estado = statewide [state-wide].
    * en todo el mundo = worldwide [world-wide], world over, the, throughout the world, around the world, all around the world, across the globe, around the globe, across the world, around the planet, the world over, in the whole world.
    * en todo el país = all around the country, all over the country, from all over the country, across the country.
    * en todo el planeta = across the planet, planet-wide.
    * en todo el proceso = throughout.
    * en todo el sistema = systemwide.
    * en todo momento = at all times, at every instant, every step of the way, throughout, at every turn, day in and day out, at all hours, time after time.
    * en todos estos sentidos = in all these regards.
    * en todos lados = far and wide.
    * en todos los aspectos = all-round.
    * en todos los sentidos = in all respects, in every sense.
    * en todos menos en = in all but.
    * en todos y cada uno de = in all.
    * escolarización para todos = universal schooling.
    * eso es casi todo = that's about it.
    * estar dispuesto a todo = be ready, willing and able.
    * estar en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar metido en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar pendiente de todo = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * estar todos en el mismo barco = be all in the same boat.
    * exento de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * extenderse por todas partes = reach + far and wide, extend + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * extenderse por todos lados = extend + far and wide, reach + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * facilitarle la vida a todos = simplify + life for everyone.
    * famoso en todo el mundo = world-famous [world famous], world-renowned, world-renown.
    * fuente de todos los males, la = root of all evil, the.
    * fuera de toda duda = incontrovertible, without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * fuera de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * ganar cuando todo parece estar perdido = victory from the jaws of defeat.
    * gente de todo tipo = people from all walks of life.
    * hacerle la vida más simple a todos = simplify + life for everyone.
    * hacerlo todo excepto = stop at + nothing short of.
    * hacerlo todo menos = stop at + nothing short of.
    * hacer (todo) el trabajo pesado = do (all) + the donkey work.
    * hacer todo lo posible = do + Posesivo + best, pull out + all the stops, do + the best + Nombre + may, do + the best + Nombre + can, try + hard, try + Posesivo + best, try + Posesivo + heart out, work + hard.
    * hacer todo lo posible (dado) = do + the best possible (with).
    * hacer todo lo posible para = every effort + be + made to.
    * hacer todo lo posible por = go to + any lengths to, go to + great lengths to, endeavour [endeavor, -USA], take + (great) pains to.
    * hacer todo lo que está en nuestras manos = pull out + all the stops.
    * hacer todo lo que Uno pueda = do + Posesivo + best, do + the best + Nombre + may, do + the best + Nombre + can.
    * hacer todo lo que Uno pueda (dado) = do + the best possible (with).
    * hacer un todo de = lump + Nombre + into.
    * hasta ahora, todo bien = so far, so good.
    * igualdad de condiciones para todos = levelling of the playing field.
    * igual para todos = one size fits all.
    * incluir a todo el mundo = inclusivity.
    * incluirlo todo = be all inclusive.
    * insuficiente para todos = insufficient to go round.
    * integrar formando un todo = articulate.
    * ir a por todas = go for + broke, shoot (for) + the moon.
    * ir a toda velocidad = hurtle.
    * ir todo bien = be fine.
    * ir todo de maravilla = come up + roses.
    * jalárselo todo = scoff + the lot, eat + Posesivo + way through.
    * jugarse el todo por el todo = take + the plunge, risk + life and limb.
    * jugárselo todo = go for + broke, shoot (for) + the moon.
    * jugárselo todo a una sola carta = put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket.
    * justamente todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * justamente todo lo contrario de = quite the opposite of.
    * libre de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * llegar a todas partes = reach + far and wide, extend + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * llegar a todos lados = extend + far and wide, reach + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * llevar al hospital con toda urgencia = rush + Nombre + to hospital.
    * llevar todas las de perder = odds + be stacked against, not have a leg to stand on.
    * lo mejor de todo = best of all.
    * lo primero de todo = first of all, first off.
    * mantener todo controlado = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * más allá de toda duda = beyond doubt, without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * más allá de toda razón = beyond reason.
    * más bien todo lo contrario = quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * más que todo lo demás = beyond all else.
    * más que todos nosotros juntos = more than all of us put together.
    * meter las manos en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * meterse en todos los fregados = have + a finger in every pie.
    * motocicleta todo terreno = dirt bike.
    * no aburrir a Alguien con todos los detalles = spare + Nombe + all the details.
    * no creerse Algo del todo = take + Nombre + with a pinch of salt.
    * no del todo maduro, verde = underripe.
    * no ser oro todo lo que reluce = not + it's cracked up to be.
    * no somos todos iguales = one size doesn't fit all.
    * No todo lo que reluce es oro = All that glitters is not gold, Not all that is gold glitters.
    * ocurrir todo a la vez = happen + all at once.
    * origen de todos males, el = root of all evil, the.
    * para sorpresa de todos = to everyone's surprise.
    * para toda la empresa = company-wide, enterprise-wide.
    * para toda la industria = industry-wide.
    * para toda la universidad = university-wide.
    * para toda la vida = lifelong [life-long], for life.
    * para todo el mercado = industry-wide.
    * para todos los efectos prácticos = for all practical purposes.
    * para todos por igual = across the board [across-the-board].
    * para todo tipo de tiempo = all-weather.
    * para todo uso = all-purpose.
    * pasar a toda velocidad = whiz.
    * póliza de seguro a todo riesgo = all risks cover.
    * poner toda la carne en el asador = shoot (for) + the moon, put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket.
    * poner toda la carne en el asador = go for + broke.
    * poner todo de + Posesivo + parte = do + Posesivo + best, give + Posesivo + best, give + Posesivo + utmost.
    * poner todo patas arriba = turn + everything upside down.
    * poner todos los huevos en una canasta = put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket.
    * por ahora todo va bien = so far, so good.
    * por encima de toda crítica = beyond reproach, above reproach.
    * por encima de toda duda = beyond reproach, above reproach.
    * por encima de toda razón = beyond reason.
    * por encima de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * por encima de todo = at all costs, at any cost, at any price.
    * por lo que dicen todos = by all accounts.
    * por toda la ciudad = citywide [city-wide].
    * por toda la Internet = Internet-wide.
    * por toda la nación = nationwide [nation-wide].
    * por toda la provincia = province-wide.
    * por toda la vida = lifetime [life-time].
    * por todas las instituciones oficiales = government-wide.
    * por todas partes = all over the place, everywhere, widely, all around, far and wide.
    * por toda una vida = lifetime [life-time].
    * por todo = all over, throughout, all the way through.
    * por todo el campus universitario = campus-wide [campuswide].
    * por todo el continente = continent-wide.
    * por todo el distrito = district-wide [districtwide].
    * por todo el gobierno = government-wide.
    * por todo el mundo = worldwide [world-wide], around the world, across the globe, around the globe, across the world, around the planet, the world over.
    * por todo el planeta = across the planet, planet-wide.
    * por todo el servicio = service-wide.
    * por todo lo alto = grandly, on a grand scale.
    * por todo + Nombre de Lugar = across + Nombre de Lugar.
    * por todos conocido = well-known.
    * por todos lados = far and wide.
    * por todos los medios = by all means.
    * por todos sitios = everywhere.
    * que afecta a toda la empresa = enterprise-wide.
    * que afecta a toda la sociedad = culture-wide.
    * que afecta a todas las culturas = culture-wide.
    * que bate todos los récords = record breaking.
    * que cubre todo el cuerpo = head to toe.
    * que dura todo el año = year-round.
    * que lo abarca todo = all-embracing.
    * que lo incluye todo = all-embracing.
    * reconocido por todos = widely recognised.
    * relación parte = whole/part relationship.
    * replantearse todo desde cero = get back to + basics.
    * reservados todos los derechos = all rights reserved.
    * resistir con todas las fuerzas = resist + with every cell in + Posesivo + body.
    * respetado por todos = widely-respected.
    * revolucionarlo todo = turn + everything upside down.
    * revolverlo todo = turn + everything upside down.
    * sacarle defectos a todo = nitpick.
    * sacarle faltas a todo = nitpick.
    * salir a toda prisa = make + a hasty exit.
    * seguro a todo riesgo = comprehensive insurance, all-risk insurance.
    * ser conocido por todos = be out in the open.
    * ser el centro de todas las miradas = cut + a dash.
    * ser justo con todos = give the devil his due.
    * serlo todo para todos = be all things to all men, be all things to all people.
    * ser todo corazón = have + a heart of gold.
    * ser todo oídos = be all ears.
    * ser todo un éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.
    * ser todo ventajas = the best of both worlds.
    * ser todo vida = be all life.
    * si todo sigue igual = all (other) things being equal.
    * si todo va de acuerdo a lo planeado = all (other) things being equal.
    * sobre todas las cosas = above all things.
    * sobre todo = above all, above everything else, in particular, above all things.
    * tan amado de todos = so beloved of all.
    * tan amado por todos = so beloved of all.
    * tan querido por todos = so beloved of all.
    * tan queridos de todos = so beloved of all.
    * tenerlo todo = have + the best of both worlds.
    * tenerlo todo hecho = have + an easy ride.
    * tener todas las de perder = fight + a losing battle.
    * tener todas las posibilidades de = have + every possibility of.
    * tener todo + Nombre + a + Posesivo + disposición = have + the run of the + Nombre.
    * tener todo + Nombre + para + Pronombre = have + the run of the + Nombre.
    * tener todo un éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.
    * tienda de todo a cien = dollar store.
    * tienda que vende de todo = general store.
    * titular a toda plana = headline banner.
    * toda alma viviente = every living soul.
    * toda clase de = all sorts of.
    * toda la comunidad = the community at large.
    * toda la fuerza = full force.
    * toda la fuerza de = the full force of.
    * toda la fuerza del impacto = full force.
    * toda la noche = all night long.
    * toda la sociedad = society at large.
    * toda la trupe = in full force.
    * toda la verdad sobre = the skinny on.
    * toda la vida = from the cradle to the grave, whole lifelong, whole life.
    * todas las florituras = all the bells and whistles.
    * todas las iniciales del nombre propio = full initials.
    * todas las partes implicadas = all concerned.
    * todas las personas implicadas = all concerned.
    * todas las razones del mundo = every reason.
    * todas las semanas = weekly.
    * toda una serie de = a whole series of.
    * toda una vida = a lifetime.
    * toda una vida de experiencia = a lifetime of experience.
    * toda una vida de trabajo = a lifetime of work.
    * todo a la vez = all at once.
    * todo al mismo tiempo = all at once.
    * todo bicho viviente = every living soul, everyone and their mother, every Tom, Dick and Harry.
    * todo confuso = in a state of disarray.
    * todo continúa como antes = life goes on as before.
    * todo cuesta algo = nothing comes without a cost.
    * todo de una vez = in one lump.
    * todo de (un) golpe = all at once.
    * todo dios = every Tom, Dick and Harry, everyone and their mother.
    * todo el año = year-round.
    * todo el cotarro = the whole works, the whole shebang, everything and the kitchen sink, the whole enchilada, the whole (kit and) caboodle, the whole nine yards, the whole shooting match, the whole banana, lock, stock and barrel.
    * todo el día = all day, all day long, around the clock.
    * todo el fin de semana = all weekend long.
    * todo el mundo = all and sundry, every Tom, Dick and Harry, everybody, each and everyone.
    * todo el mundo debe tener acceso a la información = access for all.
    * todo el peso de la ley = full force of the law, the, full force of the law, the.
    * todo el rato = all the while.
    * todo el santo día = all day long.
    * todo el tiempo = all of the time, left, right and centre, the whole time, all the while.
    * todo el tinglado = the whole works, the whole shebang, everything and the kitchen sink, the whole enchilada, the whole (kit and) caboodle, the whole nine yards, the whole shooting match, the whole banana, lock, stock and barrel.
    * todo en su conjunto = whole affair, the.
    * todo en uno = all in one.
    * todo es posible = all bets are off, the sky is the limit.
    * todo está a la vista = what you see is what you get.
    * todo esto = the whole thing.
    * todo excepto = everything except (for).
    * todo florido = in full blossom.
    * todo hijo de vecino = every Tom, Dick and Harry.
    * todo incluido = all-inclusive.
    * todo ir bien = all + be + well with the world.
    * todo liado = in a state of disarray.
    * todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse, in marked contrast.
    * todo lo demás = all else.
    * todo lo que toca se convierte en oro = Midas touch, the.
    * todo lo relativo al personaje novelesco Holmes = Holmesiana.
    * todo lujo de detalles = chapter and verse.
    * todo marcha bien = everything is hunky-dory.
    * todo menos = everything except (for).
    * todo mindundi = every Tom, Dick and Harry.
    * todo + Nombre = the whole + Nombre.
    * todo queda en casa = all in the family.
    * todo quisque = every Tom, Dick and Harry, everyone and their mother.
    * todo quisqui = every Tom, Dick and Harry, everyone and their mother.
    * todo recto = straight ahead, straight on.
    * todos = everybody, everyone, them all, all comers, great and small, all concerned, anyone and everyone.
    * todos a cubierta = all hands on deck!.
    * todos a la faena = all hands on deck, all hands to the pump(s).
    * todos al rescate = all hands on deck, all hands to the pump(s).
    * todo seguido = continuously, straight ahead, straight on.
    * todos ellos = them all.
    * todo ser humano = every living soul.
    * todos + estar de acuerdo = agree on + all hands.
    * todos excepto = everyone except, everybody except.
    * todos excepto + Número = all but + Número.
    * todos lo demás = everyone else.
    * todos los accesorios extras = all the bells and whistles.
    * todos los adornos extras = all the bells and whistles.
    * todos los años = on a yearly basis, year in and year out, year-on-year.
    * todos los demás = everybody else.
    * todos los derechos reservados = all rights reserved.
    * todos los días = daily, on a daily basis, every day, day in and day out.
    * todos los miembros de la agencia = agency-wide.
    * todos los otros = all of the other.
    * todos manos a la obra = all hands to the pump(s), all hands on deck.
    * todos menos = everyone except, everybody except.
    * todos menos + Número = all but + Número.
    * todos nosotros = all of us.
    * todos por igual = share and share alike.
    * todos ustedes = you all.
    * todos vosotros = you all.
    * todos y cada uno = all and sundry, in full force, each and everyone.
    * todos y cada uno de = any and every, any and all.
    * todos y cada uno de + Adjetivo + Nombre = Pronombre + every + Nombre.
    * todo tiene sus ventajas y sus inconvenientes = swings and roundabouts, what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts.
    * todo tipo de = all sorts of, all manner of.
    * todo tipo de gustos = all shades of opinion.
    * todo va a las mil maravillas = everything is hunky-dory.
    * todo vale = no holds barred.
    * trabajo de toda una vida = life's work, lifework.
    * tratar por todos los medios de = take + (great) pains to.
    * tratar por todos los medios de + Verbo = be at pains to + Infinitivo.
    * Verbo + sobre todo = Verbo + the most.
    * vida a toda pastilla = life in the fast lane.
    * y lo peor de todo = and worst of all.
    * y sobre todo = and worst of all.
    * y todo este tipo de cosas = and all this sort of thing.
    * zampárselo todo = scoff + the lot.
    * * *
    - da adjetivo
    1) ( la totalidad de) all

    nos comimos todo el pan/todos los bombones — we ate all the bread/chocolates

    toda la mañana — all morning, the whole morning

    2) (cualquier, cada)

    todo artículo importado — all imported items, any imported item

    todos los días/los años — every day/year

    a todo esto — ( mientras tanto) meanwhile, in the meantime; ( a propósito) incidentally, by the way


    el/un todo — the/a whole

    jugarse el todo por el todoto risk o gamble everything on one throw

    - da pronombre
    a) ( sin excluir nada) everything

    ¿eso es todo? — is that all?


    todos/todas — ( referido a - cosas) all; (- a personas) all, everybody

    vinieron todos — they all came, everybody came

    ¿están todos? — is everyone o everybody here?

    ¿estamos todos? — are we all here?

    con todo (y eso) — (fam) ( aun así) all the same, even so

    con todo, sigo pensando que... — all the same o even so I still think that...

    de todo: come de todo she'll eat anything; venden de todo they sell everything o all sorts of things; hace de todo un poco he does a bit of everything; del todo totally; no es del todo cierto it's not entirely o totally true; y todo: enfermo y todo, vino a trabajar sick as he was, he still came to work; tuvo que venir la policía y todo (fam) the police had to come and everything (colloq); de todas, todas (fam): ¿es verdad? - de todas, todas is it true? - you bet it is! (colloq); ganó de todas, todas he won by a mile (colloq); me las pagará todas juntas one of these days I'll get even with him for all of this; no tenerlas todas consigo — to be a little worried o uneasy

    3) (como adv)
    a) ( completamente) all

    está toda entusiasmada con el viajeshe's all o terribly excited about the trip

    * * *
    = all, complete, every, everything, whole affair, the, wholeness, the full monty, the whole lot, at large, the works!, the whole thing, the entire length of.

    Ex: All returned documents must be checked for the presence of a hold on the title.

    Ex: The main entry is the complete catalogue record of the document.
    Ex: The directory is a finding list which lists for every field its tag, the number of characters in the field, and the starting character position of the field within the record.
    Ex: The CLEAR key erases everything on the screen.
    Ex: The whole affair, assembled and compressed, could be lugged off in a moving van.
    Ex: The part chosen should have a unity of its own, a wholeness that offers a complete experience without at the same time giving away everything.
    Ex: The article ' The digital full monty?' forecasts that the world of information is likely to be dominated by global giants on the one hand and selective niche providers on the other.
    Ex: Alternatively the printer might not have ordered enough paper for the whole book, either because he miscalculated or because he could not afford to buy the whole lot at once = Por otro lado, el impresor podría no haber encargado suficiente papel para imprimir el libro entero, bien porque lo calculó mal o porque no podía permitirse el lujo de comprarlo todo de una vez.
    Ex: The committee will be expected to produce an annual report to the members at large.
    Ex: Whole cities laid to waste, heroes falling in battle, death of gods, the works!.
    Ex: The truth is that I'm pretty upset about the whole thing and don't have very warm feelings towards the makers of these products.
    Ex: It tells the story of one man's absurd quest to become the first person to walk the entire length of the Amazon River.
    * ¡a por todas! = go for it!.
    * abandonar toda esperanza = give up + hope.
    * abarcarlo todo = be all inclusive.
    * absolutamente todo = anything and everything, the whole works, the whole shebang, everything and the kitchen sink, the whole enchilada, the whole (kit and) caboodle, the whole nine yards, the whole shooting match, the whole banana, lock, stock and barrel.
    * absolver a Alguien de todos los cargos = acquit + Nombre + on all counts.
    * acaparar toda la atención = steal + the limelight.
    * accesible por todos = widely accessible.
    * acceso para todos = access for all.
    * aceptado por todos = widely accepted.
    * a decir de todos = by all accounts.
    * afectar a todo el país = sweep + the country.
    * ahorros de toda la vida = life-time savings, life savings.
    * ahorros de toda una vida = life savings.
    * al alcance de todos = within everybody's reach, within everyone's reach, accessible to everyone, accessible to everybody.
    * al igual que con todo en la vida = as with everything in life.
    * a lo largo de todo = the entire length of.
    * antes de todo = before anything else, first off.
    * ante todo = first and foremost, before anything else, more than anything else, first of all, above all, above all things.
    * a pesar de todo = all the same, in spite of everything, despite everything, despite it all, in spite of it all, all this said.
    * a pesar de todo + Posesivo + Nombre = for all + Posesivo + Nombre.
    * aprendizaje durante toda la vida = lifelong education.
    * a toda costa = absolutely, come what may, at all costs, at any cost, at any price.
    * a toda máquina = in the fast lane, fast lane, full steam ahead, at full tilt, full-tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a toda marcha = at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a toda mecha = at a rate of knots, full steam ahead, at full blast, at full throttle, at top speed, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a toda pasta = at a rate of knots.
    * a toda pastilla = in the fast lane, on the fast track, fast lane, full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at a rate of knots, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a toda prueba = unswerving.
    * a todas horas = at all hours, around the clock.
    * a todas luces = patently.
    * a todas partes = far and wide.
    * a toda velocidad = full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a todo alrededor = all round.
    * a todo color = full-colour, in full colour.
    * a todo gas = full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a todo lo largo de = the length of.
    * a todo meter = full steam ahead, at full stretch, at full speed, at full blast, at top speed.
    * a todo ritmo = in full swing, in full force, in full gear.
    * a todos lados = far and wide.
    * a todos los efectos = to all intents and purposes, to all intents, for all practical purposes, for all intents and purposes.
    * a todos los niveles = at all levels.
    * a todos nosotros = us all.
    * a todos por igual = one size fits all.
    * a todo vapor = full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a todo volumen = at full blast.
    * autoaprendizaje durante toda la vida = lifelong learning.
    * avanzar a toda máquina = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a toda mecha = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a toda pastilla = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a todo gas = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a todo meter = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a todo vapor = go + full steam ahead.
    * bastante para todos = enough to go round.
    * bien de todos, el = common good, the.
    * buscar por todas partes = scour + Nombre + for.
    * buscar por todo el mundo = search + the world (over).
    * capaz de todo = capable of anything.
    * casi de todo = just about everything.
    * casi todo = everything but the kitchen sink, just about everything.
    * casi todos = almost any.
    * castigar con todo el peso de la ley = punish + to the full extent of the law.
    * celebrar por todo lo alto = make + a song and dance about.
    * comérselo todo = eat + Posesivo + way through.
    * como con todo en la vida = as with everything in life.
    * como un todo = as a whole.
    * comportarse como toda una señora = take + the high road, take + the high ground.
    * comportarse como todo un caballero = take + the high road, take + the high ground.
    * conjuntarlo todo = tie + the pieces together.
    * conocido de todos = well-known.
    * conocido por todos = widely recognised, well-known.
    * conseguir ser el blanco de todas las miradas = capture + spotlight, grab + the spotlight.
    * contar todo sobre = give + Nombre + the lowdown on.
    * con toda claridad = as clear as a bell.
    * con toda confianza = feel + free to.
    * con toda desfachatez = shamelessly.
    * con toda franqueza = to put it frankly, in all sincerity, in all honesty.
    * con toda honestidad = in all honesty.
    * con toda insolencia = shamelessly.
    * con toda la razón = quite rightly.
    * con toda la vestimenta = in full gear.
    * con toda nitidez = as clear as a bell.
    * con toda probabilidad = in all probability, probability.
    * con toda seguridad = safely.
    * con toda sinceridad = quite honestly, to put it frankly, in all sincerity, in all honesty.
    * con todas las de la ley = full-bodied, full-fledged, full-scale.
    * con todas las prestaciones = full-featured.
    * con todas sus prestaciones = fully featured.
    * con toda su fuerza = in full force.
    * con toda tranquilidad = casually.
    * con todo descaro = shamelessly.
    * con todo el peso de la ley = to the full extent of the law.
    * con todo incluido = with the works!.
    * con todo mi debido respeto hacia = with (all) due respect to.
    * con todo mi respeto hacia = with (all) due respect to.
    * con todos los extras = with the works!.
    * con todos los lujos = with all mods and cons.
    * con todos mis respetos hacia (la opinión de) = pace.
    * con todos sus defectos = warts and all.
    * con todo tipo de comodidades = with all mods and cons.
    * con todo tipo de lujos = with all mods and cons.
    * contra toda persona = all comers.
    * contra (todo) pronóstico = against (all/the) odds.
    * contra todo (tipo) de riesgo = against all risks.
    * controlarlo todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * coordinarlo todo = tie + the pieces together.
    * correr a toda velocidad = sprint.
    * cubrir toda la gama = run + the gamut.
    * cubrir todo el espectro = run + the gamut.
    * dar al traste con todo = upset + the applecart.
    * dar el todo por el todo = give + Posesivo + all.
    * dar todo de Uno mismo = give of + Posesivo + best.
    * dar todo el oro del mundo = give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * decir con toda confianza = say in + full confidence.
    * decir la verdad, toda la verdad y nada más que la verdad = to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
    * dedicar toda una vida = spend + lifetime.
    * dedicar todo el esfuerzo del mundo a = put + Posesivo + heart into.
    * del todo = all the way.
    * demostrarlo todo = be proof enough.
    * dentro de todo = all in all.
    * desde todos los puntos de vista = in every sense.
    * desear a Algo o Alguien toda la suerte del mundo = wish + Nombre + every success.
    * despedirse de Alguien deseándole que todo vaya bien = wish + well.
    * después de todo = after all.
    * de toda la empresa = systemwide.
    * de toda la institución = institution-wide, systemwide.
    * de toda la provincia = province-wide.
    * de toda la universidad = university-wide.
    * de toda la vida = lifelong [life-long].
    * de todas formas = anyway(s), at any rate, anyhow.
    * de todas las formas posibles = in any and all ways.
    * de todas las partes del mundo = from all over the world, from all over the globe, from every part of the world.
    * de todas maneras = at any rate.
    * de todas partes = from far and wide.
    * de todo = throughout.
    * de todo corazón = heart-to-heart, with all + Posesivo + heart.
    * de todo el continente = continent-wide.
    * de todo el distrito = district-wide [districtwide].
    * de todo el mundo = world over, the, from (all) around the world, throughout the world, around the world, across the globe, around the globe, from (all) around the globe, all over the globe, from across the world, across the world, around the planet, the world over.
    * de todo el país = across the land, all around the country, all over the country, from all over the country.
    * de todo el planeta = across the planet.
    * de todo el sistema = systemwide.
    * de todo + Nombre = all through + Nombre.
    * de todos conocido = well-known.
    * de todos lados = from far and wide.
    * de todos los colores = of all stripes, a rainbow of.
    * de todos los tiempos = all-time, of all time(s).
    * de todos los tipos = of all stripes.
    * de todos modos = at any rate.
    * de todo tipo = of all sorts, of every sort, of all stripes, of all shapes and sizes.
    * de todo un poco = about this and that and everything else, about this and that.
    * de una vez por todas = once and for all, once for all.
    * Día de Todos los Santos = All Saints' Day.
    * dirigirse a toda prisa hacia = make + haste towards.
    * disfrutar de todas las ventajas = have + the best of both worlds.
    * durante casi todo el año = for the best part of the year.
    * durante toda la noche = all-night, all night long.
    * durante toda la vida = lifelong [life-long].
    * durante toda una vida = over a lifetime.
    * durante todo = all the way through, throughout.
    * durante todo el día = all day long.
    * durante todo el trimestre = semester-long.
    * durante todo el verano = all summer long.
    * durante todo + Tiempo = all through + Tiempo.
    * durar toda una vida = go on + for a lifetime, last + (for) a lifetime.
    * echarlo todo a perder = upset + the applecart.
    * echarlo todo a rodar = upset + the applecart.
    * echarlo todo por tierra = upset + the applecart.
    * echar toda la carne en el asador = put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket, shoot (for) + the moon, go for + broke.
    * el dinero es el origen de todos los males = money is the root of all evil.
    * el dinero es la fuente de todos los males = money is the root of all evil.
    * el fin de todos los fines = the end of all ends.
    * el mejor de todos = the cream of the crop, crème de la crème.
    * el mejor momento de todos = the time of all times.
    * el peor de todos = the worst of the lot.
    * el sueño de toda persona = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * el sueño de todos = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * el todo es más grande que la suma de sus partes = the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
    * en casi todos los + Nombre = in just about every + Nombre.
    * encontrarle defectos a todo = nitpick.
    * encontrarle faltas a todo = nitpick.
    * en igualdad de condiciones para todos los sexos = gender-equitable.
    * en toda la empresa = company-wide, systemwide.
    * en toda la institución = systemwide.
    * en toda la nación = nationwide [nation-wide].
    * en toda ocasión = at every turn.
    * en todas partes = all around, far and wide.
    * en todo = throughout.
    * en todo caso = if anything.
    * en todo el edificio = site-wide.
    * en todo el estado = statewide [state-wide].
    * en todo el mundo = worldwide [world-wide], world over, the, throughout the world, around the world, all around the world, across the globe, around the globe, across the world, around the planet, the world over, in the whole world.
    * en todo el país = all around the country, all over the country, from all over the country, across the country.
    * en todo el planeta = across the planet, planet-wide.
    * en todo el proceso = throughout.
    * en todo el sistema = systemwide.
    * en todo momento = at all times, at every instant, every step of the way, throughout, at every turn, day in and day out, at all hours, time after time.
    * en todos estos sentidos = in all these regards.
    * en todos lados = far and wide.
    * en todos los aspectos = all-round.
    * en todos los sentidos = in all respects, in every sense.
    * en todos menos en = in all but.
    * en todos y cada uno de = in all.
    * escolarización para todos = universal schooling.
    * eso es casi todo = that's about it.
    * estar dispuesto a todo = be ready, willing and able.
    * estar en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar metido en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar pendiente de todo = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * estar todos en el mismo barco = be all in the same boat.
    * exento de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * extenderse por todas partes = reach + far and wide, extend + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * extenderse por todos lados = extend + far and wide, reach + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * facilitarle la vida a todos = simplify + life for everyone.
    * famoso en todo el mundo = world-famous [world famous], world-renowned, world-renown.
    * fuente de todos los males, la = root of all evil, the.
    * fuera de toda duda = incontrovertible, without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * fuera de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * ganar cuando todo parece estar perdido = victory from the jaws of defeat.
    * gente de todo tipo = people from all walks of life.
    * hacerle la vida más simple a todos = simplify + life for everyone.
    * hacerlo todo excepto = stop at + nothing short of.
    * hacerlo todo menos = stop at + nothing short of.
    * hacer (todo) el trabajo pesado = do (all) + the donkey work.
    * hacer todo lo posible = do + Posesivo + best, pull out + all the stops, do + the best + Nombre + may, do + the best + Nombre + can, try + hard, try + Posesivo + best, try + Posesivo + heart out, work + hard.
    * hacer todo lo posible (dado) = do + the best possible (with).
    * hacer todo lo posible para = every effort + be + made to.
    * hacer todo lo posible por = go to + any lengths to, go to + great lengths to, endeavour [endeavor, -USA], take + (great) pains to.
    * hacer todo lo que está en nuestras manos = pull out + all the stops.
    * hacer todo lo que Uno pueda = do + Posesivo + best, do + the best + Nombre + may, do + the best + Nombre + can.
    * hacer todo lo que Uno pueda (dado) = do + the best possible (with).
    * hacer un todo de = lump + Nombre + into.
    * hasta ahora, todo bien = so far, so good.
    * igualdad de condiciones para todos = levelling of the playing field.
    * igual para todos = one size fits all.
    * incluir a todo el mundo = inclusivity.
    * incluirlo todo = be all inclusive.
    * insuficiente para todos = insufficient to go round.
    * integrar formando un todo = articulate.
    * ir a por todas = go for + broke, shoot (for) + the moon.
    * ir a toda velocidad = hurtle.
    * ir todo bien = be fine.
    * ir todo de maravilla = come up + roses.
    * jalárselo todo = scoff + the lot, eat + Posesivo + way through.
    * jugarse el todo por el todo = take + the plunge, risk + life and limb.
    * jugárselo todo = go for + broke, shoot (for) + the moon.
    * jugárselo todo a una sola carta = put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket.
    * justamente todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * justamente todo lo contrario de = quite the opposite of.
    * libre de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * llegar a todas partes = reach + far and wide, extend + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * llegar a todos lados = extend + far and wide, reach + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * llevar al hospital con toda urgencia = rush + Nombre + to hospital.
    * llevar todas las de perder = odds + be stacked against, not have a leg to stand on.
    * lo mejor de todo = best of all.
    * lo primero de todo = first of all, first off.
    * mantener todo controlado = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * más allá de toda duda = beyond doubt, without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * más allá de toda razón = beyond reason.
    * más bien todo lo contrario = quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * más que todo lo demás = beyond all else.
    * más que todos nosotros juntos = more than all of us put together.
    * meter las manos en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * meterse en todos los fregados = have + a finger in every pie.
    * motocicleta todo terreno = dirt bike.
    * no aburrir a Alguien con todos los detalles = spare + Nombe + all the details.
    * no creerse Algo del todo = take + Nombre + with a pinch of salt.
    * no del todo maduro, verde = underripe.
    * no ser oro todo lo que reluce = not + it's cracked up to be.
    * no somos todos iguales = one size doesn't fit all.
    * No todo lo que reluce es oro = All that glitters is not gold, Not all that is gold glitters.
    * ocurrir todo a la vez = happen + all at once.
    * origen de todos males, el = root of all evil, the.
    * para sorpresa de todos = to everyone's surprise.
    * para toda la empresa = company-wide, enterprise-wide.
    * para toda la industria = industry-wide.
    * para toda la universidad = university-wide.
    * para toda la vida = lifelong [life-long], for life.
    * para todo el mercado = industry-wide.
    * para todos los efectos prácticos = for all practical purposes.
    * para todos por igual = across the board [across-the-board].
    * para todo tipo de tiempo = all-weather.
    * para todo uso = all-purpose.
    * pasar a toda velocidad = whiz.
    * póliza de seguro a todo riesgo = all risks cover.
    * poner toda la carne en el asador = shoot (for) + the moon, put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket.
    * poner toda la carne en el asador = go for + broke.
    * poner todo de + Posesivo + parte = do + Posesivo + best, give + Posesivo + best, give + Posesivo + utmost.
    * poner todo patas arriba = turn + everything upside down.
    * poner todos los huevos en una canasta = put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket.
    * por ahora todo va bien = so far, so good.
    * por encima de toda crítica = beyond reproach, above reproach.
    * por encima de toda duda = beyond reproach, above reproach.
    * por encima de toda razón = beyond reason.
    * por encima de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * por encima de todo = at all costs, at any cost, at any price.
    * por lo que dicen todos = by all accounts.
    * por toda la ciudad = citywide [city-wide].
    * por toda la Internet = Internet-wide.
    * por toda la nación = nationwide [nation-wide].
    * por toda la provincia = province-wide.
    * por toda la vida = lifetime [life-time].
    * por todas las instituciones oficiales = government-wide.
    * por todas partes = all over the place, everywhere, widely, all around, far and wide.
    * por toda una vida = lifetime [life-time].
    * por todo = all over, throughout, all the way through.
    * por todo el campus universitario = campus-wide [campuswide].
    * por todo el continente = continent-wide.
    * por todo el distrito = district-wide [districtwide].
    * por todo el gobierno = government-wide.
    * por todo el mundo = worldwide [world-wide], around the world, across the globe, around the globe, across the world, around the planet, the world over.
    * por todo el planeta = across the planet, planet-wide.
    * por todo el servicio = service-wide.
    * por todo lo alto = grandly, on a grand scale.
    * por todo + Nombre de Lugar = across + Nombre de Lugar.
    * por todos conocido = well-known.
    * por todos lados = far and wide.
    * por todos los medios = by all means.
    * por todos sitios = everywhere.
    * que afecta a toda la empresa = enterprise-wide.
    * que afecta a toda la sociedad = culture-wide.
    * que afecta a todas las culturas = culture-wide.
    * que bate todos los récords = record breaking.
    * que cubre todo el cuerpo = head to toe.
    * que dura todo el año = year-round.
    * que lo abarca todo = all-embracing.
    * que lo incluye todo = all-embracing.
    * reconocido por todos = widely recognised.
    * relación parte = whole/part relationship.
    * replantearse todo desde cero = get back to + basics.
    * reservados todos los derechos = all rights reserved.
    * resistir con todas las fuerzas = resist + with every cell in + Posesivo + body.
    * respetado por todos = widely-respected.
    * revolucionarlo todo = turn + everything upside down.
    * revolverlo todo = turn + everything upside down.
    * sacarle defectos a todo = nitpick.
    * sacarle faltas a todo = nitpick.
    * salir a toda prisa = make + a hasty exit.
    * seguro a todo riesgo = comprehensive insurance, all-risk insurance.
    * ser conocido por todos = be out in the open.
    * ser el centro de todas las miradas = cut + a dash.
    * ser justo con todos = give the devil his due.
    * serlo todo para todos = be all things to all men, be all things to all people.
    * ser todo corazón = have + a heart of gold.
    * ser todo oídos = be all ears.
    * ser todo un éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.
    * ser todo ventajas = the best of both worlds.
    * ser todo vida = be all life.
    * si todo sigue igual = all (other) things being equal.
    * si todo va de acuerdo a lo planeado = all (other) things being equal.
    * sobre todas las cosas = above all things.
    * sobre todo = above all, above everything else, in particular, above all things.
    * tan amado de todos = so beloved of all.
    * tan amado por todos = so beloved of all.
    * tan querido por todos = so beloved of all.
    * tan queridos de todos = so beloved of all.
    * tenerlo todo = have + the best of both worlds.
    * tenerlo todo hecho = have + an easy ride.
    * tener todas las de perder = fight + a losing battle.
    * tener todas las posibilidades de = have + every possibility of.
    * tener todo + Nombre + a + Posesivo + disposición = have + the run of the + Nombre.
    * tener todo + Nombre + para + Pronombre = have + the run of the + Nombre.
    * tener todo un éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.
    * tienda de todo a cien = dollar store.
    * tienda que vende de todo = general store.
    * titular a toda plana = headline banner.
    * toda alma viviente = every living soul.
    * toda clase de = all sorts of.
    * toda la comunidad = the community at large.
    * toda la fuerza = full force.
    * toda la fuerza de = the full force of.
    * toda la fuerza del impacto = full force.
    * toda la noche = all night long.
    * toda la sociedad = society at large.
    * toda la trupe = in full force.
    * toda la verdad sobre = the skinny on.
    * toda la vida = from the cradle to the grave, whole lifelong, whole life.
    * todas las florituras = all the bells and whistles.
    * todas las iniciales del nombre propio = full initials.
    * todas las partes implicadas = all concerned.
    * todas las personas implicadas = all concerned.
    * todas las razones del mundo = every reason.
    * todas las semanas = weekly.
    * toda una serie de = a whole series of.
    * toda una vida = a lifetime.
    * toda una vida de experiencia = a lifetime of experience.
    * toda una vida de trabajo = a lifetime of work.
    * todo a la vez = all at once.
    * todo al mismo tiempo = all at once.
    * todo bicho viviente = every living soul, everyone and their mother, every Tom, Dick and Harry.
    * todo confuso = in a state of disarray.
    * todo continúa como antes = life goes on as before.
    * todo cuesta algo = nothing comes without a cost.
    * todo de una vez = in one lump.
    * todo de (un) golpe = all at once.
    * todo dios = every Tom, Dick and Harry, everyone and their mother.
    * todo el año = year-round.
    * todo el cotarro = the whole works, the whole shebang, everything and the kitchen sink, the whole enchilada, the whole (kit and) caboodle, the whole nine yards, the whole shooting match, the whole banana, lock, stock and barrel.
    * todo el día = all day, all day long, around the clock.
    * todo el fin de semana = all weekend long.
    * todo el mundo = all and sundry, every Tom, Dick and Harry, everybody, each and everyone.
    * todo el mundo debe tener acceso a la información = access for all.
    * todo el peso de la ley = full force of the law, the, full force of the law, the.
    * todo el rato = all the while.
    * todo el santo día = all day long.
    * todo el tiempo = all of the time, left, right and centre, the whole time, all the while.
    * todo el tinglado = the whole works, the whole shebang, everything and the kitchen sink, the whole enchilada, the whole (kit and) caboodle, the whole nine yards, the whole shooting match, the whole banana, lock, stock and barrel.
    * todo en su conjunto = whole affair, the.
    * todo en uno = all in one.
    * todo es posible = all bets are off, the sky is the limit.
    * todo está a la vista = what you see is what you get.
    * todo esto = the whole thing.
    * todo excepto = everything except (for).
    * todo florido = in full blossom.
    * todo hijo de vecino = every Tom, Dick and Harry.
    * todo incluido = all-inclusive.
    * todo ir bien = all + be + well with the world.
    * todo liado = in a state of disarray.
    * todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse, in marked contrast.
    * todo lo demás = all else.
    * todo lo que toca se convierte en oro = Midas touch, the.
    * todo lo relativo al personaje novelesco Holmes = Holmesiana.
    * todo lujo de detalles = chapter and verse.
    * todo marcha bien = everything is hunky-dory.
    * todo menos = everything except (for).
    * todo mindundi = every Tom, Dick and Harry.
    * todo + Nombre = the whole + Nombre.
    * todo queda en casa = all in the family.
    * todo quisque = every Tom, Dick and Harry, everyone and their mother.
    * todo quisqui = every Tom, Dick and Harry, everyone and their mother.
    * todo recto = straight ahead, straight on.
    * todos = everybody, everyone, them all, all comers, great and small, all concerned, anyone and everyone.
    * todos a cubierta = all hands on deck!.
    * todos a la faena = all hands on deck, all hands to the pump(s).
    * todos al rescate = all hands on deck, all hands to the pump(s).
    * todo seguido = continuously, straight ahead, straight on.
    * todos ellos = them all.
    * todo ser humano = every living soul.
    * todos + estar de acuerdo = agree on + all hands.
    * todos excepto = everyone except, everybody except.
    * todos excepto + Número = all but + Número.
    * todos lo demás = everyone else.
    * todos los accesorios extras = all the bells and whistles.
    * todos los adornos extras = all the bells and whistles.
    * todos los años = on a yearly basis, year in and year out, year-on-year.
    * todos los demás = everybody else.
    * todos los derechos reservados = all rights reserved.
    * todos los días = daily, on a daily basis, every day, day in and day out.
    * todos los miembros de la agencia = agency-wide.
    * todos los otros = all of the other.
    * todos manos a la obra = all hands to the pump(s), all hands on deck.
    * todos menos = everyone except, everybody except.
    * todos menos + Número = all but + Número.
    * todos nosotros = all of us.
    * todos por igual = share and share alike.
    * todos ustedes = you all.
    * todos vosotros = you all.
    * todos y cada uno = all and sundry, in full force, each and everyone.
    * todos y cada uno de = any and every, any and all.
    * todos y cada uno de + Adjetivo + Nombre = Pronombre + every + Nombre.
    * todo tiene sus ventajas y sus inconvenientes = swings and roundabouts, what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts.
    * todo tipo de = all sorts of, all manner of.
    * todo tipo de gustos = all shades of opinion.
    * todo va a las mil maravillas = everything is hunky-dory.
    * todo vale = no holds barred.
    * trabajo de toda una vida = life's work, lifework.
    * tratar por todos los medios de = take + (great) pains to.
    * tratar por todos los medios de + Verbo = be at pains to + Infinitivo.
    * Verbo + sobre todo = Verbo + the most.
    * vida a toda pastilla = life in the fast lane.
    * y lo peor de todo = and worst of all.
    * y sobre todo = and worst of all.
    * y todo este tipo de cosas = and all this sort of thing.
    * zampárselo todo = scoff + the lot.

    * * *
    (la totalidad de): invitó a toda la clase she invited the whole class
    ha estado llorando toda or todita la mañana ( fam); he's been crying all morning o the whole morning
    no lo he visto en todo el día/toda la semana I haven't seen him all day/all week
    todo el secreto consiste en usar un buen caldo the secret of the whole thing is to use good stock
    dedicó toda su vida a la investigación he dedicated his entire o whole life to research
    se recorrió todo México she traveled all over Mexico
    España toda lo acompaña the whole of Spain is with him
    deja las cosas tiradas por todos lados he leaves things lying about everywhere o all over the place
    empujó con todas sus fuerzas she pushed with all her might
    todas y cada una de las necesidades de su empresa each and every one of o all of your company's needs
    me gustan todos los deportes I like all sports
    todos ustedes lo sabían all of you knew, you all knew
    (uso enfático): a toda velocidad at top speed
    a todo correr as fast as possible
    le dieron todo tipo or toda clase de facilidades they gave him every facility
    está fuera de toda duda it's beyond all doubt
    a todo esto (mientras tanto) meanwhile, in the meantime; (a propósito) incidentally, by the way
    a todo esto, a Juan se lo habían llevado al hospital while all this was happening o meanwhile o in the meantime they had taken Juan to (the) hospital
    3 todo lo + ADJ/ADV:
    puedes hacerlo todo lo largo que quieras you can make it as long as you like
    (cualquier, cada): toda persona detenida debe ser informada de sus derechos all detainees must be informed of their rights, anyone who is detained must be informed of his or her rights
    todo artículo importado all imported items, any imported item
    todo tipo de información all kinds of information
    todo aquél que se sienta capaz anyone who feels capable
    todos los días/los jueves/los años every day/Thursday/year
    todos los primeros viernes de mes the first Friday of every month
    el/un todo the/a whole
    dos mitades forman un todo two halves make a whole
    jugarse el todo por el todo to risk o gamble everything on one throw
    1 ( en sing) everything
    lo han perdido todo they've lost everything
    a pesar de todo la sigo queriendo despite everything I still love her
    todo le parece poco he's never satisfied
    come todo lo que quieras eat as much as you like
    te puedes quedar todo lo que quieras you can stay as long as you like
    no fue todo lo interesante que pensábamos que iba a ser it wasn't as interesting as we thought it would be
    ¿eso es todo? is that all?
    se cree que lo sabe todo he thinks he knows it all
    con él siempre es o todo o nada with him it's always (a case of) all or nothing
    2 todos/todas (referidoa cosas) all; (— a personas) all, everybody
    se rompieron todos they all broke
    los compró todos she bought all of them
    vinieron todos they all came, everybody came
    son todos compañeros de clase they're all classmates
    ¿están todos? is everyone o everybody here?
    ¿estamos todos? are we all here?
    B ( en locs):
    con todo y con eso or con todo ( fam) (aun así) all the same, even so; (bien mirado) all in all
    con todo, sigo pensando que … all the same o even so I still think that …
    de todo: come de todo she'll eat anything
    venden de todo they sell everything o all sorts of things
    hace de todo un poco he does a bit of everything
    del todo totally
    está loca del todo she's completely o totally mad
    fue del todo imposible it was absolutely o totally impossible
    eso no es del todo cierto that's not entirely o totally true
    y todo: estropeado y todo, éste es mucho más valioso damaged though it is, this one is still much more valuable
    enfermo y todo, vino a trabajar sick as he was, he still came to work
    tuvo que venir la policía y todo ( fam); the police had to come and everything ( colloq)
    de todas, todas ( fam): ¿es verdad? — de todas, todas is it true? — you bet it is! ( colloq)
    ganó de todas, todas he won by a mile ( colloq)
    me las pagará/pagarás todas juntas one of these days I'll get even with him/you for all of this
    no tenerlas todas consigo to be a little worried o uneasy
    ser todo uno: verla entrar y ponerse a llorar fue todo uno he saw her come in and immediately o promptly burst into tears
    está todo mojado it's all wet
    iba toda vestida de negro she was dressed all in black
    tiene la cara toda marcada her face is badly scarred
    está toda entusiasmada con la idea del viaje she's all o terribly excited about the trip
    todo alrededor del puño all o right around the cuff
    ya es toda una señorita she's a real young lady now, she's quite a young lady now
    aquello fue todo un espectáculo that was quite a show!, that was some show!
    (indicando cualidad predominante): el pescado era todo espinas the fish was full of bones
    cuéntame, soy toda oídos tell me, I'm all ears
    por toda respuesta lanzó un bufido/me guiñó el ojo his only reply was to snort/wink at me
    * * *


    todo 1
    ◊ -da adjetivo

    1 ( la totalidad de) all;

    toda la mañana all morning, the whole morning;
    invitó a toda la clase she invited the whole class;
    por todos lados all over the place;
    todos ustedes lo sabían you all knew;
    See Also→ mundo 1
    2 (cualquier, cada):

    todo aquel que quiera anyone who wishes to;
    todos los días every day
    3 ( uso enfático):

    con toda inocencia in all innocence;
    le dieron todo tipo de facilidades they gave him all kind of facilities;
    a todo esto ( mientras tanto) meanwhile, in the meantime;

    ( a propósito) incidentally, by the way
    ■ pronombre

    todo le parece poco he's never satisfied;
    come todo lo que quieras eat as much as you like;
    todo o nada all or nothing

    todos/todas ( referido acosas) all;

    (— a personas) all, everybody;

    vinieron todos they all came, everybody came;
    buena suerte a todos good luck to everybody;
    es el más alto de todos he's the tallest of the lot o of them all;
    ¿están todos? is everyone o everybody here?;
    todos y cada uno each and every one
    2 ( en locs)

    de todo: come de todo she'll eat anything;
    venden de todo they sell everything o all sorts of things;
    hace de todo un poco he does a bit of everything;
    del todo totally
    3 ( como adv)

    todo 2 sustantivo masculino:
    el/un todo the/a whole;

    jugarse el todo por el todo to risk o gamble everything on one throw
    1 adjetivo
    1 (la totalidad: singular) all, whole: recorrió toda España, she travelled all over Spain
    toda la semana, the whole week o all week
    toda tu vida, your entire life o all your life
    2 (: plural) all: todos sus hermanos, all his brothers
    todos lo sabíamos, we all knew
    se comió todas las fresas, she ate all the strawberries
    3 (todo el mundo) todos están riendo, everybody is laughing
    4 (cada, cualquier) every: viene todos los meses, he comes every month
    todo el que desee..., anyone who wishes to...
    5 fam (intensificador) through and through: es toda una atleta, she is every inch an athlete
    II pron
    1 (sin excepciones, sin exclusiones) everything: lo compró todo, he bought it all
    lo perdió todo, he lost everything
    lo sabe todo, she knows everything
    todo son problemas, there's nothing but trouble
    eso es todo, that's all
    (todo el mundo) todos piensan que eres muy lista, everybody thinks you're very clever
    nos invitó a todos, he invited all of us
    todos y cada uno, each and every one
    III adv (por completo, totalmente) estaba todo convencido, he was entirely convinced
    estás todo mojado, you are all wet
    está todo nervioso, he's terribly o all excited
    IV sustantivo masculino todo (total, suma) whole
    en todo o en parte, in whole or in part
    All y whole tienen significados parecidos, pero se usan en estructuras diferentes. All se coloca delante de un artículo, pronombre posesivo o demostrativo, mientras que whole se coloca después: all the world, pero the whole world; all your family, pero your whole family; all this time, pero this whole time. Recuerda que no puedes usar whole sin artículo o pronombre correspondiente ni con sustantivos que indican masa (incontables). Por tanto, la traducción de todo el vino es all the wine y no the whole wine.
    El plural todos o todo el mundo se traduce por everybody o everyone. Aunque el verbo acompañante aparezca en singular, cualquier pronombre que emplees debe estar en plural: Todos deben traer sus propios bolígrafos. Everybody has to bring their (own) pens.

    ' todo' also found in these entries:
    - acabar
    - alta
    - alto
    - amén
    - anochecer
    - ante
    - arramblar
    - arriba
    - bendita
    - bendito
    - bicho
    - bocado
    - borraja
    - borrosa
    - borroso
    - bregar
    - caballero
    - cachaza
    - camino
    - carente
    - caso
    - cháchara
    - color
    - comandita
    - comerse
    - con
    - conforme
    - contrapelo
    - contraria
    - contrario
    - control
    - corazón
    - Cristo
    - cuanta
    - cuanto
    - danza
    - decir
    - delante
    - derecha
    - derecho
    - descaminada
    - descaminado
    - despojar
    - después
    - dios
    - disponer
    - empeño
    - encerrarse
    - encima
    - above-board
    - abrupt
    - ache
    - aching
    - act up
    - add up
    - agreement
    - ahead
    - aid
    - all
    - all-in
    - altogether
    - always
    - amok
    - anyhow
    - anything
    - appearance
    - as
    - backdrop
    - ball
    - be-all and end-all
    - behind
    - bend
    - best
    - blare out I
    - blast
    - blast out
    - blow
    - blunder
    - boat
    - boil down
    - bottom
    - breast
    - but
    - by
    - call
    - careless
    - character
    - checklist
    - cheese off
    - chiefly
    - clause
    - clean
    - clear up
    - colour
    - come out
    - come to
    - common
    - comprehensive
    * * *
    todo, -a
    1. [el conjunto o total de] all;
    todo el día all day;
    todo el libro the whole book, all (of) the book;
    todo el vino all (of) the wine;
    todas las manzanas all the apples;
    todos los americanos all Americans;
    toda esta planta está dedicada al impresionismo all (of) o the whole of this floor is devoted to impressionism;
    todo un día está dedicado a visitar la ciudad a whole day is devoted to visiting the city;
    todos ellos se marcharon they all left;
    toda su ilusión es conocer Europa her greatest wish is to visit Europe;
    por todas partes everywhere;
    todo el mundo, Méx [m5] todo mundo everybody;
    en todo momento at all times;
    ilustraciones a todo color full-colour illustrations;
    un seguro a todo riesgo a comprehensive insurance policy;
    subimos la calle a toda velocidad we went up the street as fast as we could o at top speed;
    todo Buenos Aires habla de ello the whole of o all of Buenos Aires is talking about it
    2. [cada, cualquier] every;
    todos los días/lunes every day/Monday;
    como todo mexicano sabe… as every Mexican knows…, as all Mexicans know…;
    todo edificio de más de veinte años pasará una revisión all buildings that are more than twenty years old will be inspected;
    todo aquel que o [m5] todo el que viole las normas anybody o anyone who breaks the rules;
    todos aquellos que o [m5] todos los que están en huelga all those (who are) on strike
    3. [para enfatizar]
    es todo un hombre he's every inch a man;
    ya es toda una mujer she's a grown woman now;
    fue todo un éxito it was a great success;
    se produjo todo un cúmulo de casualidades there was a whole series of coincidences
    4. [del todo]
    el jardín estaba todo descuidado the garden was completely o all neglected;
    se puso toda enojada she got all annoyed
    1. [singular] everything;
    lo vendió todo he sold everything, he sold it all;
    todo está listo everything is ready, it's all ready;
    todo es poco tratándose de sus hijos nothing is too much when it comes to her children;
    se enoja por todo he gets angry at the slightest thing;
    eso es todo that's all
    Esp todo a cien [tienda] Br ≈ pound shop, US ≈ nickel-and-dime store
    todos [todas las personas] everybody, everyone;
    [todas las cosas] all of them;
    todos vinieron everybody o everyone came, they all came;
    quiero agradecer a todos su cooperación I would like to thank you all o everybody o everyone for your cooperation;
    ¿estamos todos? are we all here?, is everybody o everyone here?;
    todos están rotos they're all broken, all of them are broken;
    me los ha dado todos she's given me all of them, she's given me them all
    3. [otras frases]
    ante todo [sobre todo] above all;
    [en primer lugar] first of all;
    con todo (y con eso) all the same;
    de todo everything (you can think of);
    tenemos de todo we have everything;
    puede pasar de todo anything could happen;
    después de todo after all;
    del todo completely;
    no estoy del todo contento I'm not entirely happy;
    no lo hace mal del todo she doesn't do it at all badly;
    está en todo he thinks of everything;
    pese a todo, a pesar de todo in spite of o despite everything;
    todo lo más at (the) most;
    y todo: me invitó a cenar y todo she even asked me to dinner;
    se presentó en la fiesta con muletas y todo he turned up at the party, crutches and all;
    de todas todas without a shadow of a doubt;
    fue todo uno: subirse al barco y marearse fue todo uno no sooner had he got on the boat than he felt sick
    jugarse el todo por el todo to stake everything
    el camarero era todo amabilidad the waiter was all friendliness, the waiter was extremely friendly;
    esa chica es todo huesos that girl is all skin and bones;
    soy todo oídos I'm all ears
    a todo esto loc adv
    [mientras tanto] meanwhile; [a propósito] by the way
    * * *
    I adj all;
    todos los domingos every Sunday;
    toda la clase the whole o the entire class
    II adv all;
    estaba todo sucio it was all dirty;
    con todo all the same;
    del todo entirely, absolutely
    III pron all, everything; pl everybody, everyone;
    estaban todos everybody was there;
    esto es todo cuanto sé that’s all I know
    o todo o nada all or nothing;
    de todas todas fam without a shadow of a doubt;
    ir a por todas go all out;
    estar en todo be on top of things
    * * *
    todo, -da adj
    1) : all, whole, entire
    con toda sinceridad: with all sincerity
    toda la comunidad: the whole community
    2) : every, each
    a todo nivel: at every level
    3) : maximum
    a toda velocidad: at top speed
    todo el mundo : everyone, everybody
    todo nm
    : whole
    todo, -da pron
    1) : everything, all, every bit
    lo sabe todo: he knows it all
    es todo un soldado: he's every inch a soldier
    2) todos, -das pl
    : everybody, everyone, all
    * * *
    todo1 adj
    2. (cada) every
    todo el mundo everyone / everybody
    todo2 adv all
    todo3 pron
    2. (todas las cosas) everything
    3. (toda la gente) everyone / everybody

    Spanish-English dictionary > todo

  • 20 decir

    1 to say.
    decir que sí/no to say yes/no
    dice que no viene she says (that) she is not coming
    ¿cómo se dice “estación” en inglés? how do you say “estación” in English?
    dicen que va a ser un verano muy seco they say it's going to be a very dry summer
    Ella dijo la razón She said the reason.
    Ella dijo incongruencias She said=uttered inconsistencies.
    Esa historia dice algo cierto That story says something that is true.
    2 to tell.
    ¿quién te lo ha dicho? who told you that?
    ¿qué quieres que te diga? what do you want me to say?, what can I say?
    decir a alguien que haga algo to tell somebody to do something
    decir la verdad to tell the truth
    Decirle la verdad a Ricardo To tell the truth to Richard= To tell Richard the truth.
    Le dije I told him.
    3 to recite, to read.
    4 to tell, to show.
    eso lo dice todo that says it all
    decir mucho (en favor) de to say a lot for
    5 to call.
    le dicen la carretera de la muerte they call it the road of death
    6 to say to.
    Ella había dicho hacer eso She had said to do that.
    7 to say about.
    Ese estudio dice mil años That study says about one thousand years.
    * * *
    Present Indicative
    digo, dices, dice, decimos, decís, dicen.
    Past Indicative
    Future Indicative
    Present Subjunctive
    Imperfect Subjunctive
    Future Subjunctive
    di (tú), diga (él/Vd.), digamos (nos.), decid (vos.), digan (ellos/Vds.).
    Past Participle
    * * *
    2) tell
    * * *
    DECIR ¿"Say" o "tell"? Decir se puede traducir por say o por tell. Por regla general, say simplemente {dice} y tell {informa} u {ordena hacer algo}. Decir generalmente se traduce por say en estilo directo. Normalmente no lleva un complemento de persona pero si se menciona a quién se está dirigiendo el hablante, el complemento de persona tiene que ir precedido por la preposición to: "Ya son las tres", dije "It's already three o'clock," I said "¡Qué tiempo más malo!" Eso fue lo único que me dijo "What awful weather!" That's all he said to me ► En estilo indirecto, decir se puede traducir por say cuando simplemente se cuenta lo que alguien ha dicho. Si say lleva complemento de persona, este se coloca después del complemento directo: Dijo que se tenía que marchar He said he had to leave Me dijo algo que no entendí He said something to me that I didn't understand ► Decir se traduce por tell cuando se {informa} o se {ordena hacer algo}. Suele llevar un objeto de persona sin la preposición to: Me dijo que tenía una entrevista de trabajo He told me he had a job interview ¡Te he dicho que no lo toques! I told you not to touch it! ► Hay algunos usos idiomáticos en los que decir se traduce por tell aunque no lleva complemento de persona. Por ejemplo: to tell the truth (decir la verdad) y to tell a lie (decir una mentira). Otros verbosSi decir va acompañado de un calificativo en español, a menudo se puede traducir al inglés por otros verbos que no sean say o tell: "Lo he perdido todo", dijo entre sollozos "I've lost everything," she sobbed Dijo con voz ronca algo sobre necesitar un médico He croaked something about needing a doctor Para otros usos y ejemplos ver la entrada Para otras expresiones con el participio, ver dicho.
    1) (=afirmar) to say

    ya sabe decir varias palabras — she can already say several words, she already knows several words

    - tengo prisa -dijo — "I'm in a hurry," she said

    viene y dice: -estás despedido — * he goes, "you're fired" *

    olvídalo, no he dicho nada — forget I said anything

    ¿decía usted? — you were saying?

    [como] dicen los madrileños — as they say in Madrid

    como iba diciendo... — as I was saying...

    ¿cómo ha dicho usted? — pardon?, what did you say?

    decir para {o} entre [sí] — to say to o.s.

    decir que to say (that)

    dicen que... — they say (that)..., people say (that)...

    el cartel dice claramente que... — the sign says clearly {o} clearly states that...

    decir que sí/no — to say yes/no

    -¿viene? -dice que sí — "is she coming?" - "she says she is {o} she says so"

    la miré y me dijo que sí/no con la cabeza — I looked at her and she nodded/shook her head

    adiós 2.

    ¿quién te lo dijo? — who told you?

    se lo dije bien claro, pero no me hizo caso — I told her quite clearly, but she didn't take any notice of me

    tengo algo que decirte — there's something I want to tell you, I've got something to tell you

    hoy nos dicen las notas — they're telling {o} giving us our results today

    decir a algn que ({+ indic}) to tell sb (that)

    ¿no te digo que no puedo ir? — I've already told you I can't go

    decir a algn que ({+ subjun}) (=ordenar) to tell sb to ({+ infin}); (=pedir) to ask sb to ({+ infin})
    3) (=contar) [+ mentiras, verdad, secreto] to tell
    verdad 1)
    4) (=llamar) to call

    ¿cómo le dicen a esto en Perú? — what do they call this in Peru?

    se llama Francisco, pero le dicen Paco — his name is Francisco, but he's known as Paco

    le dicen "el torero" — he's known as "el torero"

    en México se le dice "recámara" al dormitorio — in Mexico they say "recámara" instead of "dormitorio"

    me dijo de [todo] — he called me all the names under the sun

    5) (=opinar) to say

    podemos ir a Portugal, ¿tú qué dices? — we could go to Portugal, what do you say?

    ¿tu familia qué dice de la boda? — what does your family say about the wedding?

    6) [rectificando]

    había 8, digo 9 — there were 8, I mean 9

    ¡qué digo! — what am I saying?

    7) [texto] to say

    como dice el [refrán]... — as the saying goes...

    8) [+ misa] to say
    9) [locuciones en indicativo]

    digo... — Méx well, er...

    mis súbditos se presentarán ante mí ¡he dicho! — my subjects shall appear before me: I have spoken!

    y dice [bien] — and he is quite right

    [como quien] dice — (=de alguna manera) so to speak; (=aproximadamente) in a way, more or less

    aunque no es el director es, como quien dice, el que manda en la empresa — although he isn't the manager, he's the person in charge, so to speak, of the company

    está, como quien dice, aquí al lado — it's just round the corner, as they say

    como quien no dice nada — quite casually, as though it wasn't important

    [lo mismo] digo — likewise

    - gracias por todo -lo mismo digo — "thank you for everything" - "likewise!" {o} "thanks to you too!"

    pero dice [mal] — but he is wrong

    pues si esto te parece mucha gente, no te digo [nada] en verano — if you think this is a lot of people, you should see it in summer

    no lo digo [por] ti — I'm not referring to you, I'm not getting at you

    sí, [porque tú] lo digas — yes, sir, aye, aye, captain! iró

    ¿[qué me] dices? — [sorpresa] you don't say!, well I never!; [incredulidad] come off it!

    [si tú] lo dices — if you say so

    eso digo [yo] — that's (just) what I say

    deberías buscar trabajo, vamos, digo yo — you ought to look for a job, that's what I say, if you ask me, you ought to look for a job

    ¡si te lo digo yo! — of course it's true!

    ¡lo digo yo y basta! — you will do it because I say so!

    ¡[y que] lo digas! — you can say that again!

    10) [locuciones en infinitivo]

    [dar] que decir (a la gente) — to make people talk, set tongues wagging

    [es] decir — that is (to say)

    mi prima, es decir, la hija de Ana — my cousin, that is (to say) Ana's daughter

    [ir] a decir, ¡a mí me lo vas a decir! — you're telling me!

    es [mucho] decir — that's saying something

    [ni que] decir tiene que... — it goes without saying that...

    [no hay más] que decir — there's nothing more to say

    para decirlo con otras [palabras] — to put it another way, in other words

    decir [por] decir — to talk for talking's sake

    [por así] decirlo — so to speak

    [querer] decir — to mean

    ¿qué quiere decir "spatha"? — what does "spatha" mean?

    ¿qué quiere usted decir con eso? — what do you mean by that?

    ¿querrás decir un millón, no un billón? — do you mean a million rather than a billion?

    [ya es] decir — that's saying something

    les ha costado más cara que mi casa, y eso ya es decir — it cost them more than my house did, and that's saying something

    11) [locuciones en subjuntivo, imperativo]

    no es que yo lo diga, pero... — it's not because I say so, but...

    es, digamos, un comerciante — he's a dealer, for want of a better word, he's a sort of dealer

    ¡haberlo dicho!, ¡me lo hubieras dicho! — you could have told me {o} said!

    digámoslo [así] — so to speak, for want of a better word

    digan [lo que] digan — whatever they say

    y [no] digamos... — not to mention...

    y su madre, no digamos — not to mention his mother

    no es muy guapa [que] digamos — she's not what you'd call pretty, she's not exactly pretty

    no estuvo muy cortés, que digamos — he wasn't what you'd call polite, he wasn't exactly polite

    ¡[no me] digas! — [sorpresa] you don't say!, well I never!; [incredulidad] come off it!

    ¿qué [quieres] que te diga? — what can I say?

    12) [locuciones en condicional]

    ¿cómo (lo) diría yo? — how shall I put it?

    ¿cómo diríamos? — how shall I put it?

    ¡quién lo diría! — would you believe it!, who would have thought it!

    se preocupa mucho por el qué dirán — she's always worried about what people will say {o} think

    1) [invitando a hablar]

    -¿te puedo pedir un favor? -dime — "can I ask you a favour?" - "go ahead"

    ¿diga?, ¿dígame? — [al teléfono] hello?

    usted dirá[invitando a hablar] go ahead; [sirviendo bebida] say when; [en tienda] can I help you?

    -¿te gustaría cambiar de coche? -¡hombre, ya me dirás! — "would you like a new car?" - "you bet I would!"

    2) (=indicar)

    su mirada lo dice todo — her expression says it all {o} speaks volumes

    eso dice mucho [de] su personalidad — that says a lot about her personality

    * * *

    ¿cientos de personas? - bueno, es un decir — hundreds of people? - well, figuratively speaking

    II 1.
    verbo transitivo
    1) <palabra/frase/poema> to say; <mentira/verdad> to tell

    ya dice `mamá' — he says `mama' now

    no digas esas cosas, por favor — please don't say things like that

    ¿cómo pudiste decir eso? — how could you say that?

    ¿eso lo dices por mí? — are you referring to me?

    dicen or se dice que es el hombre más rico del país — he is said to be the richest man in the country

    no se dice `andé', se dice `anduve' — it isn't `andé', it's `anduve'

    ¿cómo se dice `amor' en ruso? — how do you say `love' in Russian?

    bonita, lo que se dice bonita, no es — she's not what you would call pretty

    es el sábado; ni que decir tiene que estás invitado — it's on Saturday; you're invited, but that goes without saying

    ¿tendrá tiempo de hacerlo? - dice que sí — will he have time to do it? - he says he will

    ¿no lo encontró? - dice que no — didn't he find it? - no, he says he didn't

    ¿qué tal? ¿qué decís? — (RPl fam) hi, how are things? (colloq)


    ¿sabes qué me dijo? — do you know what he told me?; (expresando sorpresa, indignación, etc) do you know what he said to me?

    fue algo espantoso, todo lo que te diga es poco — it was terrible, I can't begin to tell you how terrible

    a) (expresando o transmitiendo órdenes, deseos, advertencias)

    decirle a alguien que + subj — to tell somebody to + inf

    4) ( por escrito) to say

    ¿qué dice aquí? — what does it say here?

    5) ( llamar) to call
    6) (sugerir, comunicar)

    la forma de vestir dice mucho de una persona — the way someone dresses says a lot/tells you a lot about them

    ¿te dice algo ese nombre? — does that name mean anything to you?


    ¿qué quiere decir esta palabra? — what does this word mean?

    ¿qué quieres decir con eso? — what do you mean by that?

    ¿quieres decir que ya no te interesa? — do you mean (to say) that you're no longer interested?

    9) (opinar, pensar) to think

    ¿y los padres qué dicen? — what do her parents think of it?, how do her parents feel about it?

    habría que regalarle algo, no sé, digo yo — we ought to buy her a present, well, I think so anyway

    es muy fácil - si tú lo dices... — it's very easy - if you say so...

    a decir verdad — to tell you the truth, to be honest

    con decirte que: no me lo perdonó nunca, con decirte que ni me saluda... he's never forgiven me, he won't even say hello to me; decir por decir: lo dijo por decir he didn't really mean it; es decir that is; mi cuñada, es decir la mujer de Rafael my sister-in-law, Rafael's wife that is; es mucho decir: es la mejor película del año - eso ya es mucho decir it's the best movie of the year - I wouldn't go that far; he dicho! that's that o final!; no me digas! no!, you're kidding o joking! (colloq); por así decirlo so to speak; que digamos: no es muy inteligente que digamos he's not exactly o he's hardly what you'd call intelligent; que no se diga! shame on you!; que no se diga que no somos capaces! I don't want people saying that we can't do it; y (ya) no digamos or (AmL) y no se diga: le cuestan mucho las matemáticas y no digamos la física he finds mathematics very difficult, and as for physics...; el qué dirán (fam): siempre le ha importado el qué dirán — she's always been worried what other people (might) think; ver tb dicho I

    decir vi

    papá - dime, hijo — dad - yes, son?

    quería pedirle un favor - usted dirá — I wanted to ask you a favor - certainly, go ahead

    tome asiento, usted dirá — (frml) take a seat, and now, what can I do for you?

    ¿diga? or ¿dígame? — hello?

    decirse v pron
    a) (refl) to say... to oneself
    b) (recípr) to say.... to each other
    c) (enf)
    * * *
    = declare, put, read, say, state, tell, volunteer, make + the point that, let + Nombre + know, let + it be known, observe, bid, reflect, utter, tender, hip, call + the tune.
    Ex. 24.17 declares Enter a body created or controlled by a government under its own name unless it belongs to one or more of the types listed in 24.18.
    Ex. As one respondent from this end of the information spectrum put it, 'Context is all in the information world'.
    Ex. This error message is displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the screen and reads: DAWT008, 107, DFCR....
    Ex. In conclusion, it should not be necessary to say that instructions and guiding must be as brief as possible.
    Ex. Short abstracts are generally preferred, but there are instances where the most effective approach is to cite the original unamended, and to state that this is what has been done.
    Ex. Program function key 1 (FP1) tells DOBIS/LIBIS to stop whatever it is doing and go back to the function selection screen.
    Ex. 'Anything wrong?' 'Oh, I'm okay, I guess,' volunteered Datto cautiously.
    Ex. However, they do make the very important point that the notation is not an essential part of the scheme.
    Ex. Then the secretary, having rallied herself, said forlornly 'I'll let him know you're here in a minute'.
    Ex. It can certainly be status-conferring to let it be known in social conversation that one has read the latest Fay Weldon book, but if the group one is in never reads Fay Weldon anyway and could not care less what she has written then the victory is a somewhat hollow one.
    Ex. 'All this is not very likely,' she observed at last, 'not only because of the strength of the selection process -- its imperviousness to proof before an arbitrator'.
    Ex. 'Sit down please,' he bade her.
    Ex. 'Now, you know, I could merely turn this over to the two division or all the department heads and let them decide,' reflected Bough.
    Ex. The ideal was forever etched in his consciousness from the day Crane uttered it: a good librarian working anywhere is a credit and benefit to libraries everywhere.
    Ex. 'Well,' Stanton tendered, 'one candidate clearly has the superior experience -- Kass'.
    Ex. He was aghast after having been hipped to the fact there are hookers on the Internet.
    Ex. As long as we allow other people to pay the piper, they will continue calling the tune in Africa.
    * ¡eso se dice pronto! = easier said than done.
    * ¿lo dices en broma? = you must be kidding!.
    * a decir de todos = by all accounts.
    * a decir verdad = to tell the truth, if the truth be known, if the truth be told, in all truth, in truth, fact is, the fact is (that), to be fair.
    * a decir verdad... = the fact of the matter is that....
    * arriesgarse a decir = hazard.
    * atreverse a decir = go + (as/so) far as to say.
    * aunque a decir verdad = Mind you.
    * aventurarse a decir = venture.
    * baste decir que = suffice (it) to say.
    * como dice el dicho = as the saying goes, so the saying goes.
    * como dice el refrán = as the saying goes, so the saying goes.
    * continuar diciendo = go on.
    * cumplir lo que se dice = live up to + Posesivo + claim.
    * decían las malas lenguas que = rumour had it that.
    * decir adiós = bid + Nombre + goodbye, bid + adieu, kiss + Nombre + goodbye, bid + farewell, wave + a bye.
    * decir adiós (a) = say + goodbye (to).
    * decir adiós al pasado = bid + farewell + to the past.
    * decir adiós con la mano = wave + goodbye.
    * decir adiós con un gesto = signal + goodbye.
    * decir a favor de = say in + favour of.
    * decir Algo = break + the news.
    * decir Algo a Alguien = let + Nombre + in on.
    * decir Algo de un modo colérico = flame out.
    * decir Algo que es obvio por sí mismo = state + the obvious.
    * decir balbuceando = splutter, sputter.
    * decir bolas = fib.
    * decir bromeando = quip.
    * decir chorradas = bullshit.
    * decir con desdén = sneer.
    * decir con desprecio = sneer.
    * decir con la boca llena = say in + full confidence.
    * decir con mal humor = spit out.
    * decir con toda confianza = say in + full confidence.
    * decir con voz + Adjetivo = say in + a + Adjetivo + voice.
    * decir de un modo enfadado = spit out.
    * decir disparates = shoot off + at the mouth, talk + rubbish, talk + nonsense, talk through + Posesivo + hat.
    * decir en confianza = confide.
    * decir en defensa de = say in + defence of.
    * decir entrecordamente = splurt out.
    * decir en voz alta = say + out loud, say in + a loud voice.
    * decir en voz baja = say under + Posesivo + breath, say in + a low voice, say in + a quiet voice.
    * decir + esperar = express + hope.
    * decir estupideces = talk + rubbish, talk + nonsense, talk through + Posesivo + hat.
    * decir gilipolleces = talk + nonsense, talk + rubbish, bullshit, talk through + Posesivo + hat.
    * decir humorísticamente = quip.
    * decir inesperadamente = blurt out, pipe.
    * decir la última palabra = hear + the final word, outface.
    * decir la verdad = tell + the truth, speak + the truth, come + clean.
    * decir la verdad sobre = give + Nombre + the lowdown on.
    * decir la verdad, toda la verdad y nada más que la verdad = to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
    * decirlo = come out with + it.
    * decir lo que Uno piensa = speak up, speak out.
    * decir mentirijillas = fib.
    * decir mentirillas = fib.
    * decir mucho de Algo = speak + volumes.
    * decir pamplinas = bullshit.
    * decir + poseer = claim.
    * decir que Uno se siente cómodo con Algo = express + comfort with.
    * decir que Uno se siente confortable con Algo = express + comfort with.
    * decir que Uno siente lo que le ha pasado a Otra Persona = express + sympathy for.
    * decir rápidamente sin parar = rattle off.
    * decir resoplando = snort.
    * decir sandeces = talk + rubbish, talk + nonsense, bullshit, talk through + Posesivo + hat.
    * decirse = grapevine + carry + the story, make out to be, word + go (a)round.
    * decirse que = be reputed to.
    * decir suspirando = sigh.
    * decir tonterías = talk + rubbish, talk + nonsense, talk through + Posesivo + hat.
    * decir una grosería = make + rude remark.
    * demostrar lo que Uno dice = make + good + Posesivo + claim.
    * dicen las malas lenguas que = rumour has it that.
    * digamos por ejemplo = let us say, say.
    * dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres = you are known by the company you keep.
    * dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres = you are known by the company you keep.
    * el tiempo dirá = time will tell.
    * el tiempo lo dirá = only time will tell.
    * enterarse de lo que Uno quiere decir = catch + Posesivo + drift, get + Posesivo + drift.
    * es decir = i.e. (latín - id est), in other words, that is, that is to say, which is to say.
    * es más fácil decirlo que hacerlo = easier said than done.
    * estar a punto de decir = be on the tip of + Posesivo + tongue to say.
    * esto no quiere decir que = this is not to say that.
    * expresar lo que Uno quiere decir = make + Posesivo + point.
    * hablar sin decir nada = waffle.
    * hacer lo que uno dice que es capaz de hacer = live up to + Posesivo + claim.
    * huelga decir = needless to say.
    * la gente dice que = rumour has it that.
    * ¿lo dices en broma? = you must be joking!.
    * me atrevo a decir = may I say.
    * ni que decir tiene que = it goes without saying that, needless to say.
    * no decir a Alguien lo que está ocurriendo = leave + Nombre + in the dark.
    * no decir nada = keep + quiet.
    * no decir nada a nadie = lips + seal.
    * no decir palabrotas = watch + Posesivo + mouth.
    * ¡no digas palabrotas! = watch your language!.
    * no hace falta decir que = it goes without saying that, needless to say.
    * no preguntes porque no te puedo decir la verdad = ask no questions and hear no lies.
    * no saber qué decir = be at a loss for words, be lost for words.
    * no ser tan bueno como se dice = not + it's cracked up to be.
    * para comenzar diremos que = to begin with.
    * para decir la verdad = to be honest.
    * por decirlo así = so to speak, in a manner of speaking.
    * por decirlo de alguna manera = so to speak.
    * por decirlo de algún modo = in a manner of speaking, so to speak.
    * por lo que dicen todos = by all accounts.
    * por no decir algo peor = to put it mildly.
    * por no decir nada de = to say nothing of.
    * por no decir nunca = if ever.
    * por no decir otra cosa peor = to say the least.
    * predecible en cuanto a lo que dice = platitudinous.
    * probar lo que Uno dice = make + good + Posesivo + claim.
    * qué me dices de... = what about....
    * querer decir = mean.
    * quién iba a decir entonces que... = little did + Verbo + then that....
    * quién + Pronombre + iba a decir que... = little did + Pronombre + know that....
    * recalcar lo que Uno quiere decir = drive + home + Posesivo + point.
    * resaltar lo que Uno quiere decir = drive + home + Posesivo + point.
    * se decía que = rumour had it that.
    * se dice = so the story goes.
    * se dice pronto, pero no es tan fácil = easier said than done.
    * se dice que = rumour has it that, the saying + be + that.
    * según se dice = reportedly, so the argument goes, reputedly.
    * sin decir nada = dumbly.
    * sin decir ni mú = as quiet as a mouse.
    * sin decir ni pío = as quiet as a mouse.
    * sin decir una palabra = without saying a word.
    * sin saber qué decir = nonplussed [nonplused].
    * tener cuidado con lo que se dice = say + the right thing.
    * tener cuidado con lo que Uno dice = watch + Posesivo + mouth, watch what + say.
    * yo me atrevería a decir = dare I say.
    * * *

    ¿cientos de personas? - bueno, es un decir — hundreds of people? - well, figuratively speaking

    II 1.
    verbo transitivo
    1) <palabra/frase/poema> to say; <mentira/verdad> to tell

    ya dice `mamá' — he says `mama' now

    no digas esas cosas, por favor — please don't say things like that

    ¿cómo pudiste decir eso? — how could you say that?

    ¿eso lo dices por mí? — are you referring to me?

    dicen or se dice que es el hombre más rico del país — he is said to be the richest man in the country

    no se dice `andé', se dice `anduve' — it isn't `andé', it's `anduve'

    ¿cómo se dice `amor' en ruso? — how do you say `love' in Russian?

    bonita, lo que se dice bonita, no es — she's not what you would call pretty

    es el sábado; ni que decir tiene que estás invitado — it's on Saturday; you're invited, but that goes without saying

    ¿tendrá tiempo de hacerlo? - dice que sí — will he have time to do it? - he says he will

    ¿no lo encontró? - dice que no — didn't he find it? - no, he says he didn't

    ¿qué tal? ¿qué decís? — (RPl fam) hi, how are things? (colloq)


    ¿sabes qué me dijo? — do you know what he told me?; (expresando sorpresa, indignación, etc) do you know what he said to me?

    fue algo espantoso, todo lo que te diga es poco — it was terrible, I can't begin to tell you how terrible

    a) (expresando o transmitiendo órdenes, deseos, advertencias)

    decirle a alguien que + subj — to tell somebody to + inf

    4) ( por escrito) to say

    ¿qué dice aquí? — what does it say here?

    5) ( llamar) to call
    6) (sugerir, comunicar)

    la forma de vestir dice mucho de una persona — the way someone dresses says a lot/tells you a lot about them

    ¿te dice algo ese nombre? — does that name mean anything to you?


    ¿qué quiere decir esta palabra? — what does this word mean?

    ¿qué quieres decir con eso? — what do you mean by that?

    ¿quieres decir que ya no te interesa? — do you mean (to say) that you're no longer interested?

    9) (opinar, pensar) to think

    ¿y los padres qué dicen? — what do her parents think of it?, how do her parents feel about it?

    habría que regalarle algo, no sé, digo yo — we ought to buy her a present, well, I think so anyway

    es muy fácil - si tú lo dices... — it's very easy - if you say so...

    a decir verdad — to tell you the truth, to be honest

    con decirte que: no me lo perdonó nunca, con decirte que ni me saluda... he's never forgiven me, he won't even say hello to me; decir por decir: lo dijo por decir he didn't really mean it; es decir that is; mi cuñada, es decir la mujer de Rafael my sister-in-law, Rafael's wife that is; es mucho decir: es la mejor película del año - eso ya es mucho decir it's the best movie of the year - I wouldn't go that far; he dicho! that's that o final!; no me digas! no!, you're kidding o joking! (colloq); por así decirlo so to speak; que digamos: no es muy inteligente que digamos he's not exactly o he's hardly what you'd call intelligent; que no se diga! shame on you!; que no se diga que no somos capaces! I don't want people saying that we can't do it; y (ya) no digamos or (AmL) y no se diga: le cuestan mucho las matemáticas y no digamos la física he finds mathematics very difficult, and as for physics...; el qué dirán (fam): siempre le ha importado el qué dirán — she's always been worried what other people (might) think; ver tb dicho I

    decir vi

    papá - dime, hijo — dad - yes, son?

    quería pedirle un favor - usted dirá — I wanted to ask you a favor - certainly, go ahead

    tome asiento, usted dirá — (frml) take a seat, and now, what can I do for you?

    ¿diga? or ¿dígame? — hello?

    decirse v pron
    a) (refl) to say... to oneself
    b) (recípr) to say.... to each other
    c) (enf)
    * * *
    = declare, put, read, say, state, tell, volunteer, make + the point that, let + Nombre + know, let + it be known, observe, bid, reflect, utter, tender, hip, call + the tune.

    Ex: 24.17 declares Enter a body created or controlled by a government under its own name unless it belongs to one or more of the types listed in 24.18.

    Ex: As one respondent from this end of the information spectrum put it, 'Context is all in the information world'.
    Ex: This error message is displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the screen and reads: DAWT008, 107, DFCR....
    Ex: In conclusion, it should not be necessary to say that instructions and guiding must be as brief as possible.
    Ex: Short abstracts are generally preferred, but there are instances where the most effective approach is to cite the original unamended, and to state that this is what has been done.
    Ex: Program function key 1 (FP1) tells DOBIS/LIBIS to stop whatever it is doing and go back to the function selection screen.
    Ex: 'Anything wrong?' 'Oh, I'm okay, I guess,' volunteered Datto cautiously.
    Ex: However, they do make the very important point that the notation is not an essential part of the scheme.
    Ex: Then the secretary, having rallied herself, said forlornly 'I'll let him know you're here in a minute'.
    Ex: It can certainly be status-conferring to let it be known in social conversation that one has read the latest Fay Weldon book, but if the group one is in never reads Fay Weldon anyway and could not care less what she has written then the victory is a somewhat hollow one.
    Ex: 'All this is not very likely,' she observed at last, 'not only because of the strength of the selection process -- its imperviousness to proof before an arbitrator'.
    Ex: 'Sit down please,' he bade her.
    Ex: 'Now, you know, I could merely turn this over to the two division or all the department heads and let them decide,' reflected Bough.
    Ex: The ideal was forever etched in his consciousness from the day Crane uttered it: a good librarian working anywhere is a credit and benefit to libraries everywhere.
    Ex: 'Well,' Stanton tendered, 'one candidate clearly has the superior experience -- Kass'.
    Ex: He was aghast after having been hipped to the fact there are hookers on the Internet.
    Ex: As long as we allow other people to pay the piper, they will continue calling the tune in Africa.
    * ¡eso se dice pronto! = easier said than done.
    * ¿lo dices en broma? = you must be kidding!.
    * a decir de todos = by all accounts.
    * a decir verdad = to tell the truth, if the truth be known, if the truth be told, in all truth, in truth, fact is, the fact is (that), to be fair.
    * a decir verdad... = the fact of the matter is that....
    * arriesgarse a decir = hazard.
    * atreverse a decir = go + (as/so) far as to say.
    * aunque a decir verdad = Mind you.
    * aventurarse a decir = venture.
    * baste decir que = suffice (it) to say.
    * como dice el dicho = as the saying goes, so the saying goes.
    * como dice el refrán = as the saying goes, so the saying goes.
    * continuar diciendo = go on.
    * cumplir lo que se dice = live up to + Posesivo + claim.
    * decían las malas lenguas que = rumour had it that.
    * decir adiós = bid + Nombre + goodbye, bid + adieu, kiss + Nombre + goodbye, bid + farewell, wave + a bye.
    * decir adiós (a) = say + goodbye (to).
    * decir adiós al pasado = bid + farewell + to the past.
    * decir adiós con la mano = wave + goodbye.
    * decir adiós con un gesto = signal + goodbye.
    * decir a favor de = say in + favour of.
    * decir Algo = break + the news.
    * decir Algo a Alguien = let + Nombre + in on.
    * decir Algo de un modo colérico = flame out.
    * decir Algo que es obvio por sí mismo = state + the obvious.
    * decir balbuceando = splutter, sputter.
    * decir bolas = fib.
    * decir bromeando = quip.
    * decir chorradas = bullshit.
    * decir con desdén = sneer.
    * decir con desprecio = sneer.
    * decir con la boca llena = say in + full confidence.
    * decir con mal humor = spit out.
    * decir con toda confianza = say in + full confidence.
    * decir con voz + Adjetivo = say in + a + Adjetivo + voice.
    * decir de un modo enfadado = spit out.
    * decir disparates = shoot off + at the mouth, talk + rubbish, talk + nonsense, talk through + Posesivo + hat.
    * decir en confianza = confide.
    * decir en defensa de = say in + defence of.
    * decir entrecordamente = splurt out.
    * decir en voz alta = say + out loud, say in + a loud voice.
    * decir en voz baja = say under + Posesivo + breath, say in + a low voice, say in + a quiet voice.
    * decir + esperar = express + hope.
    * decir estupideces = talk + rubbish, talk + nonsense, talk through + Posesivo + hat.
    * decir gilipolleces = talk + nonsense, talk + rubbish, bullshit, talk through + Posesivo + hat.
    * decir humorísticamente = quip.
    * decir inesperadamente = blurt out, pipe.
    * decir la última palabra = hear + the final word, outface.
    * decir la verdad = tell + the truth, speak + the truth, come + clean.
    * decir la verdad sobre = give + Nombre + the lowdown on.
    * decir la verdad, toda la verdad y nada más que la verdad = to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
    * decirlo = come out with + it.
    * decir lo que Uno piensa = speak up, speak out.
    * decir mentirijillas = fib.
    * decir mentirillas = fib.
    * decir mucho de Algo = speak + volumes.
    * decir pamplinas = bullshit.
    * decir + poseer = claim.
    * decir que Uno se siente cómodo con Algo = express + comfort with.
    * decir que Uno se siente confortable con Algo = express + comfort with.
    * decir que Uno siente lo que le ha pasado a Otra Persona = express + sympathy for.
    * decir rápidamente sin parar = rattle off.
    * decir resoplando = snort.
    * decir sandeces = talk + rubbish, talk + nonsense, bullshit, talk through + Posesivo + hat.
    * decirse = grapevine + carry + the story, make out to be, word + go (a)round.
    * decirse que = be reputed to.
    * decir suspirando = sigh.
    * decir tonterías = talk + rubbish, talk + nonsense, talk through + Posesivo + hat.
    * decir una grosería = make + rude remark.
    * demostrar lo que Uno dice = make + good + Posesivo + claim.
    * dicen las malas lenguas que = rumour has it that.
    * digamos por ejemplo = let us say, say.
    * dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres = you are known by the company you keep.
    * dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres = you are known by the company you keep.
    * el tiempo dirá = time will tell.
    * el tiempo lo dirá = only time will tell.
    * enterarse de lo que Uno quiere decir = catch + Posesivo + drift, get + Posesivo + drift.
    * es decir = i.e. (latín - id est), in other words, that is, that is to say, which is to say.
    * es más fácil decirlo que hacerlo = easier said than done.
    * estar a punto de decir = be on the tip of + Posesivo + tongue to say.
    * esto no quiere decir que = this is not to say that.
    * expresar lo que Uno quiere decir = make + Posesivo + point.
    * hablar sin decir nada = waffle.
    * hacer lo que uno dice que es capaz de hacer = live up to + Posesivo + claim.
    * huelga decir = needless to say.
    * la gente dice que = rumour has it that.
    * ¿lo dices en broma? = you must be joking!.
    * me atrevo a decir = may I say.
    * ni que decir tiene que = it goes without saying that, needless to say.
    * no decir a Alguien lo que está ocurriendo = leave + Nombre + in the dark.
    * no decir nada = keep + quiet.
    * no decir nada a nadie = lips + seal.
    * no decir palabrotas = watch + Posesivo + mouth.
    * ¡no digas palabrotas! = watch your language!.
    * no hace falta decir que = it goes without saying that, needless to say.
    * no preguntes porque no te puedo decir la verdad = ask no questions and hear no lies.
    * no saber qué decir = be at a loss for words, be lost for words.
    * no ser tan bueno como se dice = not + it's cracked up to be.
    * para comenzar diremos que = to begin with.
    * para decir la verdad = to be honest.
    * por decirlo así = so to speak, in a manner of speaking.
    * por decirlo de alguna manera = so to speak.
    * por decirlo de algún modo = in a manner of speaking, so to speak.
    * por lo que dicen todos = by all accounts.
    * por no decir algo peor = to put it mildly.
    * por no decir nada de = to say nothing of.
    * por no decir nunca = if ever.
    * por no decir otra cosa peor = to say the least.
    * predecible en cuanto a lo que dice = platitudinous.
    * probar lo que Uno dice = make + good + Posesivo + claim.
    * qué me dices de... = what about....
    * querer decir = mean.
    * quién iba a decir entonces que... = little did + Verbo + then that....
    * quién + Pronombre + iba a decir que... = little did + Pronombre + know that....
    * recalcar lo que Uno quiere decir = drive + home + Posesivo + point.
    * resaltar lo que Uno quiere decir = drive + home + Posesivo + point.
    * se decía que = rumour had it that.
    * se dice = so the story goes.
    * se dice pronto, pero no es tan fácil = easier said than done.
    * se dice que = rumour has it that, the saying + be + that.
    * según se dice = reportedly, so the argument goes, reputedly.
    * sin decir nada = dumbly.
    * sin decir ni mú = as quiet as a mouse.
    * sin decir ni pío = as quiet as a mouse.
    * sin decir una palabra = without saying a word.
    * sin saber qué decir = nonplussed [nonplused].
    * tener cuidado con lo que se dice = say + the right thing.
    * tener cuidado con lo que Uno dice = watch + Posesivo + mouth, watch what + say.
    * yo me atrevería a decir = dare I say.

    * * *
    (manera de expresarse): en el decir popular in popular speech
    ¿cientos de personas? — bueno, es un decir hundreds of people? — well, it's just a manner of speaking o a figure of speech
    supongamos, es un decir, que … let's assume, just for the sake of argument, that …
    al decir de la gente, el clima está cambiando people say the climate is changing
    2 decires mpl (dichos) sayings (pl); (rumores) talk
    no son más que decires it's just talk
    decir2 [ I24 ]
    ■ decir (verbo transitivo)
    A decir: palabra, mentira etc
    B decirle algo a alguien
    1 transmitiendo órdenes, deseos etc
    2 decir adiós
    D por escrito
    E llamar
    F sugerir, comunicar
    G decir misa
    1 querer decir
    2 digo (al rectificar)
    I opinar, pensar
    J en locuciones
    ■ decir (verbo intransitivo)
    1 invitando a hablar
    2 al contestar el teléfono
    B decir bien/mal de
    ■ decirse (verbo pronominal)
    1 reflexivo
    2 recíproco
    3 para enfatizar
    A ‹palabra/frase› to say; ‹mentira/verdad› to tell; ‹poema› to say, recite; ‹oración› to say
    [ para ejemplos con complemento indirecto ver división 2] ya dice `mamá' he says ‘mama’ now
    no digas esas cosas, por favor please don't say things like that
    no digas estupideces/barbaridades don't talk nonsense o ( AmE) garbage o ( BrE) rubbish
    ¿cómo pudiste decir semejante disparate? how could you say such a stupid thing o make such a stupid comment?
    no me dejó decir ni una palabra he didn't let me get a word in edgeways
    ¿eso lo dices por mí? are you referring to me?
    no sé qué decir … un millón de gracias I don't know what to say … thank you very much indeed
    ¡qué callado estás! ¡no dices nada! you're very quiet, you've hardly said a word!
    ¡no lo dirás en serio! you can't be serious!
    ¡no irás a decir que no lo sabías! don't try and tell me you didn't know!
    —no puedo hacer nada —dijo Juan there is nothing I can do, said Juan o Juan said
    como dice el refrán/mi abuela as the saying goes/as my grandmother says
    lo dijeron por la radio they said it o it was announced on the radio
    no eran ricos, digamos que vivían bien I don't mean they were rich, let's just say they lived well
    dicen que de joven fue muy guapa they say she was very beautiful when she was young
    dicen que es el hombre más rico del país he is said to be the richest man in the country
    ¿qué se dice? — gracias/por favor what do you say? — thank you/please
    no se dice `andé', se dice `anduve' it isn't `andé', it's `anduve'
    ¡eso no se dice! you mustn't say that!
    ¿cómo se dice `te quiero' en ruso? how do you say `I love you' in Russian?, what's the Russian for `I love you'?
    bonita, lo que se dice bonita, no es she's not what you would call pretty
    estoy harta, lo que se dice harta ¿me oyes? I'm fed up, absolutely fed up, do you hear?
    eso se dice pronto, pero no es tan fácil that's easier said than done
    palatal: dícese del sonido cuya articulación … palatal: of, relating to or denoting a sound articulated …
    es el sábado; ni que decir tiene que estás invitado it's on Saturday; you're invited, of course, but that goes without saying o but I don't need to tell you that
    haberlo dicho antes why didn't you say so before?, you might have said so before!
    ¿tendrá tiempo de hacerlo? — dice que sí will he have time to do it? — he says he will
    ¿no lo encontró? — dice que no didn't he find it? — no, he says he didn't
    digan lo que digan no matter what people say, whatever people say
    ¿qué tal? ¿qué decís? ( RPl fam); hi, how are things? ( colloq), hi, what's up? ( AmE colloq)
    decirle algo a algn to tell sb sth
    eso no es lo que me dijo a mí that's not what he told me, that's not what he said to me
    ¿sabes qué me dijo? do you know what he told me?; (expresando sorpresa, indignación, etc) do you know what he said to me?
    se lo voy a decir a papá I'm going to tell Dad
    hoy nos dicen el resultado they're going to give us the result today
    me dijo una mentira he told me a lie, he lied to me
    Andrés me dijo lo de tu hermano Andrés told me about your brother
    ¡a mí me lo vas a decir! you're telling me!, you don't have to tell me!
    ¿sabes lo que te digo? por mí que se muera look, as far as I'm concerned he can drop dead! ( colloq)
    ¿no te digo? éste se cree que yo soy la sirvienta see what I mean? he thinks I'm his servant
    ¿no te digo or no te estoy diciendo que hasta le pega? I'm telling you, he even hits her!
    ¿tú qué me aconsejas? — ¿qué quieres que te diga? tienes que tomar tú la decisión what do you think I should do? — well, to be quite frank o honest, I think you have to decide for yourself
    ya te decía yo que no era verdad I told you it wasn't true, didn't I?
    fue algo espantoso, todo lo que te diga es poco it was terrible, I just can't describe it o I can't begin to tell you
    hace mal tiempo en verano, y no te digo nada en invierno … in summer the weather's bad, and as for the winter …
    ¡no me digas que no es precioso! isn't it beautiful?
    a lo mejor te ofrecen el puesto ¿quién te dice? (CS); you never know, they might offer you the job
    me resultó ¿cómo te diría? … violento I found it … how shall I put it? o I don't know … rather embarrassing
    ¡ya me dirás qué le cuesta escribirnos una carta! I mean, surely it's not too much trouble for him to write us a letter
    no te creas todo lo que te dicen don't believe everything people tell you o everything you hear
    dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres you can judge a man by the company he keeps
    (transmitiendo órdenes, deseos, advertencias): ¡porque lo digo yo! because I say so!
    a mí nadie me dice lo que tengo que hacer nobody tells me what to do
    harás lo que yo diga you'll do as I say
    manda decir mi mamá que si le puede prestar el martillo ( AmL); mom says can she borrow your hammer?
    Fernando pregunta si puede venir con nosotrosdile que sí Fernando wants to know if he can come with us — yes, tell him he can o say yes
    decir QUE + SUBJ:
    dice papá que vayas Dad wants you
    dice que llames cuando llegues she says (you are) to phone when you get there
    dijo que tuviéramos cuidado she said to be careful, she said we should be careful
    decirle a algn QUE + SUBJ to tell sb to + INF
    diles que empiecen tell them to start
    le dije que no lo hiciera I told him not to do it
    nos dijeron que esperáramos they told us o we were told to wait
    te digo que vengas aquí enseguida I said, come here at once
    decir adiós to say goodbye
    vino a decirme adiós she came to say goodbye (to me)
    di adiós a tu vida de estudiante that's the end of your student days, you'd better say goodbye to your student days
    ¿se lo prestaste? ¡ya le puedes decir adiós! you mean you lent it to him? well, you can kiss that goodbye! ( colloq)
    D (por escrito) to say
    ¿qué dice aquí? what does it say here?
    el diario no dice nada sobre el asunto there's nothing in the paper about it
    E (llamar) to call
    le dicen `Dumbo' por las orejas they call him `Dumbo' because of his ears
    se llama Rosario pero le dicen Charo her name is Rosario but people call her Charo
    no me digas de usted there's no need to call me `usted'
    (sugerir, comunicar): la forma de vestir dice mucho de una persona the way someone dresses says a lot o tells you a lot about them
    el tiempo lo dirá time will tell
    por afuera la casa no dice nada the house doesn't look much from the outside
    el poema no me dice nada the poem doesn't do anything for me
    algo me decía que no iba a ser fácil something told me it wasn't going to be easy
    ¿te dice algo ese nombre? does that name mean anything to you?
    la tarta estaba diciendo cómeme the cake was just asking to be eaten
    decir misa to say mass
    querer decir to mean
    ¿qué quiere decir esta palabra? what does this word mean?
    ¿qué quieres decir con eso? what do you mean by that?
    no entendiste lo que quise decir you didn't understand what I meant
    ¿quieres decir que ya no te interesa? do you mean (to say) that you're no longer interested?
    sólo quería decirte que … I just wanted to say that …
    el presupuesto asciende a diez mil, digo cien mil de euros we have a budget of ten thousand, (sorry,) I mean a hundred thousand euros
    I (opinar, pensar) to think
    ¿y los padres qué dicen? what do her parents think of it?, how do her parents feel about it?
    podríamos ir mañana ¿tú qué dices? we could go tomorrow, what do you think?
    ¡quién lo hubiera dicho! who would have thought o believed it?
    podría haber mencionado al resto del equipo, vamos, digo yo … he could have mentioned the rest of the team … well I'd have thought so, anyway
    habría que regalarle algo, no sé, digo yo we ought to buy her a present, well, I think so anyway
    es muy fácil — si tú lo dices … it's very easy — if you say so …
    a decir verdad to tell you the truth, to be honest
    como quien dice so to speak
    el nuevo tren está, como quien dice, a la vuelta de la esquina the new train is, so to speak o to coin a phrase, just around the corner
    la granja es, como quien dice, la razón de su vida I suppose you could say the farm is his whole reason for living
    con decirte que: no me lo perdonó nunca, con decirte que ni me saluda … he's never forgiven me, he won't even say hello to me
    decir por decir: lo dijo por decir he didn't really mean it
    ¡digo! ( Esp fam): ¡qué calor hace! — ¡digo! it's so hot! — you can say that again o I'll say! ( colloq)
    ¿y te gusta? — ¡digo! do you like it? — you bet I do o ( AmE) I sure do! ( colloq)
    es decir that is
    mi cuñada, es decir la mujer de Rafael my sister-in-law, Rafael's wife that is
    no sé si voy a poder ires decir que no vas a ir I don't know if I'll be able to go — you mean you're not going
    es mucho decir: es la mejor película del añoeso ya es mucho decir it's the best movie of the year — I wouldn't go that far
    ¡he dicho! that's that!, that's final!
    lo mismo digo: mucho gusto en conocerlelo mismo digo pleased to meet you — pleased to meet you o likewise
    ¡qué alegría verte! — lo mismo digo it's great to see you! — and you o you too
    ¡no me digas! no!, you're kidding o joking! ( colloq)
    ¿sabes que se casa Lola? — ¡no me digas! do you know Lola's getting married? — no! o you're joking! o really? o never!
    por así decirlo so to speak
    es, por así decirlo, el alma-máter de la empresa he is, so to speak o as it were, the driving force behind the company
    que digamos: no es muy inteligente que digamos he's not exactly o he's hardly what you'd call intelligent
    ¿qué me dices?: saqué el primer puesto ¿qué me dices? I came first, how about that then?
    ¿y qué me dices de lo de Carlos? and what about Carlos then?
    ¿sabes que lo van a derribar? — ¿qué me dices? do you know they're going to demolish it? — what? o you're kidding!
    ¡que no se diga! shame on you!
    ¿te ganó un niño de seis años? ¡que no se diga! you were beaten by a six-year-old child? shame on you!
    ¡que no se diga que no somos capaces! I don't want people saying that we can't do it
    costó $20.000 ¡se dice pronto! it cost $20,000, which is no mean sum
    lleva dos meses enferma, que se dice pronto she has been ill for two months, and that's a long time
    ¡y que lo digas! ( Esp); you can say that again!, you're telling me!, don't I know it!
    y (ya) no digamos or ( AmL) y no se diga: le cuestan mucho las matemáticas y no digamos la física he finds mathematics very difficult, and as for physics …
    el/la que te dije ( fam hum); you-know-who
    el qué dirán ( fam): siempre le ha importado el qué dirán she's always been worried what other people (might) think
    ¿por qué te preocupa tanto el qué dirán? why do you worry about what people will o might say?
    ver tb dicho1 (↑ dicho (1))
    ■ decir
    (invitando a hablar): papá — dime, hijo dad — yes, son?
    quería pedirle un favorusted dirá ( frml); I wanted to ask you a favor — certainly, go ahead
    tome asiento — gracias — usted dirá ( frml); take a seat — thank you — now, what can I do for you?
    ( Esp) [ Vocabulary notes (Spanish) ] (al contestar el teléfono): ¿diga? or ¿dígame? hello?
    decir bien/mal de algn/algo: sus trabajos dicen bien de él his work has created a good impression
    la manera en que se comportó no dice muy bien de él the way he behaved doesn't show him in a very good light o doesn't say very much for him
    1 ( reflexivo) to say to oneself
    se dijo que no lo volvería a hacer he said to himself o he told himself that he wouldn't do it again
    me dije para mis adentros que allí había gato encerrado I said o thought to myself, there's something fishy going on here
    2 ( recíproco) to say to each other
    se decían secretos al oído they were whispering secrets to each other
    se dijeron de todo they called each other every name under the sun
    3 ( enf):
    tú hazme caso que yo sé lo que me digo you listen to me, I know what I'm talking about
    no sé para qué me preguntas, si tú te lo dices todo I don't know why you're asking me, you seem to have all the answers
    * * *


    decir 1 sustantivo masculino:
    ¿cientos de personas? — bueno, es un decir hundreds of people? — well, figuratively speaking

    decir 2 ( conjugate decir) verbo transitivo
    a)palabra/frase/poema to say;

    mentira/verdad to tell;
    para ejemplos con complemento indirecto ver división 2

    ¿eso lo dices por mí? are you referring to me?;
    ¡no lo dirás en serio! you can't be serious!;
    dijo que sí con la cabeza he nodded;
    no se dice `andé', se dice `anduve' it isn't `andé', it's `anduve';
    ¡eso no se dice! you mustn't say that!;
    ¿cómo se dice `amor' en ruso? how do you say `love' in Russian?;
    ¿lo encontró? — dice que sí/no did he find it? — he says he did/he didn't

    2 decirle algo a algn to tell sb sth;
    voy a decirle a papá que … I'm going to tell Dad …;

    ¡ya te lo decía yo! I told you so!
    a) (expresando órdenes, deseos, advertencias):

    ¡porque lo digo yo! because I say so!;

    harás lo que yo diga you'll do as I say;
    dice que llames cuando llegues she says (you are) to phone when you get there;
    dijo que tuviéramos cuidado she said to be careful;
    diles que empiecen tell them to start;
    le dije que no lo hiciera I told him not to do it

    a) (opinar, pensar) to think;

    ¡quién lo hubiera dicho! who would have thought o believed it?;
    es muy fácil — si tú lo dices … it's very easy — if you say so …
    b) (sugerir, comunicar):

    ¿te dice algo ese nombre? does that name mean anything to you?
    querer decir [palabra/persona] to mean;

    ¿qué quieres decir con eso? what do you mean by that?
    6 ( en locs)

    como quien dice so to speak;
    es decir that is;
    ¡he dicho! that's that o final!;
    ni que decir tiene que … it goes without saying that …;
    ¡no me digas! no!, you're kidding o joking! (colloq);
    por así decirlo so to speak;
    el qué dirán (fam) what other people (might) think;
    ver tb dicho 1
    verbo intransitivo

    papá — dime, hijo dad — yes, son?;

    quería pedirle un favorusted dirá I wanted to ask you a favor — certainly, go ahead
    b) (Esp) ( al contestar el teléfono): ¿diga? or ¿dígame? hello?

    decirse verbo pronominal
    a) ( refl) to say … to oneself

    b) ( recípr) to say …. to each other;

    I m (dicho, sentencia) saying: es sólo un decir, it's just a manner of speaking
    II verbo transitivo
    1 to say: está diciendo una mentira/la verdad, she's telling a lie/the truth
    no dijo nada, he said nothing
    2 (con complemento indirecto) to tell: no le dije mi opinión, I didn't tell him my opinion
    les dijo que esperaran un rato, she told them to wait for a while
    3 (opinar, afirmar, proponer) ¿qué me dices de mi nuevo corte de pelo?, what do you think of my new haircut?, te digo que es una extravagancia, I think it's quite weird
    yo digo que vayamos a Cuenca, I suggest going to Cuenca
    4 (suscitar interés, una idea) to mean, appeal: ese libro no me dice nada, that book doesn't appeal to me
    ¿le dice algo esta cara?, does this face mean anything to you?
    5 (mostrar, indicar) to say, show: lo que hizo dice mucho en su favor, what he did says a lot for him
    su cara de decepción lo dice todo, his long face says it all
    ♦ Locuciones: Tel Esp diga o dígame, hello?
    digamos, let's say
    digo yo, in my opinion
    el qué dirán, what people will say
    es decir, that is (to say)
    ni que decir tiene, needless to say
    no decir esta boca es mía, not to say a word
    ¡no me digas!, really!
    por así decirlo, as it were o so to speak
    querer decir, to mean
    ¡y que lo digas!, you bet! ➣ Ver nota en mean
    ¿To tell
    o to say?
    Observa que to tell menciona a la persona a la cual va dirigida una frase: Dime tu nombre. Tell me your name. Les dijo que se fueran. He told them to go away.
    Por el contrario, to say se centra en el contenido del mensaje, sin importarnos a quién va dirigido: ¿Qué has dicho? What did you say? Dijo que sí. He said yes. ➣ Ver nota en tell.
    ' decir' also found in these entries:
    - amén
    - amohinarse
    - año
    - apéndice
    - atinar
    - bala
    - barbaridad
    - bastante
    - burrada
    - callar
    - chorrada
    - colmo
    - comenzar
    - confiar
    - cosa
    - declarar
    - delirar
    - descargo
    - despedirse
    - dilucidar
    - disparate
    - entender
    - excusada
    - excusado
    - flexible
    - fluir
    - ir
    - haber
    - hablar
    - holgar
    - honestamente
    - hoy
    - lengua
    - maravilla
    - mu
    - nada
    - obviedad
    - pelagatos
    - pío
    - precisamente
    - puño
    - querer
    - rezar
    - restar
    - rey
    - saciedad
    - señor
    - significar
    - soltar
    - abuse
    - afraid
    - anything
    - bid
    - bite back
    - blurt out
    - buzz off
    - caller
    - clear off
    - dash off
    - devil
    - dinner
    - distinctly
    - drone
    - enjoy
    - eventual
    - ever
    - few
    - flatter
    - flounder
    - fortune
    - gasp out
    - get
    - get at
    - go
    - go on
    - hand
    - heart
    - hotly
    - i.e.
    - keep in
    - know
    - lip
    - loss
    - mean
    - mention
    - mildly
    - mind
    - miserably
    - mouth
    - move
    - need
    - needless
    - neither
    - no
    - nonsense
    - O
    - occasion
    - oops!
    * * *
    1. [en general] to say;
    siempre digo lo que pienso I always say what I think;
    es muy callado, nunca dice nada he's very quiet, he never says anything o a word;
    ¿qué dice la etiqueta? what does the label say?;
    no digas tonterías don't talk nonsense;
    no digas tacos delante de los niños don't swear in front of the children;
    lo dijo en broma she meant it as a joke;
    ¿quién te lo ha dicho? who told you that?;
    me da igual lo que diga la gente I don't care what people say;
    al decir esto, se marchó with these words o with that, he left;
    no sabía qué decir I didn't know what to say, I was lost for words;
    decir que sí/no to say yes/no;
    dice que no viene she says (that) she's not coming;
    como dice el refrán,… as the saying goes,…;
    dicen que va a ser un verano muy seco they say it's going to be a very dry summer;
    ¡díjolo Blas, punto redondo! sure, whatever!, yes, sure!;
    donde dije digo, digo Diego: ayer dijiste que me lo dejarías – sí, pero no puedo – ya, donde dije digo, digo Diego yesterday you told me you'd lend it to me – yes, but I can't now – you're always saying one thing one minute and another the next
    2. [contar] to tell;
    se lo voy a decir a la profesora I'm going to tell the teacher;
    no se lo digas a nadie don't breathe a word of it to anyone;
    ¿qué quieres que te diga? what do you want me to say?, what can I say?;
    ya te lo había dicho yo, es demasiado caro I told you it's too expensive;
    decir la verdad to tell the truth;
    decir mentiras to tell lies;
    pregunta si le dejas salir – dile que sí/no she wants to know if she can go out – tell her she can/can't;
    quiere saber si hemos terminado – dile que sí/no he wants to know if we've finished – tell him we have/haven't;
    dile que estoy ocupado tell him I'm busy;
    dígame lo que pasó tell me what happened;
    eso no es lo que me dijo a mí that's not what she told me;
    tengo que hacerte una pregunta – dime I need to ask you a question – go ahead;
    dígame en qué puedo ayudarle what can I do for you?
    3. [ordenar] to tell;
    la ley dice que es obligatorio el uso del casco according to the law, it is compulsory to wear a crash helmet, the law says that it is compulsory to wear a crash helmet;
    decir a alguien que haga algo to tell sb to do sth;
    haz lo que te digan y no protestes do as you're told and don't complain;
    dile que venga tell her to come;
    nos dijeron que nos fuéramos they told us to go away;
    lo vas a hacer porque lo digo yo you'll do it because I say so
    4. [recitar] [de memoria] to recite;
    [leyendo] to read
    5. [revelar] to tell, to show;
    eso lo dice todo that says it all;
    decir mucho (en favor) de to say a lot for;
    sus ropas dicen bastante sobre su situación económica her clothes say a lot about her financial situation;
    su violenta reacción dice mucho sobre su personalidad his violent reaction tells us o reveals a lot about his personality
    6. [llamar] to call;
    me dicen Paco they call me Paco;
    le dicen la carretera de la muerte they call it the road of death
    7. [asegurar] to tell, to assure;
    te digo que ella no está mintiendo I tell you o assure you (that) she isn't lying;
    dice que llegará mañana sin falta she says (that) she'll definitely arrive tomorrow
    8. [en frases]
    a decir verdad, no me apetece nada ir a la boda to tell (you) the truth o to be honest, I don't really feel like going to the wedding;
    como quien no dice nada as if it were nothing;
    olvídalo, como si no hubiera dicho nada forget I ever mentioned it;
    con decirte que me marché a los diez minutos, te puedes imaginar como fue la fiesta if I tell you that I left after ten minutes, you can imagine what the party was like;
    cualquiera diría que no le dan de comer en casa anyone would o you'd think she never gets fed at home;
    decir para sí to say to oneself;
    decir por decir to talk for the sake of talking;
    no te lo tomes en serio, lo dijo por decir don't take it seriously, she didn't really mean it;
    decirle a alguien cuatro verdades to tell sb a few home truths;
    es decir that is, that's to say;
    aracnofobia, es decir miedo a las arañas arachnophobia, that is o that's to say, fear of spiders;
    tengo otra cita – es decir, que no vendrás a la inauguración I've got another engagement – you mean o in other words you're not coming to the opening ceremony;
    encantado de conocerte – lo mismo digo pleased to meet you – likewise;
    tu primer examen estaba muy mal, y lo mismo digo del segundo you did very poorly in your first exam, and the same goes for the second one;
    ni que decir tiene needless to say;
    yo no digo o [m5]no quiero decir nada, pero… it's not for me to say, but…;
    ¿sabías que Santiago se ha casado? – ¡no me digas! did you know that Santiago got married? – no! o never!;
    ¡no me digas que no te gusta! don't tell me you don't like it!;
    el tenis/este cuadro no me dice nada tennis/this picture doesn't do anything for me;
    no hay más que decir that's all there is to it, that's that;
    (o) mejor dicho or rather;
    por más que digas, no le veo nada especial a esta ciudad whatever you say, I don't see what's so special about this city;
    por decirlo así, por así decirlo in other words, so to speak;
    RP Fam
    ¿qué decís? how are you doing?, how are things?;
    preocuparse por el qué dirán to worry about what people will say;
    no está lloviendo mucho que digamos it's not exactly raining hard;
    él no es muy inteligente que digamos he isn't what you'd call intelligent;
    ha sufrido un infarto – ¡qué me dices! she's had a heart attack – no! o surely not!;
    ¡quién lo diría! tan rico y sin embargo tan humilde who would have thought it, such a rich person and yet so humble!;
    tardarán en construirlo cinco años, ¡se dice pronto! they're going to take five years, no less, to build it!;
    yo lo hago en cinco minutos – eso se dice pronto, no sabes lo difícil que es I'll have it done in five minutes – that's easily said, you've no idea how difficult it is;
    si tú lo dices if you say so;
    ¡tú lo has dicho! you said it!;
    ¡y que lo digas! you can say that again!;
    y no digamos, Am [m5]ya no se diga, Am [m5] ni se diga to say nothing of;
    no le gusta el pescado y no digamos el pollo she doesn't like fish, to say nothing of chicken
    como quien dice, como si dijéramos so to speak;
    es, como si dijéramos, una mezcla de danza y teatro it's a sort of mixture of dance and theatre;
    es, como quien dice, el alma de la empresa he is, so to speak, the soul of the company;
    ¿diga?, ¿dígame? [al teléfono] hello?;
    ¡digo! [¡ya lo creo!] of course!;
    [¡madre mía!] I say!;
    tenemos muchas ganas de ir de vacaciones, y nuestros hijos, no digamos we can't wait to go on holiday, and as for our children…
    * * *
    <part dicho>
    I v/t
    1 say; ( contar) tell;
    decir misa say mass;
    decir que sí say yes;
    decir que no say no;
    se dice que … they say that …, it’s said that …;
    diga lo que diga whatever he says;
    ¿qué quieres que te diga? what do you expect me to say?;
    para sí say to o.s.
    es decir in other words;
    dar que decir set people talking;
    ni que decir tiene (que) it goes without saying (that);
    por así decirlo so to speak;
    ya es decir that’s saying something;
    que ya es decir which is really something;
    es mucho decir that’s saying a lot
    ¡quién hubiera dicho que María se iba casar! who would have thought that Maria would get married!;
    dicho y hecho no sooner said than done;
    mejor dicho or rather;
    dicho sea de paso incidentally;
    está dicho, lo dicho as I have already said
    no es rico, que digamos let’s say he’s not rich;
    ¡no me digas! you’re kidding!;
    ¡dímelo a mí! tell me about it!, you’re telling me!;
    como quien dice so to speak;
    y que lo digas you bet;
    ¿y qué me dices de …? so what do you think of …?;
    usted dirá how can I help you?;
    ya decía yo que iba a acabar mal I knew it would end badly;
    ¡quién lo diría! who would believe it!;
    ¡cualquiera diría que tiene setenta años! who would have thought he was seventy!, you wouldn’t think o believe he was seventy!
    II v/i
    ¡diga!, ¡dígame! Esp
    TELEC hello
    III m saying;
    es un decir it’s just a figure of speech
    * * *
    decir {23} vt
    1) : to say
    dice que no quiere ir: she says she doesn't want to go
    2) : to tell
    dime lo que estás pensando: tell me what you're thinking
    3) : to speak, to talk
    no digas tonterías: don't talk nonsense
    4) : to call
    me dicen Rosy: they call me Rosy
    es decir : that is to say
    querer decir : to mean
    * * *
    decir1 n saying
    decir2 vb
    1. (en general) to say [pt. & pp. said]
    ¿qué ha dicho? what did he say?
    ¿cómo se dice "biblioteca" en inglés? how do you say "biblioteca" in English?
    2. (a alguien) to tell [pt. & pp. told]
    4. (llamar) to call
    le dicen "Chapi" people call him "Chapi"
    dime / dígame (en tienda etc) yes?
    es decir that is / that is to say
    ¿diga? / ¿dígame? (por teléfono) hello?

    Spanish-English dictionary > decir

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